Structural Pivot Marking Latest

Von kannan85

Rally & Decline are the start of learning in chart for PA trading...its nothing
Price started to move up -Rally
Price started to move Down-Decline

How we see it in chart...

Its one bar we cant say its Rally or decline....

Here two bars ...last bar is higher high & higher low than first bar .....we can say its Rally

Here again two bars ,,,,last bar is lower high & lower low than first bar .....we can say its Decline

Here too two bars ...but what's this ?Its only a pause non trending
(Though we can find trend in every bar too looking its open and close)...
But we not need it here

Identifying Pivot

We must need clear cut way to find a here its my way to identify pivot...

Rally started...when 3rd bar crosses high of 2nd bar 1st bar low is pivot
we can call it as Minor pivot low

Decline started...when 3rd bar crosses low of 2nd bar 1st bar high is pivot
we can call it as Minor pivot High

Using this simple rule any one can identify pivots on any timeframe charts .If you not then please tell me why not?
Simply in charts every connecting point between rally and decline is minor pivot....
if one minor pivot breaks connecting point between those pivots also a pivot
Live Crude chart....
May be in marked area you had doubt....
So for identify pivots you must start marking pivots in charts....If you want to identify pivots in every chart without any doubt then you need to go through hundreds of charts in off and live ....depends upon your screen time .....but if you want to succeed then you must do this hard work

Please NOTE....we use these pivots mostly for our trade entries and stops even in next step to find visual pivots and visual trends this is backbone of this /any method ....
Some confussed pivots ...but rule is same confussions

There is one more pivot called aggressive pivot.We not use it always but using in some scenerios for entry & stops.nothing special in it.simple ....but you not apply this everywhere in charts which again start to spoil your method ...USE IT WHERE IT NEEDED ( Will explain it later where I use it in trading)

In rally price making a pause and continue to move higher then low of a pause bar called aggressive pivot
In decline price making a pause and continue to move lower then high of a pause bar called aggressive pivot
Its better that pause bar will close opposite of rally/decline...though I only use this kind aggressive pivots


Please check the query on the chart?

No augu bhai ...we need to bo here...though many advance traders take it as pvt...I not take it
I always tryed to keep simple in my definitions...
So if we have a possible pivot low bar then first we need one higher high and higher low bar it may be by after any number of bars without going new lows ...then that HH-HL bar breaks up that possible pivot low is now real mPL
Vice versa for mPH...hope you got my point we go forward....How to find Visual pivots?We need visual pivots to find the trend ....

If after an mPL one higher mPH prints then that mPH breaks out lowest mPL becomes VPL
If after an mPH one lower mPL prints then that mPL breaks down highest mPH becomes VPH
confussed .... ...yes in words we always get confussed !!!!but in picture we get the point...

Confussed VP's...

Here we got HH-HL mp's / LH-LL mp's ...but not VP's

For VP we must take out higher mph/Lower mpl

Hope I not confussed to you all ......

After print of VPL now if any bar breaks down last made mPL then current high becomes VPH
After print of VPH now if any bar breaks down last made mPH then current high becomes VPL

Why need this VP's?
Okey We trade we need identification of we use these VP's for market trend..How?
As you now know whats this VP's need to look where it happens ?
If we get Higher VPL & Higher VPH its UPTREND
If we get Lower VPL & Lower VPH its DOWNTREND
Chart Patterns
