NEO tracker: only 194.000 holder addresses

Von kris_pad
Which isn’t a lot of people and there are probabbly less individuals. It’s also a good indication to adoption. Lets see if this dip will increase it.

I agree that 194,000 isn't a lot when you consider potential global adoption. But I think you should take a look at the equivalent stats for other crypto projects: you'll find that many have fewer users than you might expect. Crypto remains an extremely niche product, which of course is the main issue it faces today.
Two other things to consider, many could hold their assets on an exchange, so the total number of holders is larger than the number of addresses visible on the tracker. But that is true of all crypto projects.
Something that is unique to NEO is it's indivisible. In other blockchains, you'll find that a LARGE number of wallet addresses contain only tiny fractions of the asset that have been left behind; that is, they show up as an address holding the asset, even though they're actually dead and should be treated as 0. That isn't the case with NEO, and an address that contains 1 NEO is much more likely to still be in use than one that contains (say) 0.000273 OMG. The distribution of NEO among addresses lacks the 'long tail' of other blockchains, and therefore the 194K figure is much closer to an accurate estimate of wallets that are actually in use.
Finally, to your point about the number increasing during the dip: I'd say that's unlikely. Most casual investors don't buy when there's blood on the streets. This is not unique to NEO; you see this pattern in all projects. Conversely, when times are good, you see the number of wallets increase as casual investors FOMO in and the whales take some profits at their expense.
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