SLV Outlook

Von undomaturists
Just a look at where it's been, and where it can go based on where it's been.

Entering one of the oldest seasons we have; realization and dependence on basic things like service and what we use the most. Typically, materials like rocks bring value, cause governments and government made cash doesn't. This season will be different than all others.

What has held value the most through all of known time?
Beliefs and opinions.

So be aware of what beliefs and opinions others hold, and have held through all of time. Who knows, someone else is likely to be more convicted of their beliefs than you , and to such an extent to commit their life to it.

Might be good to know what their beliefs are based on, regardless if you agree or not.

Noticed a gap that has gone unfilled. Looking a bit closer at the Daily chart. Trend on track for a bounce up.

An update to SLV. Still on track. Also drew out the gap missed from our demand zone to show reference for the potential pull back. It's likely an event will occur to cause such a pull back, should be interesting next few months.

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”
― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

We are certainly being led by marxist fanboys and fangirls. This is all preventable by mankind, it was all caused by mankind.
oldschoolpatternsParallel ChannelPivot PointsSLVSupport and Resistance
