CGC: Bullish

Some may say the Cannabis Sector is "dead money" however, as a medical cannabis user for several years, I can tell you that the industry is booming. I won't get into all the details on the retail locations and nationwide locations in this article, but I will say the benefits outweigh the risks. For my PTSD cannabis has been phenomenal whether in flower form or consuming chewy edibles I've also seen this work on my young son, who experiences seizures, etc.

BACK TO CGC. There are a few hardcore cannabis stock accumulators out there. I remember my days in the OTC stocks before the enormous 'green rush' and all I can say is they were life changing events.

I've outlined some targets on the chart posted. I strongly believe a move will be coming to this sector before the end of the year. I cannot say every target will be hit successfully; nevertheless, there is pent up demand and the White House Administration has marijuana in its crosshairs. WHY? Well, someone (or something) will need to pay for these reckless spending bills of debt and we've seen the money flow from just Colorado alone.

If nothing else, it doesn't hurt to have a little money wrapped into GCG at this current level 13.82. Even if the stock were to retest the 9 to 10 zone my stance on the current chart and outlook as of today (11-10-2021) does not change, as I find the sector to be at its most optimal point in time to own / invest / trade.
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