Silver just gave a strong sell signal with fundamentals

Head and Shoulders formed on the daily of Silver.
The price could next head on up to trap the bulls before the downside (forming a Right shoulder).
21>7 MA
Price <200 - Bearish (Red back)
RSI<30 - Bearish
Target $16.30

ABOUT Silver and why the price could drop

Silver is a precious metal that has been used for coins, jewelry, and decorative purposes for thousands of years.

Silver is a valuable industrial metal, used in a variety of applications such as electronics, solar panels, and batteries.

The price of silver is influenced by supply and demand factors, such as the amount of silver available for sale and the level of demand from investors and industrial users.

If investors perceive that there is less inflation risk or less economic uncertainty, they may shift their investments away from precious metals like silver, which could cause the price to drop. Now that inflation is slowing easing, this is why people could be shifting their money to other markets.

The value of the US dollar, which is often inversely related to the price of silver, can impact the metal's price. If the dollar strengthens, the price of silver normally drops where investors seek other investment options.

If there is a decrease in geopolitical tensions or risks, investors may shift their investment focus away from precious metals like silver, which could cause the price to drop.
Chart PatternscommodityFundamental AnalysisSi1! (Silver Futures)SilversilveranalysissilvershortTrend Analysis

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Timon Rossolimos
Founder, MATI Trader
(Pro trader since 2003)
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