Super Breakout day trading This is an intraday indicator which uses Bollinger band and volume flow and MA to alert buy and sell signal.
A user can use this indicator to help make entry and exits. This indicator wont show entry and exist of larger time frames like Day week month.
This indicator uses Bollinger bands but try to minimize it shortcoming where it will buy and keep holding and eventually sell at a loss.
By adding addition parameters around volume it check if the price has reached its peak
Monthly Returns with BenchmarkI keep working on trying to make TradingView strategies look fancier.
A few months ago I published the first version of the Monthly Returns for Strategies in Pine Script. I received quite a lot of good feedback and quite a lot of requests to update it.
This is a more advanced version of the Monthly Returns, in it, you can:
Display monthly returns of your strategy, benchmark, and alpha over this benchmark.
Select benchmark to be another instrument
Select the date from which you want to compute monthly returns
Show/hide benchmark and alpha
Choose colors for gradient for gain/loss values
Use it with any type of strategy
Use it with replay
I hope it will be useful for you.
It's not about the strategy itself but the way you display returns on your chart. So pls don't critique my choice of the strategy and its performance 🙂
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as well as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
Crypto MF S/R Strategy - cespanolThis strategy uses the Crypto_MF SR indicator to autogenerate horizontal support/resistance lines. The strategy involves alerts for buying when price tests support lines and selling when price tests resistance lines. The time filter was added to backtest specific dates and fine tune the inputs for best results.
Credit to Crypto_MF for original source code and Bjorgum for the time filter.
RSI Average Swing BotThis is a modified RSI version using as a source a big length(50 candles) and an average of all types of sources for candle calculations such as ohlc4, close, high, open, hlc3 and hl2.
In this case we are going to use a 0-1 scale for an easier calculation, where 0.5 is going to be our middle point.
Above 0.5 we consider a bullish possibility.
Below 0.5 we consider a bearish possibility.
I made a small example bot using that initial logic, together with 2 exit points for long or short positions.
If there are any questions, let me know !
EMA Cross V1 for eth 4HFor ETH in Bullish Zone (Time frame 4H)
Condition Back test
- 50% of Equity (for decrease max drawdown less than 15%)
Warning : Many fake signals are in Sideway or Bearish.
moonshot hypertrender (supertrend strategy)
This is a well-known strategy by using 3 different Supertrends and a trend-defining EMA,
feel free to play around with the settings, a backtest on 8h ETHUSDT pair brought some good results using
the 233EMA and investing 75% of a 10k start capital.
The idea is to have at least 2 Supertrends going green above the trend-EMA to go into a long position. The exit
will be triggered if 2 Supertrends change to red (idea: 1 super trend in red could initialize a take profit).
Taking shorts works vice versa.
The EMA shows in green for uptrends and in red for downtrends, if it is blue (ranging market) no Signal will be taken because
the 3 Supertrends are not all above or below the trendline(EMA).
I heard about this strategy on youtube but I can't get the promised 60% win-rate ;)
any suggestions to improve it are welcome
Hope you find it useful and it would be nice to get your feedback
Classic Long Term Trend Following SystemThis is a classic long term trend following system.
The breakout period is 50 days instead of 20 and the moving average crossover are 40 and 120.
The moving averages are also exponential instead of simple.
The stoploss is 4 ATRs away from the price.
Donchian Channels settings > 50 days
Moving Averages > 40 and 120, 80 and 140
Important to note:
My first strategy, DC Breakout System | This is simplicity at its finest, is best used on the crypto market and this one for stocks, commodities, currencies, etc. Those markets tend to trend a lot longer than crypto do.
Trend Following with Bollinger BandsThis is a trend following system which uses the Bollinger Bands instead of the Donchian Channels.
Long position:
* Price closes above the middle line.
* The fast EMA (in this case the 40) crosses over or is above the slow one (in this case the 120)
Short position:
* Price closes below the middle line.
* The fast EMA crosses under or is below the slow one.
* 4 ATRs away from the price.
Trend Following with Donchian Channels and MACDThis is a trend following system based on the Donchian Channels. Instead of using a simple moving average crossover, this system uses the MACD as the trendfilter:
Long positions:
* Price makes a new 50 day high,
* The MACD-line crosses above or is above the Signal-line.
* Both the MACD and the Signal-lines are above the zero-line.
Short positions:
* Price makes a new 50 day low,
* The MACD-line crosses below or is below the Signal-line.
* Both the MACD and the Signal-lines are below the zero-line.
The initial and the trailing stoploss are 4 ATRs away from the price.
A simple trading strategy for XTZ/EUR (December 2021)This is my current trading strategy for XTZ/EUR for this month of December.
It tries to avoid pumps/dumps (i.e. does not trade on big candles).
It always performs one order in each candle for the trading window of the rebalance bear/bull market indicator (check my profile for it).
It has alerts configured so that you can use it in your server/broker (just pass along the `{{strategy.order.alert_message}}` in the alert message, it will include a positive number of XTZ when to buy, or a negative number when to sell).
It does not repaint.
The amount of crypto and fiat in the portfolio can be configured in the cog.
It does not outperform buy/hold for the bull months.
Check the results in the Data Window of Trading View (please avoid the Strategy Tester, it has too many bugs and is not intended for out of the box strategies such a this one).
All code is open source.
Joint Conditions Strategy Suite + TradingConnector alerts bot"Please give us combined alerts with the possibility of having several conditions in place to trigger the alert." - was the top voted request from users under one of the recent blogposts by TradingView.
Ask and you shall receive ;)
TradingView is a great platform, with unmatched set of functionalities, yet this particular combo of features indeed seems not to be in place. Fortunately, TradingView is also very open platform, thanks to PineScript coding language, which enables developing combos like the requried one and plenty of other magic.
I have already published numerous "educational" scripts, showing how to code indicators and alerts with PineScript, but... this is not one of them. This one is for real. READY FOR USE on real markets, also by the non-coding traders. Just take my script, set parameters with dropdowns, backtest the strategy, fire the alerts and execute them.
In "Settings" popup I tried to mimic the CreateAlert popup dropdowns for selecting logic. Let's say you want to enter Long position at Stochastic KxD crossover. In first line of Long Entry conditions set "StochK" + "Crossing Up" + "StochD". Last field doesn't matter because in 3rd dropdown something else than "value" was selected. In second line you could set "maB" + "Greater Than" + "maC" to filter out those entries which are in direction of the uptrend. And yeah, add ADX>25 to make sure the market is actually moving: "ADX" + "Greater Than" + "value" + "25". All condition lines must be TRUE (or skipped) for the entry to be triggered. Toghether with an alert.
The same for Short entries. Combinations are limitless.
In those dropdowns you can select candle values like open/close/high/low/ohlc4, but also some most popular indicators, which I have pre-built into this script: RSI, various Moving Averages, ADX-DMI, Stochastic and Bollinger Bands for start. You can configure parameters of those indicators also in "Settings" popup, in "Indicator Definitions" section. What's important, you can use any of these indicators from higher timeframe, setting MTF multiplier. So if you applied this indicator to 1h chart, but want to use rsi(close,14) from 4h chart, set MTF to 4. If you want to use current timeframe indicators, keep MTF at 1, which is a default setting here.
Note for coders: to keep focus of this script on joining conditions, entire logic for those indicators has been moved to external library, also open source. I encourage you to dig into the code and see how it's done. I love the addition of libraries concept in PineScript.
Following the "openness" spirit of my master - which is TradingView itself - my work is also open, in 2 ways:
1. This script is open source. So you can grab it, modify or add any functionalities you want. I cannot and don't want to stop you from doing that. I'm asking for only one favor - please mention this source script in your credits.
2. You can import the plot (series) from any other indicator on TradingView. In Settings popup of my script, scroll down to "Indicator Definitions" section, and select the series of your choice in the first dropdown. Now it is ready to use in conditions dropdowns on top of the Settings popup.
Let me give you an example of that last scenario. Take another script of mine, "Pivot Points on SR lines DEMO". You can find it in "Indicators & Strategies" library or here: (). Attach it to your chart. Now come back to THIS script, open Settings popup and in "Custom Indicator aka Imported Source" select "Pivot Points on SR lines: ...". The way it works - it detects if a pivot point happened on Support/Resistance line from the past and returns 1 for PivotLow and -1 for Pivot High. Now in first Long Entry condition set: "custom indicator" + "Greater Than" + "value" + "0" and long entries will be marked on every pivot low noticed on Support/Resistance line.
Last but not least - the alerts. This script produces alerts on the entries calculated by strategy logic, as marked on the chart by the backtester. Moreover, syntax of those alerts is already prepared and fully compatible with TradingConnector - alerts executing tool (bot), if you want to auto-execute those trades. Apart from installing the tool, you need to set
up the alerts in TradingView, here is how:
open CreateAlert popup
in first dropdown select "Joint Conditions Strategy Template"
in second dropdown select "alert() function calls only"
And that's all. You only need to set one alert for the whole script, not one for Longs and one for Shorts as it was in the past. Also, you don't need to setup closing alerts, because stop-loss/take-profit/trailing-stop information is embedded in the entry alert so your broker receives it as early as possible. Alerts sent will look like this: "long sl=40 tp=80", which is exactly what TradingConnector expects.
Phew, that's all folks. If you think I should add something to this template (maybe other indicators?) please let me know in comments or via DM. Happy trading!
P.S. Pyramiding is not supported in this script.
Disclaimer : I'm not saying above combination of conditions will make you money. Actually none of this can be considered financial advice. It is only a software tool. Use it wisely, be aware of the risk and do your own research!
Multi MA Trend Following Strategy TemplateTrend following is one of the better known technical trading strategies. But, which trend should you follow? Today I am sharing with the community a trend following template script that includes a selection of over 20 different trends / regressions. Some of these are in the Pine library, and some have been custom coded and contributed over time by the beloved Pine Coder community.
How it works:
This template will plot any of the 20+ trends that you can select in the settings. The strategy component will buy if the trend line is moving up, and will sell if it moves down. If the line is green that indicates that the trend is higher than the prior bar. If the line is red that indicates that the trend is lower than the prior bar. This script is different from many moving average scripts in that it follows the trend itself and doesn't look for a cross of multiple trends.
How to use it:
When wanting to trend follow an instrument, you can use this template to help identify what approach you might want to take and/or which indicator you might want to use. You can also modify the strategy as you see fit and make use of the 20+ incorporated indicators. Incorporate your trade and risk management strategy, or use it as an indicator.
Disclaimer: Open source scripts I publish in the community are largely meant to spark ideas that can be used as building blocks for part of a more robust trade management strategy. Even though this example script might beat buy and hold over the back-test time-frame, I wouldn't advise using it as a stand-alone strategy without significant additions/modifications to the strategy and risk management functions.
Simple scalping strategy for SOLThis is a simple scalping strategy for trading SOL made on top of the Rebalance Oscillator and the Rebalance Bear/Bull market indicators.
It is intended mostly as proof that these two indicators have their benefits even in simpler strategies.
This strategy in particular works well for the Bear months (check Nov. in the data window) but considerably underperforms Buy&Hold for the Bull months.
It tries to do a market operation per candle whenever the candle happens in a buy/sell trading window of the
Rebalance Bear/Bull indicator ().
It always buys/sells the same amount by default (you can set it in the cog menu in the option "Base Crypto Amount To Trade"),
for SOL this is set to 1.0SOL.
This is my first attempt at scalping, it differs slightly from the standards because it does not require fast
response candles or immediate market operations (it can work well with limit trading) and on top of this it also
does not require a stop loss since it uses an indicator that provides the trading windows (surprises can still happen though).
The profit that this strategy tries to take for each buy/sell pair is not configurable and is set at 12% each way when it happens.
Abdoli's Heikin Ashi Smoothed Buy & Sell Strategy Rev.4This simple strategy is just based of a single indicator, my dear Heikin Ashi Smoothed!
Just try and enjoy it ;)
XTZ trading strategy for Bear monthsThis is my 3rd approach into trading XTZ. It is tuned into bear months and needs to work for at least 30 days.
It looks at the rebalance oscillator and bear market indicator and tries to find a position in the market that does not lose money within the month.
Use the cog icon to update the trading window to fit previous months, and check out the data window for its real performance. Do not rely on the Strategy Tester since this strategy is performing only with `strategy.order` making the values of the Strategy Tester irrelevant and inconsistent with its performance.
Simple/Compounded Returns & Drawdowns TableVery excited to bring this script to the public. This is a very useful table that displays the performance of any strategy you give it in a more detailed view. It runs on all timeframes and at any position on the chart with the replay function. It also updates on tick changes. The table consists of three modes: Simple Equity, Compound Equity and Drawdown.
Simple Equity – shows the change in equity for every month and year. It is calculated by finding the difference in initial equity at the beginning of the month/year and the end of the month/year. The table will thus display strategy performance in blocks of time that are not correlated. It is an excellent way to see individual month/year performance from start to finish but it may not represent true change in equity over time. For example, let's assume that 100% of equity is used on every trade for simplicity. If a loss of 50% is made in the first month and a profit of 100% is made in the next month, the strategy will show 50% profit for the year. This aggregate value might be helpful to know for testing purposes, but in reality, the account is actually at break-even for the year (Initial Equity * 0.5 * 2 = Initial Equity).
Compound Equity – shows compounded change in equity for every month and year. It is calculated by finding the difference in starting equity when the strategy is run and equity at the end of the month/year. The table will thus display the true strategy performance – compounded equity at the end of each month/year.
Drawdown – shows max drawdown for every month and year. It is calculated by finding the difference between the highest equity achieved for the month/year and the trough in equity for the same month/year. Notice: strategy tester might have a max drawdown value higher than any of the drawdown values in the table. This is because the strategy tester calculates the difference between the highest and lowest equity for the entire strategy, whereas the table displays drawdowns for months and years only. Sometimes, the max drawdown for the year will also be the max drawdown for the entire strategy; hence the two values will be the same.
To use this table with your own strategy, simply find " PLACE YOUR STRATEGY CODE HERE " at the bottom of the script and place your strategy code there. Special thanks to QuantNomad for the inspiration. As always, please let me know if there are any bugs or if you need some help. Leave a like if you wish!
robotrading linregWhat is Linear Regression?
(Russian) Link
This script
Straight lines show the last linear regression channel. The smooth lines show the coordinates of the same channel in the past. This allows you to backtest this strategy using past prices.
It also makes sure that the linear regression channel is useless for the cryptocurrency market :)
The limit order to open a long position is on the bottom line (lime color). Limit order to open a short position is on the top line (red). All positions are closed by a limit order when the central line of the channel is crossed (blue). A limit order is also used to close positions.
Do not use in the cryptocurrency market.
Linear trendSimple way how to use Linear Regression for trading.
What we use:
• Linear Regression
• EMA 200 as a trend filter
Firstly we make two different linear regression movings as oscillator. For this we need to subtract slow moving from fast moving, so we get the single moving around zero. This is the green/red line which appears on the chart.
The trade open when LR cross over the threshold. The trade close when LR cross under the threshold below. Crossing over the threshold is the same as faster moving cross over slower moving.
Also we use EMA as a filter. The trades would be only when the price is over than EMA 200.
Outside DayThis strategy is taken from Perry Kaufman's book "Trading System and Methods".
You can enter on the direction of the candle, or opposite to it. I find that the opposite tends to yield better results in volatile assets, allowing a better reward to risk ratio. There is no stop loss in this strategy, only a fixed take profit and a time limitation.
pomilaThis video is a detailed video overview of the _CM_Ultimate_MA_MTF_V4 - Multiple Time Frame - V4 Release.
I will post the link to the Indicator within a few minutes after this video goes live on TradingView either in the Link to Related Ideas below, or I'll post a comment below with the link.
Thanks for you patience.
Please Post and feature requests for this indicator below.