columnsLibrary "columns"
Error Tolerant Matrix Setter/Getter Operations. Easy ways to add/remove items into start and end of Columns as well as arrays to grow and shrink matrix.
if mismatched sizes occur the typified NA value will be there to prevent catastrophic crashing.
Rows and Columns are split into 2 libraries due to limitations on number of exports as well as ease of style (columns.shift(), rows.pop() )
do pop last Column off of matrix
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
Returns: Array of Last Column, removing it from matrix
do shift the first Column off of matrix
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
Returns: Array of First Column, removing it from matrix
get(_matrix, _clmnNum)
retrieve specific Column of matrix
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_clmnNum : Column being Targeted
Returns: Array of selected Column number, leaving in place
push(_matrix, _clmnNum, _item)
add single item onto end of Column
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_clmnNum : Column being Targeted
_item : Item to Push on Column
Returns: shifted item from Column start
push(_matrix, _array)
add single item onto end of matrix
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_array : Array to Push on Matrix
Returns: Void
unshift(_matrix, _clmnNum, _item)
slide single item into start of Column remove last
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_clmnNum : Column being Targeted
_item : Item to Unshift on Column
Returns: popped item from Column end
unshift(_matrix, _array)
add single item into first Column of matrix
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_array : Array to unshift into Matrix
Returns: Void
set(_matrix, _clmnNum, _array)
replace an array to an existing Column
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_clmnNum : Column being Targeted
_array : Array to place in Matrix
Returns: Column that was replaced
insert(_matrix, _clmnNum, _array)
insert an array to a new Column
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_clmnNum : Column being Targeted
_array : Array to place in Matrix
Returns: void
slideDown(_matrix, _array)
add single item onto end of Column
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_array : Array to push to Matrix
Returns: shifted first Column
slideUp(_matrix, _array)
add single item onto end of Column
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_array : Array to unshift to Matrix
Returns: poppeed last Column
pullOut(_matrix, _clmnNum)
add single item onto end of Column
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_clmnNum : Column being Targeted
Returns: removed selected Column
rowsLibrary "rows"
Error Tolerant Matrix Setter/Getter Operations. Easy ways to add/remove items into start and end of rows as well as arrays to grow and shrink matrix.
if mismatched sizes occur the typified NA value will be there to prevent catastrophic crashing.
columns and rows are split into 2 libraries due to limitations on number of exports as well as ease of style (columns.shift(), rows.pop() )
do pop last row off of matrix
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
Returns: Array of Last row, removing it from matrix
do shift the first row off of matrix
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
Returns: Array of First row, removing it from matrix
get(_matrix, _rowNum)
retrieve specific row of matrix
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_rowNum : Row being Targeted
Returns: Array of selected row number, leaving in place
push(_matrix, _rowNum, _item)
add single item onto end of row
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_rowNum : Row being Targeted
_item : Item to Push on Row
Returns: shifted item from row start
push(_matrix, _array)
add single item onto end of matrix
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_array : Array to Push on Matrix
Returns: Void
unshift(_matrix, _rowNum, _item)
slide single item into start of row remove last
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_rowNum : Row being Targeted
_item : Item to Unshift on Row
Returns: popped item from row end
unshift(_matrix, _array)
add single item into first row of matrix
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_array : Array to unshift into Matrix
Returns: Void
set(_matrix, _rowNum, _array)
replace an array to an existing row
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_rowNum : Row being Targeted
_array : Array to place in Matrix
Returns: row that was replaced
insert(_matrix, _rowNum, _array)
insert an array to a new row
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_rowNum : Row being Targeted
_array : Array to place in Matrix
Returns: void
slideDown(_matrix, _array)
add single item onto end of row
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_array : Array to push to Matrix
Returns: shifted first row
slideUp(_matrix, _array)
add single item onto end of row
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_array : Array to unshift to Matrix
Returns: popped last row
pullOut(_matrix, _rowNum)
add single item onto end of row
_matrix : Matrix To Edit
_rowNum : Row being Targeted
Returns: removed selected row
catchChecksLibrary "catchChecks"
Type Check for Function Builders to allow Single item to be
passed in, and determine what to do with the item, ie: need an x value?
function that allows label, line, box, float, or even a string..
check item type? string ? 'str.tonumber(_item)' can be in the same
switch as a 'line.get_price(_item, bar_index)' both outputting float
or for pulling a value from simple, array, or matrix, one function
that can switch between them. reduce overhead of many functions.
there are many ways to use this tool, the simplest may be
string/floats on one switch or grabbing colors from line/fill/label
please Share any great recipes you come up with!
typeIs(_temp, _doMeth)
Input anything..
Determine what it is.
_temp : (any) Matrix, Array, or Simple Item
_doMeth : (bool) True for M/A/S , false for int/float/string.. etc..
Returns: (string) Type of item checked. ('bool' .. or 'array'.. etc..)
matrixautotableLibrary "matrixautotable"
Automatic Table from Matrixes with pseudo correction for na values and default color override for missing values. uses overloads in cases of cheap float only, with additional addon for strings next, then cell colors, then text colors, and tooltips last.. basic size and location are auto, include the template to speed this up...
TODO : make bools version
var string group_table = ' Table'
var int _tblssizedemo = ( 10 )
string tableYpos = input.string ( 'middle' , '↕' , inline = 'place' , group = group_table, options= )
string tableXpos = input.string ( 'center' , '↔' , inline = 'place' , group = group_table, options= , tooltip='Position on the chart.')
int _textSize = ( 1 , 'Table Text Size' , inline = 'place' , group = group_table)
var matrix _floatmatrix = (_tblssizedemo, _tblssizedemo, 0 )
var matrix _stringmatrix = (_tblssizedemo, _tblssizedemo, 'test' )
var matrix _bgcolormatrix = (_tblssizedemo, _tblssizedemo, color.white )
var matrix _textcolormatrix = (_tblssizedemo, _tblssizedemo, )
var matrix _tooltipmatrix = (_tblssizedemo, _tblssizedemo, 'tool' )
// basic table ready to go with the aboec matrixes (replace in your code)
// for demo purpose, random colors, random nums, random na vals
if barstate.islast
varip _xsize = matrix.rows (_floatmatrix) -1
varip _ysize = matrix.columns (_floatmatrix) -1
for _xis = 0 to _xsize -1 by 1
for _yis = 0 to _ysize -1 by 1
_randomr = int(math.random(50,250))
_randomg = int(math.random(50,250))
_randomb = int(math.random(50,250))
_randomt = int(math.random(10,90 ))
bgcolor = color.rgb(250 - _randomr, 250 - _randomg, 250 - _randomb, 100 - _randomt )
txtcolor = color.rgb(_randomr, _randomg, _randomb, _randomt )
matrix.set(_bgcolormatrix ,_yis,_xis, bgcolor )
matrix.set(_textcolormatrix ,_yis,_xis, txtcolor)
matrix.set(_floatmatrix ,_yis,_xis, _randomr)
// random na
_ymiss = math.floor(math.random(0, _yis))
_xmiss = math.floor(math.random(0, _xis))
matrix.set( _floatmatrix ,_ymiss, _xis, na)
matrix.set( _stringmatrix ,_ymiss, _xis, na)
matrix.set( _bgcolormatrix ,_ymiss, _xis, na)
matrix.set( _textcolormatrix ,_ymiss, _xis, na)
matrix.set( _tooltipmatrix ,_ymiss, _xis, na)
// import here
import kaigouthro/matrixautotable/1 as mtxtbl
// and render table..
mtxtbl.matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _stringmatrix, _bgcolormatrix, _textcolormatrix, _tooltipmatrix, _textSize ,tableYpos ,tableXpos)
matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _stringmatrix, _bgcolormatrix, _textcolormatrix, _tooltipmatrix, _textSize, tableYpos, tableXpos) matrixtable
_floatmatrix : float vals
_stringmatrix : string
_bgcolormatrix : color
_textcolormatrix : color
_tooltipmatrix : string
_textSize : int
tableYpos : string
tableXpos : string
matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _stringmatrix, _bgcolormatrix, _textcolormatrix, _textSize, tableYpos, tableXpos) matrixtable
_floatmatrix : float vals
_stringmatrix : string
_bgcolormatrix : color
_textcolormatrix : color
_textSize : int
tableYpos : string
tableXpos : string
matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _stringmatrix, _bgcolormatrix, _txtdefcol, _textSize, tableYpos, tableXpos) matrixtable
_floatmatrix : float vals
_stringmatrix : string
_bgcolormatrix : color
_txtdefcol : color
_textSize : int
tableYpos : string
tableXpos : string
matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _stringmatrix, _txtdefcol, _bgdefcol, _textSize, tableYpos, tableXpos) matrixtable
_floatmatrix : float vals
_stringmatrix : string
_txtdefcol : color
_bgdefcol : color
_textSize : int
tableYpos : string
tableXpos : string
matrixtable(_floatmatrix, _txtdefcol, _bgdefcol, _textSize, tableYpos, tableXpos) matrixtable
_floatmatrix : float vals
_txtdefcol : color
_bgdefcol : color
_textSize : int
tableYpos : string
tableXpos : string