
Bitcoin to C. Models A-I Predictive Modeling Pt. 15 Rendering I

This is a continuation thread of the theoretical geometricc linear regression from 3.22.18. The modeling sequence starts at; Model A, and runs thru Model H. Model I is the newest Model being rendered currently.. Each model is strictly built off of the preceding models geometricc regression points. The regression points from each model, creates a geometricc pattern of indicators, that can be read to PREDICT future trend movement, before actual traditional indicators occur.

I am going to try my best to explain, as we go... There will be lots of bubbles with text, explaining each move and why.. and how i make prediction cones, and patterns using geometricc boundary lines and regression modeling. This is A FULLY EXPERIMENTAL MODEL. Take it for what it is worth. I will continue to make these charts regardless of comments or jabs. They are made for a specific purpose and until my purpose is fulfilled, they will keep being made.

The idea here is to convince you, that what i am doing is not arbitrary but unique and useful. I know the immediate inclination is to doubt what I am doing. That is expected.. and understandable.. But human nature is unpredictable. And you never know when you can learn new things and be completely shocked at someones EXTREMELY insane ideas.. I like going against the norm.. being different is what makes you stand out.. So stand out from the rest.

So, watch what I do.. Ask questions, I will try my best to answer them.. if you are confused on how I got to Model A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I. Skim thru my old charts start from 3.22.18. It is about modeling sequencing, and appropriate modeling coherence. I have decided to explain each move I make regarding my theoretical modeling technique. This is part 115.

Red Bubbles = the past.
Blue Bubbles = Now + the predicted future.
Statistical Outliers = Emotions + and/or Market Manipulation. We are now at 22 Statistical Outliers from Model A thru Model H
Green Flags = Geometricc Convergence Indicators (There are over 20 of them so far).
Converging Geometricc indicators = DROP
Diverging Geometricc indicators = RISE

Model H was just under 100% accurate with its prediction cone. As it neared the end of its limits, i began piece together the new model. As of this moment, it is still rendering as we get more data.. But i am pretty sure the highlighted zone will become Model I very shortly. Now enters a new piece to the puzzle, a global geometric indicator has appeared. What this indicator means, i have no idea right now. But it is significant it seems, as it coincides with a global pattern indicator. What i am doing here is microstate modeling, another component to this geometric linear regression modeling is finding a global pattern algorithm, in order to have a coherent microstate algorithm. The Global line intersect with the Model I will be something to watch for as we continue thru the sequenced prediction models.

Of course any of this can fail at any time.. I thought it would fail days and days ago, but here we are today.. rendering Model I... This whole experience has been quite humbling, and i have learned a great deal about a variety of subjects.. So thank you all. If you are enjoying these 'ideas' and agree, lemme know. Criticism is welcome and expected.. but kindness is king in this land.

Updates will follow as we move along here.. Be sure to come back for updates, if you give a shit.. I don't expect you to. But IF you do.. I give a shit as well..

Thanks for looking!
1HR view.

15 Min view.
Model I is fully created.. I kept it how when i first made it. We are following it perfectly. I want to make a very clear note of this. IF you noticed, the yellow lines converge again at the top of Zone C (the goal). If you look you can see the EXACT same convergence occur on the left, where we just came out of...

I really really really hope this does not indicate a multiple day drop in trend.. But the good news is the geoindicators are diverging.. so we are getting mixed background signals here.

Lots of activity today.. Lots of mixed signals in the background noise.

Wow. The background noise was not lying today.. I did not say anything but we have a second convergent set up like the one we JUST LEFT.

According to the rules of my framework, divergent boundary lines guided by geometric background indicators = bulls. On the flip side of that, convergent boundary lines guided by geometric background indicators = bears.

Model H consisted of ALL divergent boundaries. We had rapid fractal spikes due to rising price, driven by bull action. You can observe this in the data..

Model I is a different beast as I am observing.. When i rendered Model I, i saw shitload of mixed geometric indicators. Mostly divergent boundary lines, but some of the yellow foundation lines called either, 'connects or intersects' began to form a convergent vector MIMICKING slightly the one we just left on March 31'st. However, this time around i suspect high presence of market manipulation in our current trend vs a more slow bleed from the last 3 months. This is much quicker.. less controlled.

Look at the top of the chart. You see on the right ( Light blue bubble) 3 yellow lines converging into a vector space right at the tip of Model I. Now i want to draw your attention to the top left side of the chart, (Light Blue bubble) the two yellow lines converging into that vector space, now what do you see?

I see.. two geometric convergence vectors that roughly mimic one another with slight critical differences. These differences i will not mention yet until i get confirmation it is true. I don't want to be too subjective. But it has to do with the direction in which the other yellow, 'connects and intersects' are moving, kinda like a background flow of the macro geometric microstate indicator vs the macro geometric global indicator. I know these concepts are foreign at this time, but in time... maybe ill explain further. It all sounds crazy.. and it is kind of crazy.. but is crazy not fun?
Less than two weeks ago, I created my first TA ever...and look where we are now! CRAZY. but life is crazy is it not?.. You never know when opportunity presents itself.

Thanks for pondering this insane shit with me,


Ya not much to say here.. When we get between something like 5800 to 6200 level, we will find good support, and rocket ship EXTREMELY FAST back into the upper 7000 low 8000 range.

Just by a quick look over the ENTIRE model sequence this drop stands out as Market Manipulation with a combo of FUD in the background. Once we hit bottom, honestly do not think we will be down at this level for a very long time if ever. But of course this is my opinion, and i will most likely be wrong. I am kinda of counting on it.. but what if i was right? Very low chances.. but you never know..

Ya i feel like this will be a hypersonic rocket about to explode once we hit this third bottoming out.

Hmm idk i am following my intuition here.. Just seems familiar.. Lets us see how it plays out. The Inverse HS is drawn, i highly doubt it will follow it.. But you also never know.. Seems like it would fit well.. Goodnight. :)

hehehehe what will happen next? :)

So much new stuff to explain. Making a new idea.

New idea for bitcoin to C. coming tomorrow.

Current status.

Quick update.

