Label with Trading Idea - ExampleThis is just simple trading idea draw into chart using labels and lines.
Please use it as educational purpose and you are free to modify any part of the script.
Semoga Terhibur.
Key price levelsFunction: labelling recent highs and lows automatically. Easy and clean.
In this example, we can see the previous low of the ticker is around 105.5, the previous high is around 120.
We can set up our entries and exits by referring to the last lows and highs.
Users can adjust the searching bar range by themselves.
Reminder Message (with color picker) - ApopheniaPaysThis is a very simple script. It displays a message above the latest price. I coded it because I need a constant reminder to keep me from overtrading.
You can customize several options:
- The message text
- How high above the latest price the message is displayed
- How often it is displayed. 1=display constantly, 2=only show it during every other period, 3=only show it every 3rd new period, etc. So, for example, if you are on the 15 minute chart, and set a frequency of 3, it will show it for the first 15 minutes out of every 45.
- Color and lightness. This can be used as an example of how to add a color selection input to your own scripts.
[Daveatt] BEST Quandl Federal Reserve Economic Dashboard 1.0Hello traders
I hope you're all doing well and the quarantine will soon be over in your respective countries.
We all have strong opinions on how it could have been handled by our respective governments but the facts cannot be contested.
And basically, they acted based on a lot of unknown data. Obviously, we can throw away some conspiracy theories but what's the point really?
Conspiracy theorists never ever ever ever made money - Permabulls did historically.
Fight only for what you can change, in other words, YOURSELF. Those 2 months were tremendous for me to adapt, learn, and pivot my different businesses.
I believe that humans are wired to one thing - transform themselves. You'll never be able to change our governments, the banks, the FED printing money (making it the dollar less and less valuable)
Transforming yourself and your life is the only (and the most powerful) hedge you have
Yes, you didn't ask for it, this is not fair. Life is not fair. Only YOU can make it fair for yourself
That's why I stopped listening to the media, social media and all the news related to COVID
I wanted to play with the new Quandl utility function provided by TradingView
With this dashboard, I tried to build a Quandl dashboard based on the Federal Reserve Economic Data data
I pulled out a few metrics from this Quandl page:
"Federal Reserve Economic Data" or FRED is a project by the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis.
FRED collects over 200,000 US and international economic time series, from 69 different sources, on a single website. Data coverage includes all major areas of macroeconomic analysis: growth, inflation, employment, interest rates, exchange rates, production and consumption, income and expenditure, savings and investment, and more.
What can you do with the indicator
First, kudos to Pinecoders . I used his color scale and f_print functions to display those labels at the right.
Script Reference:
You can change from the indicator settings:
- Labels horizontal position
- Labels size (tiny, normal, big, huge)
- Labels colors
Final words
Tough times are ahead as we can see from those numbers.
For those having an online business, it's a fantastic period despite the terrible events. Use it at your advantage to learn and share your vibes and knowledge with your audience
Stay brave,
ApopheniaPays Crossing detector & 2-field date/time entryYou specify a horizontal line by value, start date/time, and end date/time, and choose a data source (bar close is the default) and it will label count how many times that source crosses that line between those dates/times.
Enter the start and end dates for your horizontal line as MMDDYY and HHMM (24 hour time).
: Jan 17, 2020 would be 11720 (properly it would be 011720, but Pine inputs delete leading 0s).
: November 17, 2020 would be 110720.
: 8:30 AM would be 0830.
: 8:30 PM would be 2030.
Remember to enter the right time zone.
I believe nobody else has published a 2-input date/time picker on TV, at least the last time I checked they hadn't, they all make you input M,D,Y,H,M as separate fields. Ugh!
If you use any parts of this code, please credit me. If somehow you happen to make a lot of money using this code, please think about what a fair share would be to pay me for my help, then give that amount to a worthwhile charity.
BEST Risk to Reward UtilityHello Traders
This is a proof of concept and a cool pinescript utility
It displays a risk to reward division as a fractional value.
For example
Risk: 300
Reward: 600
This will be displayed as 1/2 as we can earn 2 units for a potential loss of 1 unit
(600/300 = 2) for those wondering the NASA level mathematics behind :)
Best regards
BEST USA Bank Holidays HelperHello traders
This is a quick helper displaying the US bank holidays labels 1 day before the actual bank holiday date
Useful to be reminded when it's better to not trade as the big "whales" aren't trading either - and are probably drinking cocktails on their yachts in the Caribbeans island
This is my way of saying that, the days where the USA are off, the derivatives like indices aren't likely to give big opportunities
Of course, big move might happen but statistically, we're better off going to the Caribbeans islands as well (or preparing for the next trading day)
The indicator displays in fuschia (never knew how to write that word properly without checking google first...) the 2019 US bank holidays
Best regards and enjoy your cocktails today :)
Best Volatility CalculatorHello traders,
This indicator shows the average volatility, of last N Periods, for the selected time frames.
You can select up to 2 timeframes with this version
Volatility is defined as the close of current candle - close of the previous N candle
Presented as Currency, Pip, percentage labels in a panel below.
Will calculate in real-time only for the current instrument on the chart.
The indicator is coded to not be repainting
In the indicator screenshot, I used a lookback period of 1.
That compares the current candle close versus the previous one for the daily and weekly timeframe
Showing how the results are calculated for the weekly calculations
Enjoy :)
Best regards
BEST Dollar Cost AverageHello traders
This is an upgraded version of my Dollar Cost Average (Data Window) script
1 - What is Dollar-Cost Averaging ( DCA )?
Dollar-Cost Averaging is a strategy that allows an investor to buy the same dollar amount of investment at regular intervals. The purchases occur regardless of the asset's price.
I hope you're hungry because that one is a biggie and gave me a few headaches. Happy that it's getting out of my way finally and I can offer it
🔸 This indicator will analyze for the defined date range, how a dollar-cost average ( DCA ) method would have performed (green panel) versus investing all the hard earnt money at the beginning (orange panel)
=> green versus orange
2- What's on the menu today?
My indicator works with all asset classes and with the daily/weekly/monthly inputs.
⚠️⚠️⚠️ However, results are only visible on the DAILY timeframe chart
As always, let's review quickly the different fields so that you'll understand how to use it (and I won't get spammed with questions in DM ^^)
🔸 Use current resolution: if checked will use the resolution of the chart
🔸 The timeframe used for DCA: different timeframe to be used if Use current resolution is unchecked
🔸 Amount invested in your local currency: The amount in Fiat money that will be invested at each period selected above
🔸 Starting Date
🔸 Ending Date
🔹 The script screenshot shows a DCA with 100 USD invested daily from 01.01.2017 to 01.28.2020
3- Bonus (DATA WINDOW)
🔸 Please check this screenshot to understand what you're supposed to see: Data window
And a quick video that I did months ago explaining how we can use this data window effectively
4 - Specifications used
I got the idea from this website and the result shown by this website and my indicator are very interesting in general and for your own trading
The formula used for the DCA calculation is the one from the Investopedia website.
Best regards and best of luck
Grover Llorens Activator [alexgrover & Lucía Llorens] Trailing stops play a key role in technical analysis and are extremely popular trend following indicators. Their main strength lie in their ability to minimize whipsaws while conserving a decent reactivity, the most popular ones include the Supertrend, Parabolic SAR and Gann Hilo activator. However, and like many indicators, most trailing stops assume an infinitely long trend, which penalize their ability to provide early exit points, this isn't the case of the parabolic SAR who take this into account and thus converge toward the price at an increasing speed the longer a trend last.
Today a similar indicator is proposed. From an original idea of alexgrover & Lucía Llorens who wanted to revisit the classic parabolic SAR indicator, the Llorens activator aim to converge toward the price the longer a trend persist, thus allowing for potential early and accurate exit points. The code make use of the idea behind the price curve channel that you can find here :
I tried to make the code as concise as possible.
The Indicator
The indicator posses 2 user settings, length and mult , length control the rate of convergence of the indicator, with higher values of length making the indicator output converge more slowly toward the price. Mult is also related with the rate of convergence, basically once the price cross the trailing stop its value will become equal to the previous trailing stop value plus/minus mult*atr depending on the previous trailing stop value, therefore higher values of mult will require more time for the trailing stop to reach the closing price, use higher values of mult if you want to avoid potential whipsaws.
Above the indicator with slow convergence time (high length) and low mult.
Points with early exit points are highlighted.
Usage For Oscillators
The difference between the closing price and an overlay indicator can provide an oscillator with characteristics depending on the indicators used for differencing, Lucía Llorens stated that we should find indicators for differencing that highlight the cycles in the price, in other terms : Price - Signal , where we want to find Signal such that we maximize the visibility of the cycles, it can be demonstrated that in the case where the closing price is an additive model : Trend + Cycles + Noise , the zero lag estimation of the Trend component can allow for the conservation of the cycle and noise component, that is : Price - Estimate(Trend) , for example the difference between the price and moving average isn't optimal because of the moving average lag, instead the use of zero lag moving averages is more suitable, however the proposed indicator allow for a surprisingly good representation of the cycles when using differencing.
The normalization of this oscillator (via the RSI) allow to make the peak amplitude of the cycles more constant. Note however that such method can return an output with a sign inverse to the one of the original cycle component.
We proposed an indicator which share the logic of the SAR indicator, that is using convergence toward the price in order to provide early exit points detection. We have seen that this indicator can be used to highlight cycles when used for differencing and i don't exclude publishing more indicators based on this method.
Lucía Llorens has been a great person to work with, and provided enormous feedback and support while i was coding the indicator, this is why i include her in the indicator name as well as copyright notice. I hope we can make more indicators togethers in the future.
(altho i was against using buy/sells labels xD !)
Thanks for reading !
Line & Label RGB Color Editor [DW]This script is a template designed to provide developers with UI color customization for v4 lines and labels.
The color pallete used within this script is a full spectrum "web safe" format with 216 colors to choose from.
Colors are easily modified via the RGB inputs. The designated color selector function takes in the RGB values and returns the corresponding hex color.
Transparency can be modified as well. However, the function only supports constant integers for transparency value, so it has to be manually adjusted within the code.
On line 42, you'll see a variable within the color selector function named trans. This is the transparency value, which can be set to any integer from 0 to 100. I have it set to 0 by default.
I included a sample label to demonstrate how the color editor works. It also displays the hex codes for the current label and text colors for some additional reference.
Implementing this in your own script is pretty straightforward.
All you need to do is copy the color selector function and inputs (feel free to name them whatever you want) into your desired script. Then, you can use them to declare your color variables.
BEST Multicolor Supertrend InfoPanelHello traders
Today is a Pinescript hack to display multiple colors in one label.
I used that panel to show the Supertrend Long Term values (weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly)
What is a Supertrend?
Definition : SuperTrend is an indicator that works on all timeframes and all instruments (stocks, futures, forex, ...). It is a great tool to follow market trends and optimizes your profits.
SuperTrend evolves below or above the prices depending on the trend. You can use it as an exit position indicator when its direction changes. You can also use it to place your stops.
So.... the hack is?
The hack is about creating a new label for each line - versus creating just one label containing the whole text
Best regards,
BEST Algorithm Builder FOREXHello traders 👋
1. Every trial request access has to be done through my website.
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here: Daveatt
3. Many video tutorials explaining clearly how all our indicators work are available on our website > guides section and also on Discord + Youtube
4. You may also contact me directly for more information regarding the trading method included in the indicator or how to access it
II. Forewords
This indicator is for the Intraday FOREX traders looking for fixed entries based on our proprietary trading method.
We've been working on it for months and releasing now for our subscribers.
We designed this framework for FOREX major/minor/exotic pairs.
III. Optimized system for lowering risk/capturing most of the opportunities
We worked hard on reducing the risk as much as we could.
The built-in hard-exit (also called invalidation) system does a huge job in exiting a position way before a Stop Loss will get hit
IV. Trade Manager and compatible with dynamic alerts
It includes :
- our proprietary method with fixed entries
- a hard exit system (built-in stop-loss)
- multiple options for user-defined stop-loss/take-profit settings (price value, distance in pips, percentage, trailing, ...)
- 🔔 Compatible with dynamic alerts 🔔
Dynamic alerts are bringing automated trading to a whole new level. The third-party solutions capturing TradingView alerts are able to use them.
- Algorithmic Supports and Resistances used as safeguards and take profit zones
Final words
We made it as simple as we could (to be honest it's a very simple system for the end-user) - even with several hundreds of calculations in the indicator.
Please hit me up for any questions/feedbacks/comments
Become the BEST trader you deserve to be
Rhaps SMAEMA Combo v1.1There's many versions of this sort of thing around the Tradingview library, but i guess we all like things to our own specifications.
So this is my take on the SMA and EMA version combined.
Bunch of SMA's & EMA's, with labels, and G&D Cross Labels and Alerts.
These values can of course be changed to any you may prefer.
Rhapsodyy's Combo SMAEMA's v1.1
SMA's with Painted Labels : 10/30/50/80/200
EMA's with Painted Labels : 21/50/89/200/377
50SMA / 200SMA Golden & Death Crosses on Current Timeframe & Alerts
Daily 50SMA / 200SMA Golden & Death Crosses overlayed onto Current Timeframe & Alerts
50EMA / 200EMA Golden & Death Crosses on Current Timeframe & Alerts
Daily 50EMA / 200EMA Golden & Death Crosses overlayed onto Current Timeframe & Alerts
Ultimate EMA ScreenerHello traders
Very busy preparing a few stuff for Black Friday but wanted to remind that I still know Pinescript and how to step up my game :)
My master @RicardoSantos once again showed me how to push the pinescript limits one step/dimension further. Kudo also to my client (Judy) for this amazing idea.
I inspired myself from his script () to display multiple assets in the same panel - without breaking the chart scaling.
In that case, I'm comparing 5 EMAs relatively to each other and display:
- a square if they're stacked properly
- a triangle if two of them are stacked properly
- a dash otherwise
For those interested, the conditions are in the f_securitys function.
I posted in the past a few screeners using labels but we're limited to 50 labels per script. There isn't such limitation when using the plotshape function - giving us more complete screeners. #uhuuuu
I'll post a few more examples this week with different trading strategies/combinations. The possibilities here are (close to) limitless.
I'm using the security built-in function to call external assets (here different forex pairs) and we're limited to 40 security calls per script.
But nothing preventing us from duplicating the same script a few times and calling different assets each time :) If you'd like to display 10 forex pairs, you only need to add that script on your chart twice and select 5 pairs for the first panel, 5 other pairs for the second panel.
You're welcome <3
All the BEST
Algorithm Builder - Multiple TrendsHello traders
1. For the trial request access, they have to be done through my website .
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here : Daveatt
Due to the new scripts publishing house rules, I won't mention the URL here directly. As I value my partnership with TradingView very much, I prefer showing you the way for finding them :)
3. You may also contact me directly for more information
II. Algorithm Builder - Multiple Trends
2.1 Forewords
This indicator is available only to our PREMIUM users. Our PREMIUM indicators offer more trading analysis capabilities and opportunities.
A few words of caution: the Algorithm Builders - Multiple Trends are more advanced and as such, would require slightly more time to be mastered.
They're not that much difficult, but we understand that designing a trading system with 2 trends might be slightly more complicated - however, there is nothing to be scared of :).
The time spent to learn how to use our PREMIUM tools might be rewarded handsomely.
2.2 Concept
The Algorithm Builder - Multiple Trends is made to detect the convergence of many unrelated indicators and give a BUY or SELL signal whenever all the selected sub-indicators are converging in the same direction.
This is an upgrade of the PRO package giving access to the Algorithm Builder - Single Trend - designed to show 1 unique entry per trend - whereas the Multiple Trends offers re-entries in the same direction of the trend if the indicator detects good convergences to accumulate more positions.
III. Multiple Trends versus Single Trend
3.1 Multiple Trends benefits
A friend asked us recently Why using the Multiple Trends if we can use the Single Trend in a smaller timeframe, and get more entries that way?
We thought this was an excellent question, but the answer is obvious.
Using a Single Trend on a smaller timeframe to solely getting more entries will reduce the security of the given trades.
We designed the Algorithm Builders to take a trade in an identified trend but reducing the timeframe too much will mostly increase your risk - and might lead to capital loss.
By the way, this is a universal rule valid also for a big majority of indicators.
We're absolutely not saying that the Single Trend won't work on small timeframes because actually it really does. But, if you find out a great configuration for your Single Trend, and want to get more signals without increasing your risk - then the Multiple Trends would be a very viable option.
3.2 Main signal versus secondary signals
For the main and secondary trends, the color green symbolizes any identified "BUY" trend. And the color red symbolizes any identified "SELL" trend.
-The MAIN trend symbol is unique and symbolized by a triangle.
- The SECONDARY (could also be called re-entries) trends are multiple and symbolized by a diamond.
In the Algorithm Builder indicator settings, they're identified with the Additional keyword.
3.3 How the convergences are calculated
Extremely important: The diamonds (or re-entries) are displayed, as long as a triangle (or main/primary signal) is displayed.
For a trend change (buy to sell or sell to buy), the system waits for ALL selected re-entries sub-indicators , to give a convergence/confluence in the opposite direction.
For example, let's assume a BUY/green convergence based on 3 indicators. One or Two of them going turning red, won't be enough for a trend change.
But, if all of them turn red, then we'll see a red triangle - signaling the beginning of a new downtrend.
3.4 Why multiple entries?
Here are a few use cases :
1. The main use case why we made those Multiple Trends indicators: A trader got invalidated or stopped out on a trade, but wants a system to let hin/her jump back in with a minimum of security. (security depending on the configuration of the Algorithm Builder as a whole).
This is very frustrating to get in a trade, being stopped out, and finally, see the trade going in the expected direction.
Even more frustrating to jump back in at the end of a trend, and get stopped out again - we all agree on this.
2. You want to add more positions on your main trade as your Algo Builder identified a solid trend - this is a nice way to possibly maximize your gains.
Once again, we don't/won't guarantee any performance result (not because we don't believe in our tools, but for legal reason), all depends on the time spent reading our documentation and playing with the Algo Builder - as explained on our Tutorials.
More info available on our website. URL available in this script signature and on my profile status.
IV. Why the Algorithm Builder Multiple Trends may help you
I worked with many traders during my career, and their feedback about trading is often pretty similar.
They all tried a lot of complicated indicators, losing their capital, and finally getting back to the basics (even to the basic indicators if I might say)
The art is finding a good combination of indicators and setting strict money/risk management rules.
Easy in concept, but more than 90+% of traders lose money on the markets... which teach us that trading is not only about drawing trendlines, or using cool indicators but finding ways to ease our psychology while trading.
4.1 The Algorithm Builder trading framework
The sub-indicators (full list on our website) weren't chosen randomly. They're based on a trading method we've developed over the last 6 years - while working with traders and other trading quants.
The Algo Builders are made to detect a convergence - and as such, will give a signal once a trend has been identified.
They're not made to detect reversal but have been designed to give a signal when all sub-indicators are either ALL bullish (green) or ALL bearish (red).
We provide a framework based on indicators we selected because they:
1. make sense to be used altogether
2. work on asset classes like INDEX, CRYPTO, STOCK OPTIONS, FOREX, COMMODITIES
3. it may expand your knowledge about what detecting a convergence with pre-selected indicator really means
4.2 Supports and Resistances
The indicator displays the main algorithmic supports and resistances according to our trading method.
I think they're relevant for all asset classes, but you're absolutely free to use any different supports/resistances logic if you want to.
I'm not against it because I know that pivots, Fibonacci levels, etc. may work very well also.
4.6 Hard Exits
Our trading method is known for the hard exits, also called invalidation.
The Single Trend+ includes a hard exit based on a MACD - settings are flexible and you may update them.
Having a stop-loss protecting your trade is a best practice - Protecting your stop-loss also from getting hit is incredible.
We prefer invalidate a few positions, even if sometimes we don't want to. Rather than the market hard exiting on us, and leaving with our hard-working money.
4.7 Alerts
Alerts are enabled for:
- BUY/SELL MAIN triangles signals
- BUY/SELL SECONDARY diamond signals
- Hard Exits
V. Pain points that we're trying to solve with our Algorithm Builders
Issue #1 There are many informations / indicators / strategies / backtests / noise. Finding the right ones is not a simple task.
Solution #1 A reliable system that removes the external noise is much needed in trading to stay "in the game".
Issue #2 Trading could be quite stressful - The majority doesn't lose in trading because technical analysis is hard, but because managing our psychology is one of the hardest things a human can do.
Solution #2 Some ways to reduce the "trading stress" could be: getting better quality signals and trading like a "machine". Forgetting about Twitter and trusting the system you designed.
Issue #3 Trading without strict rules and only based on what we feel, or what we think the market should do is the fastest way to kiss our money goodbye.
Only 1 indicator generally is not enough. Traders generally use a combination of several indicators but they're monitoring them individually.
It's normal then to feel exhausted at the end of the day ^^ (to say the least)... and exhaustion leads to mistakes which leads to..... (I'm sure you got it) ... capital loss.
Solution #3 As a trader, I needed a trading framework and a method. I offer our trading method but they're plenty others out there. We cannot claim obviously it's the best ever ....but let's say we're using those exact same
scripts ourselves for our trading. And this what we've been recommending our clients to trade with for the past years. Also, having a tool detecting the convergence of several indicators and giving 1 unique signal
for BUY/SELL position will save you a lot of time/energy, and perhaps might help you out getting better trading performance.
VI. Resolving a complex puzzle and having fun in the process
Trading has to stay a passion and not (only be) a source of intense stress.
The most successful traders I know are "trading geeks" - literally always looking for optimizing, searching for the best possible entries, setups, indicators, tools, etc.
For them, it's not even about the money anymore, but only about beating their previous performance.
Why are they doing this? Because it's fun
Might appears as a bold statement, but I guarantee that looking for setups is fun.
One of our users even told us, that it's like playing with "Legos" and we couldn't possibly agree more.
VII. Designing a system that "makes sense"
Another bold statement now. Brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen
The Algorithm Builders allow to design trading systems quickly. What could takes days/weeks/months to find out... might be now within your reach in less than a few hours.
With a bit of practice, less than an hour might be enough per asset/timeframe to find a system that makes sense to you and adapted to your trading capital and psychology.
Assuming our users read our guides and are fully committed to learning a new way of trading - then we do guarantee you'll be able to design kick-ass trading systems that make sense.
"Making sense" doesn't mean at all it's guaranteed to win, it means you're the one defining the convergence of indicators, using your Algorithm Builder, and observe that most of the time - whenever there is a BUY signal, the candlesticks are going upwards - whenever there is a SELL signal, it's going downwards.
This is a necessary step to make real progress from a trading analyst perspective - and hopefully could lead to profits.
VII. Algorithm Builder versus the main trader enemy(=psychology)
This indicator has the goal to help solving one of the MAIN issues encountered by traders.
Most of traders realize, they can't perform with only 1 indicator (or 1 price pattern or 1 price action) and need a combination of multiple indicators before getting in a trade.
Far from being a magic pill, if it could at least reduce the stress you have while trading, then we'll consider we made a great job - it's a technical "useless noise remover", and needs to be followed strictly.
Such trust in a trading system can only be built by testing your Algorithm Builder configuration on either:
1. a demo account
2. or a live account with small bids. And then, increasing progressively the bids if your capital increases progressively.
Though, you should still use your common sense. (for instance: if we get a BUY signal right on a big timeframe resistance we're hitting for the first time).
I'm aware this is a new way of trading but for many, and while we cannot foresee the future, neither predict performance, we believe it might save you a lot of time to find good signals.
My maximum level of happiness will be reached the day when our users will contact me and showing me setups being mine.
I'm sure that even I can learn from my users and, we can all learn from each other Algorithm Builder configuration
VIII. What is a wrong or bad configuration?
Simply put. If you see that most of your signals react such as described below:
1. a buy triangle predicts, most of the time an upwards move
2. a sell triangle predicts, most of the time a downwards move
3. you estimated yourself the stop-loss needed to give enough room for your trades.
4. take profits based on algorithmic support and resistances or your own take profit method.
So what's a good Algorithm Builder configuration? A configuration you're happy with and makes sense.
A better Algorithm Builder setup is one used in demo or a live account w/ small bids for a few weeks, and you're consistent in your trading performance.
If you have any doubt or question, please hit me up directly or ask in the comments section of this script.
I'll never claim I have the best trading methodology or the best indicators. You only will be the judge, and I'll appreciate all the questions and feedback you're sending my way.
They help me a ton to develop indicators based on all the requests I received.
Kind regards,
Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+ (Plug&Play)Hello traders
1. For the trial request access, they have to be done through my website .
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here : Daveatt
Due to the new scripts publishing house rules, I won't mention the URL here directly. As I value my partnership with TradingView very much, I prefer showing you the way for finding them :)
3. You may also contact me directly for more information
II. Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+ Plug&Play
2.1 Concept
That script is an upgrade of the Single Trend:
The Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+ (Plug & Play) is made to detect the convergence of many unrelated indicators, and give a BUY or SELL signal whenever all the selected sub-indicators are converging in the same direction.
The Single Trend+ (Plug & Play) gives one single entry per identified trend - unlike the Multiple Trends editions (also available on my scripts page) which may give more than 1 entry per trend.
The traders select the sub-indicators they want, and see in real-time the BUY and SELL triangles being updated.
III. Plug & Play
Hope you're ready to be impressed. Because, what I'm about to introduce, is my best-seller feature - and available across many of my indicators.
In TradingView, there is a feature called "Indicator on Indicator" meaning you can use an external indicator as a data source for another indicator.
I'm using that feature to connect any external indicator to our Algorithm Builder Single Trend+ Plug & Play (hence the plug and play name).
Let's assume you have your RSI divergence indicator - which is not part of the Algorithm Builder - but noticed that the convergence of an RSI divergence and a MACD gives strong signals.
I mentioned an RSI divergence, but you may connect any oscillator (MACD, On balance volume, stochastic RSI, True Strenght index, and many more..) or non-oscillator (divergence, trendline break, higher highs/lower lows, candlesticks pattern, price action, harmonic patterns, ...) indicators.
Any indicator that displays visual signals are eligible for this feature .... in other words.... all possible indicators. You're welcome :)
THE SKY IS (or more likely your imagination) is the limit :)
Fear no more. The Plug&Play technology allows you to connect it and use it in the convergence/confluence calculations.
Hence, whenever the MACD and RSI divergence will be in the same direction for the first time, you'll get a signal. For the first time only because this is a Single trend edition - you may enter multiple times using our Algorithm Builders - Multiple Trends editions.
To connect your external indicator to ours, we're using a native TradingView feature, which is not available for all users.
It depends on your TradingView subscription plan ( More info here )
If you intend to use our Algorithm Plug&Play indicator, and/or our Backtest Plug&Play suites, then you must upgrade your TradingView account to enjoy those features.
We value our relationship with our customers seriously, and that's why we're warning you that a compatible TradingView account type is required - at least PRO+ or PREMIUM to add more than 1 Plug&Play indicator per account.
We go in-depth on our website why the Plug&Play is an untapped opportunity for many traders out there - URL available on my profile status and signature
IV. Why the Algorithm Builder Single Trend+ (Plug&Play) may help you
I worked with many traders during my career, and their feedback about trading is often pretty similar.
They all tried a lot of complicated indicators, losing their capital, and finally getting back to the basics (even to the basic indicators if I might say)
The art is finding a good combination of indicators and setting strict money/risk management rules.
Easy in concept, but more than 90+% of traders lose money on the markets... which teach us that trading is not only about drawing trendlines, or using cool indicators but finding ways to ease our psychology while trading.
4.1 The Algorithm Builder trading framework
The sub-indicators (full list on our website) weren't chosen randomly. They're based on a trading method we've developed over the last 6 years - while working with traders and other trading quants.
The Algo Builders are made to detect a convergence - and as such, will give a signal once a trend has been identified.
They're not made to detect reversal but have been designed to give a signal when all sub-indicators are either ALL bullish (green) or ALL bearish (red).
We provide a framework based on indicators we selected because they:
1. make sense to be used altogether
2. work on asset classes like INDEX, CRYPTO, STOCK OPTIONS, FOREX, COMMODITIES
3. it may expand your knowledge about what detecting a convergence with pre-selected indicator really means
4.2 Supports and Resistances
The indicator displays the main algorithmic supports and resistances according to our trading method.
I think they're relevant for all asset classes, but you're absolutely free to use any different supports/resistances logic if you want to.
I'm not against it because I know that pivots, Fibonacci levels, etc. may work very well also.
4.3 Choose your favorite risk management algorithm
1/ Pre-defined Algo S/R method using:
- a supertrend of the stop-loss
- the nearest algorithmic resistances for the take profit levels.
2/ Define your own Stop-loss and Take-profits level in real-time
Stop-Loss Management
For what's following, let's assume that 2 is the stop-loss value you inserted in the indicator, and the Algorithm Builder gives a BUY signal.
This is NOT a recommendation at all, only an example to explain how this feature works.
- %Trailing: The Stop-Loss starts 2% away from the entry price - and will move up (because we're on a BUY trade as per our example) every time your trade will gain 2% profit
- Percentage: The Stop-Loss stays static 2% away from the entry price. There is no trailing here
- TP Trailing: This is a very awesome feature. The stop-loss is set 2% away when the trades start.
When the TP1 is hit, the stop-loss will be moved to the Entry price (also called breakeven).
When the TP2 is hit, the SL is moved to the previous TP1 position
- Fixed: Set the Stop-Loss at a fixed position (value should be in currency/units)
Take Profits Management
You can manage up to 2 take profit levels defined as a percentage or price value.
The expected input is in percentage value (for instance, setting the % target of TP1 to 2% will set the TP1 level 2% away from the entry price
4.4 Built-in Trade Manager
This is very likely the most loved utility script that we shared on TradingView.
It's included in your Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+, and will certainly help you immensely to analyze your charts and your trades.
We made sure that all the graphical elements on the chart will be updated in real-time whenever our user change anything on the indicator configuration.
You'll also be able to change the Trade Manager labels positions as you wish :)
4.5 Built-in Risk-to-Reward Panel
The good stuff doesn't stop here.
You'll notice that this sometimes green (when in a LONG), sometimes red (when in a SHORT) panel at the right of your chart.
It displays for the selected trading algorithmic (see 2.3.2 above), a ton of useful real-time analytics.
- Entry Price: the price when the Algorithm Builder will give a signal.
- The Trade PnL in percentage.
- Entry Stop Loss: Distance (in currency/units) between the selected stop-loss algorithm (percent, trailing, TP trailing, etc.) and the entry price.
- Entry TP1: Distance (in currency/units) between the entry price and the first take profit
- Entry TP2: Distance (in currency/units) between the entry price and the second take profit
- Risk/Reward TP1: Using the Stop-loss distance at entry, and Take Profit 1 at entry to compute the risk-to-reward ratio.
- Risk/Reward TP2: Using the Stop-loss distance at entry, and Take Profit 2 at entry to compute the risk-to-reward ratio.
For more details, please check the guides section of my website. Links are in my signature and profile status.
4.6Hard Exits
Our trading method is known for the hard exits, also called invalidation.
The Single Trend+ includes a hard exit based on a MACD - settings are flexible and you may update them.
Having a stop-loss protecting your trade is a best practice - Protecting your stop-loss also from getting hit is incredible.
We prefer invalidate a few positions, even if sometimes we don't want to. Rather than the market hard exiting on us, and leaving with our hard-working money.
4.7 Alerts
Alerts are enabled for:
- BUY/SELL triangles signals
- Trade Manager (SL, TP1, TP2)
- Hard Exits
V. Pain points that we're trying to solve with our Algorithm Builders
Issue #1 There are many informations / indicators / strategies / backtests / noise. Finding the right ones is not a simple task.
Solution #1 A reliable system that removes the external noise is much needed in trading to stay "in the game".
Issue #2 Trading could be quite stressful - The majority doesn't lose in trading because technical analysis is hard, but because managing our psychology is one of the hardest things a human can do.
Solution #2 Some ways to reduce the "trading stress" could be: getting better quality signals and trading like a "machine". Forgetting about Twitter and trusting the system you designed.
Issue #3 Trading without strict rules and only based on what we feel, or what we think the market should do is the fastest way to kiss our money goodbye.
Only 1 indicator generally is not enough. Traders generally use a combination of several indicators but they're monitoring them individually.
It's normal then to feel exhausted at the end of the day ^^ (to say the least)... and exhaustion leads to mistakes which leads to..... (I'm sure you got it) ... capital loss.
Solution #3 As a trader, I needed a trading framework and a method. I offer our trading method but they're plenty others out there. We cannot claim obviously it's the best ever ....but let's say we're using those exact same
scripts ourselves for our trading. And this what we've been recommending our clients to trade with for the past years. Also, having a tool detecting the convergence of several indicators and giving 1 unique signal
for BUY/SELL position will save you a lot of time/energy, and perhaps might help you out getting better trading performance.
VI. Resolving a complex puzzle and having fun in the process
Trading has to stay a passion and not (only be) a source of intense stress.
The most successful traders I know are "trading geeks" - literally always looking for optimizing, searching for the best possible entries, setups, indicators, tools, etc.
For them, it's not even about the money anymore, but only about beating their previous performance.
Why are they doing this? Because it's fun
Might appears as a bold statement, but I guarantee that looking for setups is fun.
One of our users even told us, that it's like playing with "Legos" and we couldn't possibly agree more.
VII. Designing a system that "makes sense"
Another bold statement now. Brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen
The Algorithm Builders allow to design trading systems quickly. What could takes days/weeks/months to find out... might be now within your reach in less than a few hours.
With a bit of practice, less than an hour might be enough per asset/timeframe to find a system that makes sense to you and adapted to your trading capital and psychology.
Assuming our users read our guides and are fully committed to learning a new way of trading - then we do guarantee you'll be able to design kick-ass trading systems that make sense.
"Making sense" doesn't mean at all it's guaranteed to win, it means you're the one defining the convergence of indicators, using your Algorithm Builder, and observe that most of the time - whenever there is a BUY signal, the candlesticks are going upwards - whenever there is a SELL signal, it's going downwards.
This is a necessary step to make real progress from a trading analyst perspective - and hopefully could lead to profits.
VII. Algorithm Builder versus the main trader enemy(=psychology)
This indicator has the goal to help solving one of the MAIN issues encountered by traders.
Most of traders realize, they can't perform with only 1 indicator (or 1 price pattern or 1 price action) and need a combination of multiple indicators before getting in a trade.
Far from being a magic pill, if it could at least reduce the stress you have while trading, then we'll consider we made a great job - it's a technical "useless noise remover", and needs to be followed strictly.
Such trust in a trading system can only be built by testing your Algorithm Builder configuration on either:
1. a demo account
2. or a live account with small bids. And then, increasing progressively the bids if your capital increases progressively.
Though, you should still use your common sense. (for instance: if we get a BUY signal right on a big timeframe resistance we're hitting for the first time).
I'm aware this is a new way of trading but for many, and while we cannot foresee the future, neither predict performance, we believe it might save you a lot of time to find good signals.
My maximum level of happiness will be reached the day when our users will contact me and showing me setups being mine.
I'm sure that even I can learn from my users and, we can all learn from each other Algorithm Builder configuration
VIII. What is a wrong or bad configuration?
Simply put. If you see that most of your signals react such as described below:
1. a buy triangle predicts, most of the time an upwards move
2. a sell triangle predicts, most of the time a downwards move
3. you estimated yourself the stop-loss needed to give enough room for your trades.
4. take profits based on algorithmic support and resistances or your own take profit method.
So what's a good Algorithm Builder configuration? A configuration you're happy with and makes sense.
A better Algorithm Builder setup is one used in demo or a live account w/ small bids for a few weeks, and you're consistent in your trading performance.
If you have any doubt or question, please hit me up directly or ask in the comments section of this script.
I'll never claim I have the best trading methodology or the best indicators. You only will be the judge, and I'll appreciate all the questions and feedback you're sending my way.
They help me a ton to develop indicators based on all the requests I received.
Kind regards,
Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+ (MTF)Hello traders
1. For the trial request access, they have to be done through my website .
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here : Daveatt
Due to the new scripts publishing house rules, I won't mention the URL here directly. As I value my partnership with TradingView very much, I prefer showing you the way for finding them :)
3. You may also contact me directly for more information
II. Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+ (MTF)
2.1 Concept
MTF means Multi Timeframes - we all agree that saying MTF is nicer and easier than multi-timeframe.
That script is an upgrade of the Single Trend:
The Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+ (Multiple Timeframes/MTF) is made to detect the convergence of many unrelated indicators, and give a BUY or SELL signal whenever all the selected sub-indicators - each may be using a different timeframe - are converging in the same direction.
Now sit tight because what's going to be announced will be awesome. Are you ready for it?... :)
The MTF version allows to detect the convergence for indicators in different timeframes. Each indicator has its own timeframe - expanding, even more, your trading analysis capabilities.
In other words, you could, for instance, detects the convergence of an H1 MACD with an H2 Supertrend, and why not also adding an m30 Moving Averages cross in the mix.
The Single Trend+ MTF gives one single entry per identified trend - unlike the Multiple Trends editions (also available on my scripts page) which may give more than 1 entry per trend.
The traders select the sub-indicators they want, and see in real-time the BUY and SELL triangles being updated.
2.2 Why the Algorithm Builder Single Trend may help you
I worked with many traders during my career, and their feedback about trading is often pretty similar.
They all tried a lot of complicated indicators, losing their capital, and finally getting back to the basics (even to the basic indicators if I might say)
The art is finding a good combination of indicators and setting strict money/risk management rules.
Easy in concept, but more than 90+% of traders lose money on the markets... which teach us that trading is not only about drawing trendlines, or using cool indicators but finding ways to ease our psychology while trading.
2.3 The Algorithm Builder trading framework
The sub-indicators (full list on our website) weren't chosen randomly. They're based on a trading method we've developed over the last 6 years - while working with traders and other trading quants.
The Algo Builders are made to detect a convergence - and as such, will give a signal once a trend has been identified.
They're not made to detect reversal but have been designed to give a signal when all sub-indicators are either ALL bullish (green) or ALL bearish (red).
We provide a framework based on indicators we selected because they:
1. make sense to be used altogether
2. work on asset classes like INDEX, CRYPTO, STOCK OPTIONS, FOREX, COMMODITIES
3. it may expand your knowledge about what detecting a convergence with pre-selected indicator really means
2.3.1 Supports and Resistances
The indicator displays the main algorithmic supports and resistances according to our trading method.
I think they're relevant for all asset classes, but you're absolutely free to use any different supports/resistances logic if you want to.
I'm not against it because I know that pivots, Fibonacci levels, etc. may work very well also.
2.3.2 Choose your favorite risk management algorithm
1/ Pre-defined Algo S/R method using:
- a supertrend of the stop-loss
- the nearest algorithmic resistances for the take profit levels.
2/ Define your own Stop-loss and Take-profits level in real-time
Stop-Loss Management
For what's following, let's assume that 2 is the stop-loss value you inserted in the indicator, and the Algorithm Builder gives a BUY signal.
This is NOT a recommendation at all, only an example to explain how this feature works.
- %Trailing: The Stop-Loss starts 2% away from the entry price - and will move up (because we're on a BUY trade as per our example) every time your trade will gain 2% profit
- Percentage: The Stop-Loss stays static 2% away from the entry price. There is no trailing here
- TP Trailing: This is a very awesome feature. The stop-loss is set 2% away when the trades start.
When the TP1 is hit, the stop-loss will be moved to the Entry price (also called breakeven).
When the TP2 is hit, the SL is moved to the previous TP1 position
- Fixed: Set the Stop-Loss at a fixed position (value should be in currency/units)
Take Profits Management
You can manage up to 2 take profit levels defined as a percentage or price value.
The expected input is in percentage value (for instance, setting the % target of TP1 to 2% will set the TP1 level 2% away from the entry price
2.3.3 Built-in Trade Manager
This is very likely the most loved utility script that we shared on TradingView.
It's included in your Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+, and will certainly help you immensely to analyze your charts and your trades.
We made sure that all the graphical elements on the chart will be updated in real-time whenever our user change anything on the indicator configuration.
You'll also be able to change the Trade Manager labels positions as you wish :)
2.3.4 Built-in Risk-to-Reward Panel
The good stuff doesn't stop here.
You'll notice that this sometimes green (when in a LONG), sometimes red (when in a SHORT) panel at the right of your chart.
It displays for the selected trading algorithmic (see 2.3.2 above), a ton of useful real-time analytics.
- Entry Price: the price when the Algorithm Builder will give a signal.
- The Trade PnL in percentage.
- Entry Stop Loss: Distance (in currency/units) between the selected stop-loss algorithm (percent, trailing, TP trailing, etc.) and the entry price.
- Entry TP1: Distance (in currency/units) between the entry price and the first take profit
- Entry TP2: Distance (in currency/units) between the entry price and the second take profit
- Risk/Reward TP1: Using the Stop-loss distance at entry, and Take Profit 1 at entry to compute the risk-to-reward ratio.
- Risk/Reward TP2: Using the Stop-loss distance at entry, and Take Profit 2 at entry to compute the risk-to-reward ratio.
For more details, please check the guides section of my website. Links are in my signature and profile status.
2.3.5 Hard Exits
Our trading method is known for the hard exits, also called invalidation.
The Single Trend+ includes a hard exit based on a MACD - settings are flexible and you may update them.
Having a stop-loss protecting your trade is a best practice - Protecting your stop-loss also from getting hit is incredible.
We prefer invalidate a few positions, even if sometimes we don't want to. Rather than the market hard exiting on us, and leaving with our hard-working money.
2.3.6 Alerts
Alerts are enabled for:
- BUY/SELL triangles signals
- Trade Manager (SL, TP1, TP2)
- Hard Exits
III. Pain points that we're trying to solve with our Algorithm Builders
Issue #1 There are many informations / indicators / strategies / backtests / noise. Finding the right ones is not a simple task.
Solution #1 A reliable system that removes the external noise is much needed in trading to stay "in the game".
Issue #2 Trading could be quite stressful - The majority doesn't lose in trading because technical analysis is hard, but because managing our psychology is one of the hardest things a human can do.
Solution #2 Some ways to reduce the "trading stress" could be: getting better quality signals and trading like a "machine". Forgetting about Twitter and trusting the system you designed.
Issue #3 Trading without strict rules and only based on what we feel, or what we think the market should do is the fastest way to kiss our money goodbye.
Only 1 indicator generally is not enough. Traders generally use a combination of several indicators but they're monitoring them individually.
It's normal then to feel exhausted at the end of the day ^^ (to say the least)... and exhaustion leads to mistakes which leads to..... (I'm sure you got it) ... capital loss.
Solution #3 As a trader, I needed a trading framework and a method. I offer our trading method but they're plenty others out there. We cannot claim obviously it's the best ever ....but let's say we're using those exact same
scripts ourselves for our trading. And this what we've been recommending our clients to trade with for the past years. Also, having a tool detecting the convergence of several indicators and giving 1 unique signal
for BUY/SELL position will save you a lot of time/energy, and perhaps might help you out getting better trading performance.
III. Resolving a complex puzzle and having fun in the process
Trading has to stay a passion and not (only be) a source of intense stress.
The most successful traders I know are "trading geeks" - literally always looking for optimizing, searching for the best possible entries, setups, indicators, tools, etc.
For them, it's not even about the money anymore, but only about beating their previous performance.
Why are they doing this? Because it's fun
Might appears as a bold statement, but I guarantee that looking for setups is fun.
One of our users even told us, that it's like playing with "Legos" and we couldn't possibly agree more.
IV. Designing a system that "makes sense"
Another bold statement now. Brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen
The Algorithm Builders allow to design trading systems quickly. What could takes days/weeks/months to find out... might be now within your reach in less than a few hours.
With a bit of practice, less than an hour might be enough per asset/timeframe to find a system that makes sense to you and adapted to your trading capital and psychology.
Assuming our users read our guides and are fully committed to learning a new way of trading - then we do guarantee you'll be able to design kick-ass trading systems that make sense.
"Making sense" doesn't mean at all it's guaranteed to win, it means you're the one defining the convergence of indicators, using your Algorithm Builder, and observe that most of the time - whenever there is a BUY signal, the candlesticks are going upwards - whenever there is a SELL signal, it's going downwards.
This is a necessary step to make real progress from a trading analyst perspective - and hopefully could lead to profits.
V. Algorithm Builder versus the main trader enemy(=psychology)
This indicator has the goal to help solving one of the MAIN issues encountered by traders.
Most of traders realize, they can't perform with only 1 indicator (or 1 price pattern or 1 price action) and need a combination of multiple indicators before getting in a trade.
Far from being a magic pill, if it could at least reduce the stress you have while trading, then we'll consider we made a great job - it's a technical "useless noise remover", and needs to be followed strictly.
Such trust in a trading system can only be built by testing your Algorithm Builder configuration on either:
1. a demo account
2. or a live account with small bids. And then, increasing progressively the bids if your capital increases progressively.
Though, you should still use your common sense. (for instance: if we get a BUY signal right on a big timeframe resistance we're hitting for the first time).
I'm aware this is a new way of trading but for many, and while we cannot foresee the future, neither predict performance, we believe it might save you a lot of time to find good signals.
My maximum level of happiness will be reached the day when our users will contact me and showing me setups being mine.
I'm sure that even I can learn from my users and, we can all learn from each other Algorithm Builder configuration
VI. What is a wrong or bad configuration?
Simply put. If you see that most of your signals react such as described below:
1. a buy triangle predicts, most of the time an upwards move
2. a sell triangle predicts, most of the time a downwards move
3. you estimated yourself the stop-loss needed to give enough room for your trades.
4. take profits based on algorithmic support and resistances or your own take profit method.
So what's a good Algorithm Builder configuration? A configuration you're happy with and makes sense.
A better Algorithm Builder setup is one used in demo or a live account w/ small bids for a few weeks, and you're consistent in your trading performance.
If you have any doubt or question, please hit me up directly or ask in the comments section of this script.
I'll never claim I have the best trading methodology or the best indicators. You only will be the judge, and I'll appreciate all the questions and feedback you're sending my way.
They help me a ton to develop indicators based on all the requests I received.
Kind regards,
Trend Direction Helper (ZigZag and S/R and HH/LL labels)Hey everyone
First of all, I'd like to thank Ricardo Santos, Backtest Rookies for the inspiration for this script.
Actually, most of it is coming from them and I only mixed them up (and added my secret sauce ^^). If some of you are not thinking about a trading secret sauce, please get serious for a moment :)
Some of you asked me how I do to set the trend direction. You all understood that if you get an UP label, then the price should go up and vice-versa for down.
But it's not so easy to define the good signals for each asset and each timeframe. I'm going to repeat what I said yesterday because ... well... that's what trading is about
So quoting myself here "The inputs set by default will have to be changed for your asset/timeframe and can't be generic for everything. You have to play with the inputs until the signals will make sense to you
The indicator/strategy with a unique configuration that you'll never check or update according to the market condition DOES NOT exit. "
BUT... a bit of patience and practice and you might do wonders.
The Method
I never realized until now but by connecting the higher highs/lower lows, I was drawing zigzag lines.
The Zig Zag Master is Ricardo Santos . Please give him a follow, he's awesome
For those who don't want to draw on the chart or (my preferred choice) need some inspiration to define your trend directions, this script is for YOU (and your family, your pet, your girlfriend/boyfriend, ...)
I think that each asset/timeframe chart has its own history. What worked in a post could work in the future.
In that regard, if a trend direction worked in the past, that's the parameter that I'll use to trade with it in a demo account and make sure it's relevant. If not then I will adjust
If you're trading with new indicators or a new method right away on your real trading account, you're gonna have a bad time
The script draws the classical horizontal pivots + the zig zag lines + the Higher Highs/Lower Lows label in just 1 script. I'm very excited to share a script (on which I coded 100 lines out of 500) but no one else did it
The horizontal pivots part are coming from Backtest Rookies
For more security, you can add a pullback on a moving average after getting a signal. Pullbacks are necessary to limit any eventual loss or maximize your gains by getting in the trend sooner.
I really give you a solid method and a great script in my opinion. 6 years of experience given away for FREE :p (when Dave will start thinking as a business man instead :O)
Does it repaint ?
Getting this question twice a day. You guys are obsessed with the repainting :)
Short answer, yes because it will calculate the pivots and zig zags whenever new higher highs/lower lows will be formed.
However, the trend direction code is based on the candle close so it shouldn't repaint. If it does, please let me know
See you all on Monday
Love you all
Be sure to hit the thumbs up. Building those indicators take a lot of time and likes are always rewarding for me :) (tips are accepted too)
- If you want to suggest some indicators that I can develop and share with the community, please use my personal TRELLO board
- I'm an officially approved PineEditor/LUA/MT4 approved mentor on codementor. You can request a coaching with me if you want and I'll teach you how to build kick-ass indicators and strategies
Jump on a 1 to 1 coaching with me
- You can also hire for a custom dev of your indicator/strategy/bot/chrome extension/python
Trading involves a high level of financial risk, and may not be appropriate because you may experience losses greater than your deposit. Leverage can be against you.
Do not trade with capital that you can not afford to lose. You must be aware and have a complete understanding of all the risks associated with the market and trading. We can not be held responsible for any loss you incur.
Trading also involves risks of gambling addiction.
Please notice I do not provide financial advice - my indicators, strategies, educational ideas are intended to provide only some source code for anyone interested in improving their trading
The proprietary indicators and strategies developed by Best Trading Indicator, the object of intellectual property rights are and remain the exclusive property of Best Trading Indicator, at the exclusion of images and videos and texts free of rights or provided by the Company or external legal or physical person.
No assignment of intellectual property rights is carried out through these Terms and Conditions.
Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use of these properties for any reason whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the express written authorization of the Company.
Your CRYPTO Screener - MACD 0 LAG editionHello traders
What's good?
1 - Quick introduction
This script is to demonstrate a proof-of-concept - showing you again what you thought wasn't possible might become (with some tricks) in the realm of possibles !!!.
I get requests for people who want a custom screener because the native TradingView Stocks/Forex/Crypto screeners don't allow to plug external indicators. (example:
This is entirely true and I have also good news for you, we can hack the system one more time. As Hackerman would say, "IT"S HACKING TIME !!!" (ref : KUNG FURY . (#geek #reference #done #for #today)
What if you could build your own personalized screener based on your custom indicator? "No Dave stop smoking, that's not possible, go back to eating your baguette". Say no more, let me present you my new script called YOUR CRYPTO Screener (MACD 0 LAG)
2 - What is a MACD ZERO LAG?
We'll all agree this indicator is NOT in the TradingView screeners so I'm not cheating here :)
A MACD ZERO LAG is a MACD that .... suspens.... wait for it.... DOES NOT lag.
The traditional MACD is based on exponential moving averages and as moving averages are lagging, then the MACD is lagging also. I'll spare you all the maths behind the MACD ZERO LAG but in short, this is a way more reactive indicator than the traditional MACD
I shared before the version that I personally use for my own trading : MACD 0 LAG nTREND coloring
3 - Crypto Screener specifications
If I could do a screener as complete as the native one, this would be wonderful but ... we cannot and this is due to technical reasons. To call indicators from different timeframes, I have to use the security function. And we're limited to 40 security calls per indicator.
That explains why I selected 4 crypto assets and 5 timeframes and the MACD zero lag output for each asset/timeframe - which gives a total of 4 * 5 * 2 = 40
You'll be able to select from the interface the 5 timeframes that you want for your screener
In this script, you'll get a :
- BUY whenever the MACD ZERO LAG for your asset/timeframe is green.
- SELL whenever the MACD ZERO LAG for your asset/timeframe is red.
4 - Can you hack it even more?
If you want to add other timeframes or assets, you can either, change the code or add the indicator on another chart.
I made the source code generic enough so that you can update it yourself easily
Chart 1 will list BTCUSD, ETHUSD, LTCUSD, and XRPUSD in m5/m15/m30/H1/H4 and Chart2 could list BTCUSD, ETHUSD, LTCUSD and XRPUSD in H6/H8/H12/Daily, etc...
Once again the sky (and your computer RAM capacity) is the limit
5 - Can you super hack it even more?
1/ This script is only a proof-of-concept that you can build your own custom screener. Imagine having the Algorithm Builder and being able to connect it in a single click to a custom screener using your own configuration :)
How coooooooooooooooool would that be!!!
This screener version will be available on my website in a few weeks along with all the tools I'm spamming you about since the beginning of July (#shameless #self-advertising)
2/ For a nicer scripter, let's keep in mind that TradingView just enabled Webhooks this week. This will allow my company to offer custom screeners design and hosted on your own website. Those screeners will be for sure nicer than the indicator version
That's it for today and for this week
I won't even touch the laptop this weekend and will enjoy life a bit
Love you all
Be sure to hit the thumbs up. Building those indicators take a lot of time and likes are always rewarding for me :) (tips are accepted too)
- If you want to suggest some indicators that I can develop and share with the community, please use my personal TRELLO board
- I'm an officially approved PineEditor/LUA/MT4 approved mentor on codementor. You can request a coaching with me if you want and I'll teach you how to build kick-ass indicators and strategies
Jump on a 1 to 1 coaching with me
- You can also hire for a custom dev of your indicator/strategy/bot/chrome extension/python
Supertrend MTF Heatmap V2Hello traders and aspiring Pinescripters
You might remember this script Supertrend-Heatmap-Multi-timeframes/ ?
A follower, asked me in a comment to do a version where YOU guys can select the timeframes
Well... what follower asks, follower (sometimes) gets. I'm not Santa Claus but this is Christmas with a few months in advance (#oh #oh #oh)
Customizable Trend DirectionHi everyone
Publishing this as a few clients want to try it out
It's basically a proof-of-concept to show that size and text can be manipulated :)
Size and text and label vertical position are udpatable
Will publish an open-source script today or tomorrow hopefully
Crypto Prices InfoPanel V2Hello traders
Following the introduction of ByBit to TradingView ByBit on TradingView
I decided to upgrade my previous Bitcoin InfoPanel Bitcoin-Prices-InfoPanel/
Now it's more dynamic (thumbs up) but only work with Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin . If you select any other asset than those 3, the script won't work
This is due to a technical limitation on TradingView because I can't do more than 40 security calls per script
If you don't know what the security function is, here's a reminder : Security documentation . If you don't know what is TradingView... I cannot do anything for you...
Now you can use this panel to have a very cool arbitrage view directly from TradingView and use the info to gamble between brokers (not financial advice)
See you all tomorrow for a huge update regarding the Strategy Builder. I'll show you how to connect it to a Backtest system
Feel free to hit the thumbs up as it shows me that I'm not doing this for nothing and will motivate to deliver more quality content in the future.
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