There are now 4.1 million individual shareholders FROM US AND ABROAD. The average share ownership per individual is 120 shares. 4,100,0000*120 = 492,000,000 shares owned by individuals.
As of June 2, AMC had 501,780,240 total outstanding shares. We own 492,000,000/501,780,240 = 98.05%. We own 98.05% of the company! That leaves 9,780,240 to shares on loan, institutions, insiders, etc. According to fintel shares allocated to institutions are 135 million. 135 million?????? Whats more insiders have 175 million shares. 175 million???? There are only 9,780,240 shares left after accounting for retail ownership. Can someone explain this?


Individual shareholder = retail investor = ape
Insider = executives + employees
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