DXY (bearish)

Von Dips007Trading
MY TA on this supports Upside to Gold = CONFLUENCE (not speculation)

1.Can see a clear long term down trend - until this changes CANNOT SHORT GOLD
2. Just now passed 78 - its going to drop much more
3. 103 is a highly important area and PIVOT to understand medium term Markey Direction
4. Equities will be bullish as will Gold based on what DXY is doing
5.Good Luck
6. Please share if you like my analysis
7. I do not speculate at all and look actively for CONFLUENE in cross markets for positive and negative correlations and use confluence in entries to PARTICIPATE in what I see in what price is telling me. Like a robot no Emotions, no desires, don't care where price goes, or get married to any market. i prefer to flow to where best opportunities are, my eyes are everywhere but I do very little and prefer waiting to participate in proven price action.
8. Many thanks
Trend Analysis
