BTC near term View: 18k underwater Longs, 18.5 Major Resistance

Von EuroMotif
Follow up to Bigger Picture (click) which caught the top and bounce.
After consolidation in a well defined range, looks like a Breakout.
Now at some resistance which might cause a retest of the break.

Key support was tight cluster of three different fibs around 16.4k
Bulls were able to push past a very strong resistance around 17.4k
Now wading through underwater Longs trying to bail around 18k

17.9k is the key next resistance held by the gold 4.236.
18.0k will of course have psych power for longs to exit.
18.5k will be VERY STRONG, with a Genesis fib at 18,509.


Previous Analysis:
BTC upcoming Targets and Crash preparedness Guide: BE READY

Going as expected this far.

Got to the gold 4.236 a little more Snapshot but now below again.


Zoom IN (3 min) Snapshot fib at 17680 current support, 17908 still the resistance to surpass.


Pulling back,

But a zoom on the chart shows the PERFECT recognition of the fibs Snapshot


FibonacciSupport and Resistance
the Golden Ratio is my Religion
the Trading View is my Nation
the Moderator Tag is my Flag

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