Crypto Tipster Pro+ (Optimized for DASHUSD)===========
Crypto Tipster Pro+ Optimized for DASHUSD
This script is a carbon-copy of our Crypto Tipster Pro Strategy , but also includes our Custom & Fully Optimized Settings for turbo-charging your DASH (DASHUSD) trading.
We keep all our Crypto Tipster Pro+ (Optimized) strategies regularly updated and maintained. The purpose of these Add-On's to our Crypto Tipster Pro Strategy is to keep each trading plan relevant, up-to-date and most of all profitable within ever-changing markets.
We will always keep our main Crypto Tipster Strategy active, as we find the default settings are the best "all-rounder" set-up and work with many crypto pairs over many different time frames, try it for yourself! This Set-Up for DASH enables you to hone in on one certain trading pair on the 'D' chart and maximize your overall trading experience.
Visit the link below for Full & Immediate Access!
Good Luck and Happy Trading!
Ehlers Correlation Trend Indicator CTI by Cryptorhythms [CR]Ehlers Correlation Trend Indicator CTI by Cryptorhythms
In his article “Correlation As A Trend Indicator” in issue May 2020 of TASC, author John Ehlers introduces a new trend indicator that is based on the correlation between a security’s price history and the ideal trend: a straight line. He describes methods for using the indicator to not only identify the onset of new trends but to identify trend failures as well. He presents what looks like a simple and elegant idea for a trend-detection and mode-switching indicator.
Careful market selection may be the key to a correct application of the indicator. Even such barebone rules could shine with stocks like AAPL that tend to develop prolonged trends. But for others like CAT, which can keep oscillating in ranges for years, results will be much less impressive. They require a different approach. For example, you would want to buy when Correlation Trend falls significantly below zero and sell when it reaches positive values.
Therefore, it would be an interesting problem to research Correlation Trend’s ability to identify the switch to a cycle mode. That might help develop countertrend systems and
trade pullbacks. Another possible application might be to act as a system filter of change from trending mode to mean-reversion mode.
As usual when porting indicators to the library here on tradingview, I like to add some extra flare!
💠Customizable Overbought and Oversold Zones for Alert Creation
💠Bar coloration based on trade state for easy visual at a glance chart checking
💠Some basic example Entry and Exit conditions and a simple Trade State Engine to get you going creating your own strategy
👍 We hope you enjoyed this indicator and find it useful! We post free crypto analysis, strategies and indicators regularly. This is our 81st script on Tradingview!
«MARUSIA» is a compilation of several strategies.
You may choose the one which best suits your trading habit from options menu.
The strategies are based on indicator’s and bar’s closing level analysis on different timeframes.
At the time being there are 3 types of strategies for BTC on 1H and 3H tf.
+++ BTC 1H 90% Success +++ (Beginner)
Instrument - BTC, timeframe – 1H, exchange – Bitmex.
The advantage of the strategy is a high quantity of profitable trades (90% at the time of publishing).
The Trading View backtest results from 2019:
+ 303% net profit
+ 90% profitable trades
+ 6% drawback
+++ BTC 1H Mega Scalper +++ (Intermediate)
Instrument - BTC, timeframe – 1H, exchange – Bitmex.
The advantage of the strategy is more frequent trades with a good probability of success.
The Trading View backtest results from 2019:
+ 792% net profit
+ 64% profitable trades
+ 5% drawback
+++ BTC 3H Mega Scalper +++ (Expert)
Instrument - BTC, timeframe – 3H, exchange – Bitmex.
The advantage of the strategy is more frequent trades with a good probability of success.
The Trading View backtest results from 2018:
+ 1637% net profit
+ 79% profitable trades
+ 4,4% drawback
1. Choose the strategy from the strategy’s option menu on the chart. Pay attention to the instrument and timeframe you are using the selected strategy for.
2. Wait until you see green (above bar) or orange (below bar) label. To receive an alert when these labels (or signals) appear on the chart use ALERT INDICATOR for this strategy.
3. On the opening of the next bar enter the position if the label on the previous bar hasn’t disappeared. Green – for Buy, orange – for Sell. In this case you will see Buy/Sell signal on the chart.
4.1. You should put a trailing stop when the price moves to profit up or down for 1% from your entry. For example, if you are long at 7255 USD and price moves up to 7328 USD (7255*1.01), put trailing stop with a trailing value 0,4% of your entry price, which is 29 USD (7255*0.004).
4.2. Every time when there is a long or short position, you may see a green info label with entry price, trail stop activation level and trail value. You may use this information instead of making a calculation by yourself. Only if your entry is the same as in the label.
5. Position closing maybe by reaching your trailing stop (in this case you may reenter the position on the next bar, if there is a signal label as per step 2 on the bar where your trailing stop is triggered) or when there is a signal for opposite direction.
6. If the signals appear differently than described as above, just refresh the website of Trading View. This happens because mostly take profits are shown only after the current bar is closed.
• The Buy/Sell signal label may move up or down on the bar with price’s movement. Don’t worry it doesn’t mean that your entry is changing.
• The lines on the chart are weekly price levels – the price levels of the previous week –
Green – open, Red – close, Blue – high, Brown – low, Black – hl2 (average of high and low). You may use them as support and resistance levels.
+ Trading View backtest results
+No repaint
+ Several strategies to choose which suits your trading habit
+Free testing
+Support with a call
Pm to get access to the strategy.
Описание к стратегии "MARUSIA TRADING STRATEGIES "
Сборник нескольких стратегий серии "Marusia"
Выбор конкретной стратегии осуществляется из удобного меню
Основа наших стратегий - совмещение индикаторного анализа и анализа уровня закрытия свечей на разных временных интервалах (анализ уровней).
+++ BTC 1H 90% Success +++ (Beginner)
Стратегия работает на инструменте Bitcoin (BTC) по котировкам биржи BITMEX на 1 часовом таймфрейме (1H).
Основное преимущество данной стратегии - супервысокая успешность сделок (более 90% на момент публикации).
Данная стратегия представляет собой гибрид среднесрочных стратегий по частоте сделок (с 2019 по 12.04.2020 - 204 сделки, в среднем одна сделка раз в 2 дня) и элемент высокочастотных (скальп) стратегий - необходимо выставление использование скользящего стоп-приказа (trailing stop-loss), расчетные данные по которому появляются прямо на экране при открытии сделки.
Статистика по данной стратегии, подтвержденная бэктестом в Trading View
С 2019 года до момента публикации стратегии бектест показывает следующие данные:
+ 303% чистой прибыли
+ 90% успешных сделок
+ 6% макс. единовременная просадка
+++ BTC 1H Mega Scalper +++ (Intermediate)
Стратегия работает на инструменте Bitcoin (BTC) по котировкам биржи BITMEX на 1 часовом таймфрейме (1H)
Основное преимущество данной стратегии - высокочастотные сделки с хорошей вероятностью успеха.
С 2019 года до момента публикации стратегии бектест Trading View показывает следующие данные:
+ 792% чистой прибыли
+ 64% успешных сделок
+ 5% макс. единовременная просадка
+++ BTC 3H Mega Scalper +++ (Expert)
Стратегия работает на инструменте Bitcoin (BTC) по котировкам биржи BITMEX на 3 часовом таймфрейме (3H)
Основное преимущество данной стратегии - высокочастотные сделки с хорошей вероятностью успеха
С 2019 года до момента публикации стратегии бектест Trading View показывает следующие данные:
+ 1637% чистой прибыли
+ 79% успешных сделок
+ 4,4% макс. единовременная просадка
Инструкиция по использованию:
1. Вы открываете график с включенной стратегией. Обратите внимание на инструмент и таймфрейм стратегии.
2. Ожидаете появления на графике зеленого (снизу) или оранжевого (сверху) флажка.
Для получения уведомления появления значков (сигналов) используйте АЛЕРТНЫЙ ИНДИКАТОР для данной стратегии.
3. На открытии следующей свечи входите в сделку, если флажек из п.2 остался и не пропал (зеленый флажек - покупка, оранжевый - продажа)
4. Выставление trailing stop-loss
4.1 Trailing stop-loss выставляется, когда цена прошла 1% в профит от цены выхода в сделку (например: покупка 7255 и когда цена будет 7328 (7255*1,01) выставляется плавающий стоп-лосс (trailing stop-loss) в размере 0,4% от цены входа "29" (7255*0,004).
4.2. Как только будет закрыта свеча, на которой Вы вошли в сделку - вы увидете значения из п.4.1 на экране рядом с графиком (вы можете их использовать без самостоятельного расчета, но тогда есть риск, что если цена на свече входа достигнет значения из п. 4.1 - то сделка закроется, а вы это увидите только на следующей свече, когда значение цены может быть менее выгодное)
5. Выход из сделки осуществляется либо по trailing stop-loss (тогда вы можете перезайти в сделку на открытии следующей свечи, если на свече, на которой произошло закрытие по trailing stop-loss появились флажки из п.2), либо по появлению противоположного флажка, тогда вход в сделку, в соответствии с п. 2 и 3
7. Если Вы увидели, что сигналы отличаются от написанного в данной инструкции - просто обновите страницу с Trading View в браузере и все встанет на свои места.
* На свече захода в сделку сигнал "buy/sell" может "плавать" по свече, но если Вы выполнили п.1-3 Вам неочем беспокоиться. Не обращайте на него внимание.
Основные отличия от стратегий наших коллег:
+ Результаты бэктеста в платформе Trading View – прозрачная статистика по сделкам, которую вы можете посмотреть самостоятельно
+ Построен на принципах non-repaint basis – сигналы не исчезают (при правильном соблюдении инструкции по использованию)
+ Каждая стратегия серии построена на своем уникальном принципе - вы можете выбрать для себя оптимальный набор стратегий
+ Бесплатный тестовый период
+ Поддержка с возможностью организации телефонного звонка
Для предоставления доступа к данной стратегии - пожалуйста пишите в личные сообщения. Мы быстро с Вами свяжемся.
Combo Strategy 123 Reversal & Ease of Movement (EOM) This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
This indicator gauges the magnitude of price and volume movement.
The indicator returns both positive and negative values where a
positive value means the market has moved up from yesterday's value
and a negative value means the market has moved down. A large positive
or large negative value indicates a large move in price and/or lighter
volume. A small positive or small negative value indicates a small move
in price and/or heavier volume.
A positive or negative numeric value. A positive value means the market
has moved up from yesterday's value, whereas, a negative value means the
market has moved down.
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
GoldMode On (Triple compromise strategy) TF 60-240BINANCE:BTCUSDT
I am publishing this script in order to get feedback for further work on it.
The script combines a compromise between several classic strategies, and each of them uses modifications of classic indicators on specially selected averaging sliding indicators.
1. The script uses an ATR-based filter (it's off by default, as it's better on BTCUSD , but you can enable it in the settings if you want to use it on EURUSD , for example, or on other symbols).
2. A strategy based on crossing the moving.
3. A strategy based on determining the direction of movement of the modified slow and fast RSI .
4. A strategy based on the modified ADX +DI -DI .
The essence of the strategy in finding a compromise decision on the signals coming from each of these three strategies.
Данный скрипт публикую с целью получить обратную связь для дальнейшей работы над ним.
Скрипт сочетает в себе компромисс между несколькими классическими стратегиями, причём каждая из них использует модификации классических индикаторов на специальным образом подобранные усредняющие скользящие.
1. В скрипте используется фильтр на основе ATR (по умолчанию выключен, т.к. на BTCUSD так лучше, но можно включить в настройках, если хотите использовать его на EURUSD , например, или на других инструментах).
2. Стратегия основанная на пересечении скользящих.
3. Стратегия основанная на определении направления движения модифицированных медленной и быстрой RSI .
4. Стратегия основанная на модифицированном ADX +DI -DI .
Суть стратегии в поиске компромиссного принятия решения по сигналам поступающим от каждой из этих трёх стратегий.
Crypto Tipster Pro===========
Crypto Tipster Pro Strategy
Crypto Tipster Pro is a trading strategy with indicators based on Technical Analysis , Price Action and Momentum Swings for TradingView's charting platform.
We've compiled and continue to maintain a trading strategy that adapts to changes in the market; with custom indicator settings, fixed SL/TP, Trailing Stop, Safe Mode, Heikin Ashi Confirmation, Multi-Time Frame Analysis and more!
Our efforts have been focused towards the 1D time frame - using a larger time frame benefits most part-time or evening traders in multiple ways, catching bigger swings and earning a higher percentage per trade, the ability to reduce or remove any leverage associated with the trade, and only having to place a trade or move a stop loss ONCE per day ~ Meaning you are still able to go to work, tidy the house, play with the kids AND be a successful trader.
What's Included?
Crypto Tipster Pro comes with a host of features and is being continually updated, these features include (but are not limited to):
- Date Range Settings
Setting custom Start/End dates can help hone your strategy to suit the current times, or get a general overview of the market over the years.
- Heikin Ashi Confirmation
We added HA confirmation for both Entry & Exit of trades. This started as a form of "Safe Mode", we have since adapted this mode beyond Heikin Ashi; but kept this confirmation as an added extra.
- Variable Indicator Settings
As well as our Fixed Indicators and Price Action analysis going on in the background of the strategy, we've also included some Variable Indicators that you have access to edit.
Trend Detection Length for detecting trend over a given length! Higher numbers detect longer trends, but will inevitably make fewer trades and possibly miss the start of a new trend; a lower length will create more opportunities to trade but may get confused when in choppy markets.
Range Short/Long Lengths are used for detecting percentage price movements over a given number of bars back. This enables you to effectively "zoom in" on market data and catch trends within trends.
- Safe Mode
Enabling Safe Mode will add a couple more confirmation indicators to the strategy - the aim of Safe Mode is, in essence, to remove any trading signals that would end of being false/bad moves. Usually resulting in less Overall Trades, a higher Net Profit, higher % Profitable, higher Profit Factor AND a lower Drawdown. Use Safe Mode to help eliminate orders that would otherwise be placed in choppy markets.
- Stop Loss/Take Profit Settings
This is where Crypto Tipster Pro really proves itself, Money Management. We have an editable Fixed SL/TP, as well as Trailing Stops for Long or Short orders, all of which you can use on their own, or combined with each other. Playing with these settings can turn an un-profitable system into a very-profitable trading plan!
- Custom Stop Loss Indicator
This is a little extra indicator that we have found very useful over the years of trading markets, a custom Stop Loss Indicator. Simply turn it on, enter the price you want to calculate from, tick Long or Short, enter a % movement and see your new stop loss level plotted on the chart. This is especially useful for when the strategy doesn't marry up with the prices you've actually obtained (for better or for worse!)
We've tried to make this strategy as comprehensive and as accurate as possible, it works consistently over many trading pairs on many time frames. We would however Love your assistance! -please forward any notes or helpful tips to us either by commenting below, on Twitter or a direct message through our website.
For more information and a FREE 7-Day Trial with the Crypto Tipster Pro Strategy visit the link in our signature.
Good Luck and Happy Trading!
Crypto Tipster Study / Alerts -theCrypster===========
Crypto Tipster Study with Alerts
Our Crypto Tipster Study with Alerts Script is a carbon copy of our tried and tested Crypto Tipster Pro Strategy , but now with the option of setting TradingView Alerts for your chosen trading plan. Making missing trades a thing of the past, and helping you to automate your own trading strategy.
Crypto Tipster Pro is a trading strategy with indicators based on Technical Analysis, Price Action and Momentum Swings for TradingView's charting platform.
We've compiled and continue to update a trading strategy that adapts to changes in the market; with custom indicator settings, fixed SL/TP, Trailing Stop, Safe Mode, Heikin Ashi Confirmation and more!
Our efforts have been focused towards the 1D time frame - using a larger time frame benefits most part-time or evening traders in multiple ways, catching bigger swings and earning a higher percentage per trade, the ability to reduce or remove any leverage associated with the trade, and only having to place a trade or move a stop loss ONCE per day ~ Meaning you are still able to go to work, tidy the house, play with the kids AND be a successful trader.
What's Included within Crypto Tipster Pro?
Crypto Tipster Pro comes with a host of features and is being continually updated, these features include (but are not limited to):
- Date Range Settings
Setting custom Start/End dates can help hone your strategy to suit the current times, or get a general overview of the market over the years.
- Heikin Ashi Confirmation
We added HA confirmation for both Entry & Exit of trades. This started as a form of "Safe Mode", we have since adapted this mode beyond Heikin Ashi; but kept this confirmation as an added extra.
- Variable Indicator Settings
As well as our Fixed Indicators and Price Action analysis going on in the background of the strategy, we've also included some Variable Indicators that you have access to edit.
Trend Detection Length for detecting trend! Higher numbers detect longer trends, but will inevitably make fewer trades and possibly miss the start of a new trend; a lower length will create more opportunities to trade but may get confused when ranging in choppy markets.
Range Short/Long Lengths are used for detecting percentage price movements over a given number of bars back. This enables you to effectively "zoom in" on market data and catch trends within trends.
- Safe Mode
Enabling Safe Mode will add a couple more confirmation indicators to the strategy - the aim of Safe Mode is, in essence, to remove any trading signals that would end of being false/bad moves. Usually resulting in less Overall Trades, a higher Net Profit, higher % Profitable, higher Profit Factor AND a lower Drawdown.
- Stop Loss/Take Profit Settings
This is where Crypto Tipster Pro really proves itself, Money Management. We have an editable Fixed SL/TP, as well as Trailing Stops for Long or Short orders, all of which you can use on their own, or combined with each other. Playing with these settings can turn an un-profitable system into a very-profitable system!
- Custom Stop Loss Indicator
This is a little extra indicator that we have found very useful over the years of trading markets, a custom Stop Loss Indicator. Simply turn it on, enter the price you want to calculate from, tick Long or Short, enter a % movement and watch as your new stop loss level is plotted on the chart. This is especially useful for when the strategy doesn't marry up with the prices you've actually obtained (for better or for worse!)
What's Included within Crypto Tipster Study / Alerts Script?
Our Study script will find Entry and Exit points exactly as our Pro Strategy would find them. The same indicators, methods and chart reading techniques are used, there are 2 big differences however...
The first difference is that our Pro Strategy has the ability to manage your money, Fixed Stops, Take Profit and Trailing Stops to name just a few. Our Study does not (and cannot) have these functions added due to the way TradingView's charting platform operates.
That's the bad news, the good news for our Crypto Tipster Study Script is that you can add Alerts to your trading plan! This is super handy if you decide to implement our methods into various time frames other than 1D and are looking for Intra-day alerts, or if you're looking to Automate your trading strategy using external software.
Help and Advice for setting up Alerts or to Automate your Strategy can be found on our website.
For more information on the Crypto Tipster Pro Strategy visit the link in our signature.
Good Luck and Happy Trading!
Gap Filling Strategy Gaps are market prices structures that appear frequently in the stock market, and can be detected when the opening price is different from the previous closing price, this is why gaps are also called "opening price jumps". While gaps can occur frequently, some of them are more significant than others, and can be observed when looking at a long term chart.
The following strategy is based on the exploitation of significant gaps occurring during a new session, and posses various options that can return a wide variety of results.
Type Of Gaps And Occurence
I'am not a professional when it comes to gaps, but as you know the stock market close for the day, however it is still possible to place orders, your broker will hold them until the market open back. Once the market reopen the broker execute the pending orders, and when many orders where pending the market register really high volume and the price might differ from the precedent close.
Gaps are generally broken down into four types:
Common : Gaps occurring within a certain price range, mostly occurs during ranging markets.
Break Away : Gaps breaking a support and resistance, making a new higher high/lower low.
Runaway : Gaps occurring within a trend, followed by a continuation of the trend.
Exhaustion : Gaps occurring at the end of a trend, followed by a reversal.
As said before, some gaps are more significant than others, the significance of a gap can be determined by comparing the opening price with the previous high/low price and by looking at volume. Significant up gaps will have an opening price greater than the previous high, while significant down gap will have an opening price lower than the previous low with both high volume accompanying them.
After a gap, when the price go back to the point previous to the gap we say that it has been "filled", this characteristic is what will be exploited in this strategy.
Strategy Rules & Logic
In this strategy, the significance of a gap is determined by the position of the opening price relative to the previous high/low and make sure the bar following the gap don't fill it.
When the setting invert is set to false the strategy interpret the detected gaps as being exhaustion gaps, therefore when an up gap occur a short position is opened, when a down gap occur a long position is opened. When invert is set to true gaps are considered to be runaway or break away gaps, therefore the contrary positions are opened. Positions are exited when the gap has been filled, which in the chart is show'n when the price cross the red level who act as either a take profit (invert = false) or as a stop loss (invert = true).
There are various closing conditions available that the user can select from the "close when" setting.
New Session : This option close all previous positions when the market is in a new session.
New Gap : This option close all previous position when a new gap has been detected.
Reverse Position : This option close all previous position when a contrary position to the current one is opened. This option would reduce the number of trades.
Testing On Some Stocks
The analysis will be tested in different tech stocks with a main TF of 15 minutes with no spread and commissions applied. Default settings will be used. We'll be making our first analysis using AMD, who has recently formed a full reverse HS pattern, where the neckline has been crossed by the price. (by the way i have a bad feeling about it, hey ! feeling filling ! Lame jokes!)
Profit: $ -12.22
Trades: 272
Profitability: 65.07 %
We can see negative results, with an heavily decreasing balance. Using invert would return positive results.
We will now test the strategy on NVDA, the company is one of the biggest when it comes to the Gpu market.
Profit: $ -215.54
Trades: 297
Profitability: 60.27 %
Not better, using invert would of course create better results. Like AMD the balance is heavily decreasing.
Finally we will test the strategy on Seagate technology, a company mostly known for their mechanical hard drives.
Profit: $ -4.32
Trades: 261
Profitability: 65.9 %
Here the balance does not appear so heavily decreasing and even managed to reach back the initial balance before going down again.
A strategy based on gap filling has been briefly introduced and tested with 3 tech stocks. The results show that using invert option might be better. The advantage of this strategy against ones using technical indicators is that this one does not heavily depend on user settings, which make it way more efficient, this a big advantage of patterns based strategies.
Thx to LucF for helping with the "process_orders_on_close" element, since i had to use closing price i had to remove it tho, was afraid results would differ even more from a more realistic backtest. And thx for those who continuously support me, more cool stuff is coming up.
Thx for reading and i hope you'll have learned something new today !
This strategy is made for trading ETHEREUM ( ETH ) using data from BITMEX exchange on 3 hour timeframe.
There is also a special indicator for the strategy to receive alerts on your tradingview platform which is very handful to enter the market as soon as there is a buy/sell signal.
Strategy is based on Pine script v.4 and it uses several indicators and oscillators to generate a buy/sell signal for ETH .
There is no repaint, which means that a signal will not disappear when price goes in wrong direction. I.e when a signal is generated, it
will be listed in trade history after bar's close and wont be changed.
And this is one of the advantages of the strategy over other 90% strategies.
The profitability curve of the strategy also has a stable growth, which means that the strategy is profitable at any phase the market,
not only at any particalar moment.
The strategy is a SWING strategy, which means that a signal for opening a position (buy or sell) at the same time closes previous position.
Because of its specificity the strategy doesn’t have take profit/stop loss options and it is not recommended to use leverage.
Your risc is limited by time interval from opening one position and opening another one when the price reverses.
The strategy has a backtest statistics on TradingView. 2018 – 141%, 2019 – 171%, until Apr. 6th, 2020 – 103%, from 2018 till Apr. 6th, 2020 - 417% of net profit
Max drawdown (the sum of non-profitable trades until receiving a profitable trade) during a year not more than 12.44%.
The strategy is published for testing and will be free to use during this period of time.
To get access to the strategy after testing finishes write in comments and pm me.
Стратегия работает на инструменте Ethereum (ETH) по котировкам биржи BITMEX на 3 часовом таймфрейме (3H), а также имеет удобные алерты для сигналов на покупку/продажу.
Это позволит Вам заниматься своими делами, не следя за тем, что происходит на рынке, но в нужное время совершить сделку, получив предупреждение на телефон / компьютер.
Стратегия построена на последней версии Pine Script, в ее основе лежит совокупность множества индикаторов и правил, которые в определенный момент дают сигнал на покупку или продажу ETH. Стратегия основана на "non-repaint" базисе, таким образом, если стратегия показала вход в сделку (по итогу закрытия свечи) - то данная сделка так и остается без изменений и записывается в историю сделок. Это выгодно отличает данную стратегию от 90% таковых в Trading View и дает уверенность, что появившийся сигнал на сделку не исчезнет в случае, если рынок пойдет в противоположную сторону. Данный фактор означает, что статистика по данной стратегии не будет "нарисована", как в большинстве других стратегий. Также, не маловажным фактором является поступательная кривая доходности, что означает, что стратегия будет зарабатывать на всех фазах рынка, а не только в определенный момент времени.
Данная стратегия относится к сегменту SWING стратегий, когда один сигнал является одновременно закрытием одной сделки и открытием противоположной.
В связи со спецификой стратегии она не использует стоп-ордера, поэтому предполагает торговлю строго без плечей. Если вы хотите снизить риск по данной стратегии, то можете заходить в сделки пониженным объемом средств.
Ваш риск ограничен временным интервалом от момента, как цена пошла в противоположную сторону, до момента пока стратегия не дала сигнал на перекладку в новую сделку.
Статистика, подтвержденная бэктестом в Trading View, за последние пару лет: 2018 - 141%, 2019 - 171%, на 06.04.2020 - 103%, с 2018 по 06.04.2020 - 417%. Это данные по Чистой прибыли на вложенный капитал. Максимальная просадка ("Max drawdown" по данным Trading View) за период с 2018 по 06.04.2020 не превысила 12,44%
Для предоставления доступа к данной стратегии - пожалуйста пишите в комментариях запрос с копией в личные сообщения. Мы быстро с Вами свяжемся.
gbpusd 12utc limit 30-120Hi guys!
this strategy is a development of 12utc. I used some more filters to have less false entries. So of course getting less signals the net profit is going to be smaller, but the profit factor increased.
Everyday at 12 utc check the chart for a signal. If it appears you can set the Stop Loss 30 pips and Take Profit 120 pips from the open of the candle, and let it run! Green and red lines will be generated to see these limits.
In this strategy, running on 1hour chart gbpusd , I set 4 pips of spread. The equity line comes with a stop loss of 34 pips and a take profit of 116 pips, and this is you see 4 pips of gap between the limit lines and the closin price.
Subscribe to use it!
Enjoy your wallet!
Wave Trend Strategy [LazyBear] & SqueezeThis strategy is a port of famous script Wave Trend Oscillator with a plus: squeeze indicator (LazyBear).
@author LazyBear
Original study from LazyBear
Scope of this port is to identify corrects inputs to get best results from signals that indicator gives.
The squeeze gives a further filter before orders and avoid to enter in a flat market period.
I attached it to chart with heikin ashi candles to have a better result and remove noise: results are good.
Please use comment section for any feedback.
Next improvement (only to whom is interested to this script and follows me): study with alerts on multiple tickers all at one. Leave a comment if you want to have access to study.
********************************** IMPORTANT*******************************
I have developed an expert advisor for metatrader4 (MT4): results of expert advisor form 2015-01-01 to 2018-11-25 are very good with low drawdown and good profit.
Strategy Follow Line Indicator The objective is only to evaluate different configurations, I do not recommend using only this indicator to trade, because you can lose all your money if you do not know what you are doing.
I hope you find it useful.
Fianchetto v1Hello, I created this script last year I decided I would release it to the public. This script uses Moving Averages to attack or defend price action given the current conditions of the market. This strategy is ONLY for currencies I would NOT recommend using on any other markets. This strategy is wrong about 55% of the time so use at your own risk. This strategy has 2 main focuses, 1. Catching trends and riding trends 2. Defending Profits from a Trend, as a trend starts to form you want to make sure you can get the most juice out of the trend while also ensuring profit taking throughout the trend. This algorithm uses moving averages in a more creative way than just trading crossover's, we use a small MA to use it's direction of travel as a traffic light while using a bigger MA as a filter for our trade bias (bear or bull). Our Traffic light or small MA is what ensures we are defending profits as when the traffic light switches colors we close our trade even if our filter is still the same bias. This however does not mean we are done trading the current trend wave, We wait for our traffic light to switch back to the same bias as our filter to re-enter the trade. I will be updating this system as time goes on, if you have any questions or problems please pm me, QuantsGambit
Combo Strategy 123 Reversal & DynamoThis is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
In July 1996 Futures magazine, E. Marshall Wall introduces the
Dynamic Momentum Oscillator (Dynamo). Please refer to this article
for interpretation.
The Dynamo oscillator is a normalizing function which adjusts the
values of a standard oscillator for trendiness by taking the difference
between the value of the oscillator and a moving average of the oscillator
and then subtracting that value from the oscillator midpoint.
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
Distance Oscillator Strategy- evoI described the indicator in the link below, this is a strategy version to test settings.
Combo Strategy 123 Reversal & Dynamic Pivot Point This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
This Pivot points is calculated on the current day.
Pivot points simply took the high, low, and closing price from the previous period and
divided by 3 to find the pivot. From this pivot, traders would then base their
calculations for three support, and three resistance levels. The calculation for the most
basic flavor of pivot points, known as ‘floor-trader pivots’, along with their support and
resistance levels.
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
Sqeeze Momentum, DMI and Parabolic SAR strategyThe script combines Sqeeze Momentum, Directional Movement Index (DMI) and Parabolic SAR indicators in long and short scalping strategies
When conditions of long or short position from all mentioned indicators are met script opens position. Once trend changes it closes position and fixes profit
1. Deal start condition includes the folowing filters and requirements:
- Momentum value is adjusted using a relative proportion of volume at each timeframe scale to exclude a chance of opening position at a low impulse stage
- Squeeze momentum trigger condition is automatically checked before a position is opened
- +DI , -DI and ADX values are taken into account to confirm the trend direction
- Position size is taken into account to ensure there will not be opened any excess deals or alerts
2. Exit deal condition was modified using Parabolic SAR indicator. Hence, it is ensured positions will not be closed in a middle of a trend
3. Study is modified into strategy allowing you to use it directly through the trading panel
If you want to obtain access to the strategy please send us a personal message
Blue FX Trend StrategyHi, welcome to the Blue FX Trend Strategy Script.
What does it do?
Our strategy will help you identify the current trend in the markets and highlight when this is changing. The strategy itself is based upon 4 indicators lining up in total confluence to increase the probability of the trade being a success, this is specifically an EMA, MACD settings, Supertrend criteria and also Momentum.
Absolutely no technical analysis is needed to trade this successfully - this can be used on all time frames and all pairs - obviously with varying profitability as all pairs work differently - this can be reviewed quickly in 'Strategy Tester' to hone in on your own desired settings.
When all criteria is in alignment the strategy will convert all candles to the relevant colour - Green for an uptrend and Red for a downtrend; a candle that is printed normally simply shows that no current trend is in place to warrant a colour change. A normal coloured candle could possibly indicate a change in current market direction or the market consolidating before a further move in the initial direction. When a new signal is valid 'Blue FX Buy'' or 'Blue FX Sell' will be displayed and the small arrow shown on candle open for entry.
How do I use it?
Our strategy is invite only - upon joining our group we will allow you access to the script. This will then simply display on your device ready for you to start trading from. There is substantial functionality within the strategy, you can;
See the success of the default settings in the past using the 'Strategy Tester' Function for numerous settings
1. Following the settings 'Trail'
2. Changing your TP function with the other criteria listed
3. Using a Fixed TP or SL function
Upon changing the Script to 'Fixed' you will see numerous trades on the chart displayed differently.
Scaling into a profitable position is also possible - this is ideally done when the candle colour confirms the trend is continuing after rejection/support from the EMA; we show this below;
You could also enter here if you missed the initial sell signal, we have MA rejection and a red printed candle indicating all confluences are in play and we have high probability for the move to continue.
How do I know its profitable?
We have built numerous customisable settings into the strategy for you to see that this is profitable - you can visually see this too. The settings are also customisable to find the right criteria for the right pair on the right time-frame. Ultimately, with the strategy confluences in place, you are putting probability in your favour and can quickly determine the trend in place if there is one. Within the customisable settings there is a compound function too, so if you were to compound your profit the results can be exceptional.
We have also added an H4 confluence, so you can ensure if trading on a lower time-frame you are in the overall direction of the H4 trend too, a useful setting for more confluence again.
Where do I set my Stop loss or Take Profit?
There is no right or wrong to this and we have attempted to build numerous ways of doing this into the strategy for reference.
For setting a SL you could;
1. Use a fixed SL.
2. Place the SL below the last high or low in the trend.
3. Use an ATR function.
4. Place the SL 5 pips below the last 3 candles.
5. Or, trail the price if you are on screen until the next signal is given and a new trend starts - although unless a big trend, you may miss out on some profit by the time price has pulled back.
For placing a Take Profit, you could;
1. Use a fixed TP.
2. Look for the next supply/demand area on the chart (if it breaks and candle colour supports direction - you could enter again).
3. Use an ATR function.
5. Or, trail the price if you are on screen until the next signal is given and a new trend starts - although unless a big trend, you may miss out on some profit by the time price has pulled back.
6. Secure multiple TPs - 20/50/100 pips with Stop loss to entry after the first target is hit.
Here are some examples of the Buy and Sell signals in action;
Will also work on Commodities and Indices as shown below too;
Our recommended visual settings are below;
1. Set to'Trail' Strategy
2. Under 'Style' tab, select Trades on Chart, but un-select both Signal Labels and Quantity to clean up the chart - these settings are useful when testing to see where the trades are opened and closed.
3. We like the candles changing colour to the trend and criteria set however, these can be turned off to display normal bullish and bearish candles.
When reviewing profitability you can do this by selecting 'Overview' 'Performance Summary' and 'List of Trades'.
Please consider that the settings based into the strategy could differ to your own money management rules and your management of your SL and TP as outlined above - we have tried to cover as many bases as possible here.
We look forward to you using this strategy to profit from the market, please share your feedback and results with us.
Kind regards
Blue FX Team
Chaloke System StrategyChaloke System Strategy
This is a trend indicator
Atr and 3 moving averages are used
Short 9-day moving average,Medium 15-day moving average,Calculated with a long 24-day moving average.
Atr period : 5
Sht,Mid,Lng calculation method is different
Buying Strategy
long = crossover(Sht,Mid) and close > Sht
Selling Strategy
short = crossunder(Sht, Lng ) or close < Lng
Buy should be done when the barcolor turns green
Sell should be done when barcolor is red
When the barcolor is black, there may be change.
My VWAP Reversal + Pivot Points StandardThis indicator, with the addition of a standard VWAP indicator to the 5m chart, helps the operator when using a closing candle Price to initiate a VWAP Reversal strategy.
The strategy involves Price gapping up, look for a Close below the 1st 5m candle Low; else look for a Close above the 1st 5m candle High. On a break of VWAP, take the trade in the opposite direction of the gap, hence the VWAP Reversal. Not my own strat, credit to T3 Newsbeat, publicly posted on YouTube.
The Pivot Points Standard in the Pine 4 user manual, was the base source code, and leaving it here will allow me to remove the PP indicator I was using.
Combo Strategy 123 Reversal & Dynamic Momentum Index This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
This indicator plots Dynamic Momentum Index indicator. The Dynamic Momentum
Index (DMI) was developed by Tushar Chande and Stanley Kroll. The indicator
is covered in detail in their book The New Technical Trader.
The DMI is identical to Welles Wilder`s Relative Strength Index except the
number of periods is variable rather than fixed. The variability of the time
periods used in the DMI is controlled by the recent volatility of prices.
The more volatile the prices, the more sensitive the DMI is to price changes.
In other words, the DMI will use more time periods during quiet markets, and
less during active markets. The maximum time periods the DMI can reach is 30
and the minimum is 3. This calculation method is similar to the Variable
Moving Average, also developed by Tushar Chande.
The advantage of using a variable length time period when calculating the RSI
is that it overcomes the negative effects of smoothing, which often obscure short-term moves.
The volatility index used in controlling the time periods in the DMI is based
on a calculation using a five period standard deviation and a ten period average
of the standard deviation.
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
Laguerre RSI by KivancOzbilgic STRATEGYBacktesting.
" Laguerre RSI is based on John EHLERS' Laguerre Filter to avoid the noise of RSI .
Change alpha coefficient to increase/decrease lag and smoothness.
Buy when Laguerre RSI crosses upwards above 20.
Sell when Laguerre RSI crosses down below 80.
While indicator runs flat above 80 level, it means that an uptrend is strong.
While indicator runs flat below 20 level, it means that a downtrend is strong. "
Developer: John EHLERS
Author: KivancOzbilgic
KPL Swing StrategyThe KPLSwing indicator is a simple trend following mechanical trading system which automates the entry and exit.
The trading system is extremely simple and easy to use and removes emotions from trading.
The trading or investing logic is simple.... buy on close above 20 days high and sell on close below 20 days low.
No targets are given as profits are unknown and is whatever the market gives. Losses are limited via position sizing.