
Optimistic analysis before the SFP scenario! Price projection

Technical analysis regarding the price of SAFEPAL in relation of dollar Tether for the next scenarios, based on 30 minutes movement.

Price comes in with a very sharp drop and is losing its selling strength/pressure.
On February 11th, strong buyer demand drove the price exponentially, closing always above!

I strongly believe in the potential of this crypto for the next scenarios, be it in the medium and/or long term.
RSI> 45 gaining strength. 34 period EMA driving crypto price.

*** In accordance with CVM Instruction No. 598, of May 3, 2018, Art. 21, I declare that the recommendations of this analysis reflect solely and exclusively my personal opinions and perceptions and that they were prepared independently and autonomously. Not being considered a purchase and/or sale recommendation. ***
CryptocurrencyFibonacciMoving AveragessafepalsafepalusdtsfpSFPBTCSFPUSDSFPUSDTTrend Lines

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