Von andywallsq
This Strategy is the trading strat for the WTI model developed with Machine Learning to forecast WTI.
The instrument you can use to trade are

What you need to do is basically focus on the prediction for the last few days, the red and green dots of the curve, to know where the market is most likely to go.


Based on the WTI ML model, you can decide whether to activate or deactivate shorts or longs if usin MCL Strategy (Published appart). if choppy keep both. If you see a bullish trend in the model, activate longs and deactivate shorts. If you see a bearish trend, do the opposite.


This model is trained with approximately 28,000 data points, such as futures inventories, commitment of traders, macroeconomic data, the market itself, imports, natural gas, electricity, manufacturing, and technical analysis. Basically all the data you can imagine that affects oil gives us this forecast. The interesting thing about the model is that it self-trains and identifies which data are most relevant, discarding the noise from what really moves the market.
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