Quick Market Analysis and Breakdown & My Personal Updates

Von jojofang0901
Hello everyone:

Hope everyone is well. :)
Those who follow me on my other platforms have got the message that I will not be too actively trading in the last 2 week or so in December.
My wife is due for another baby in about 7 days, so I am pausing anything that is not immediately necessary and freeing up some time for my family.
Apologize on missing the last 2 streams and next week streams as well. Everything should go back to normal for my normal contents in early January 2022

I received overwhelming support and feedback messages both public and private from many of you, so I really appreciate the positivity support that I receive. Thank you all :)

Today I did find some time to quickly scan through the chart,
although I likely won't be taking any positions as I point out in my other platforms that I am in the process of consolidating a few trading accounts that I have, withdraw/deposit etc,
and basically taking a small break as well.
But I still like to go over the market in a quick video here to outline what I see that could shape up for the last week of December and 2021 for you all :)

Few pairs that are interesting:

AUDUSD - Snapshot
NZDUSD - Snapshot
AUDJPY - Snapshot
NZDJPY - Snapshot
USDJPY - Snapshot

CORN - Snapshot
UKOIL - Snapshot
USOIL - Snapshot

ADAUSD - Snapshot
BTCUSD - Snapshot
SOLUSD - Snapshot

Thank you : )

Chart PatternscorrectionFlagimpulseParallel ChannelpatternpriceactionstructureWedge
