
XRP Price Prediction Next 2 Years

Von CR35


I wanted to simply share with you all, how i personally see how high XRP prices could go in the future. I don't want to have too higher expectations, for example that the XRP will somehow go to a $100 or even $1000 in the this cycle. I want to be and share with you as realistically as i could possibly be, even though it is just a theory.
In my opinion having unrealistically high expectations can be destructive in a long run. Especially for the new people in this space. So for the XRP, $8-$10 will probably be my very selling point.

I am not a financial advisor so don't buy anything that a say. I wish you all successful investment.
Just to add. I could be completely wrong timewise. As regards to prices, they could vary up to 30% of what is presented, as human psychology is quite hard to predict sometimes and if we add market manipulation and natural forces in equation it is a mess haha. Just so you know.
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