
STELLAR's ROAD to 10,000 sats

So im really trying to be as realistic as possible here...
Ive mapped out the STRBTC chart dating back to around OCT 2017 when the the last uptrend began.
Im a long term bull.... HOWEVER.... in the near term I see a short opportunity as stellar completes the C wave correction after this small 5 wave structure we had to end the major correction from early 2018.

this near term correction will be small & likely be a near retrace of the 1-5 wave uptrend we just had. So a near term short should be a good bet to complete the C WAVE.
I DEF wouldn't go long until this near term correction completes.

after this correction completes we will still have to complete a NEW 1-2 WAVE before the big money comes in.
So basically....
Let the correction complete...
To play it safe, you can ride out the next 1 wave... use that as confirmation. It will likely retrace back to where it started from...
Then as soon as the 3 wave is about to pop... THAT WOULD BE THE NEXT BIG MOVE when I believe all the BIG BUCKS are gonna come into STRBTC
then after the 5th wave completes... I see an F-5 Tornado size head and shoulders forming as you will see in my drawing.

I don't like calling tops... but I would start scaling out between 7000-10k satoshi / or on the USD side $2-$3
Anything above that is very high risk and it could Dump hard at any point.

THIS IS PURE SPECULATION so please trade cautiously. im just adding my vision to the pile of ideas.
One IMPORTANT thing I forgot to mention....

Before STR starts the C WAVE correction would could see a short term bounce to around 4500-4600 SATs before it drops. So be mindful of that... Thats when I would open a short position.
Chart PatternsSTELLARstellarbitcoinstellarlumensstrbitcoinSTRBTCstrbtclongstrbtcshortTrend AnalysisXLMxlmbtc
