Gap detector
This is a very simple gap indicator derived by comparing the previous opening and next closing price.
Gap down if opening price is lesser than previous closed price.
Gap up if opening is more than previous closed price.
This gap detector use to evaluate the continuation or reversal of next candle and needed to be implement with other indicator such as Moving average or Boilinger band to read the possible direction of trend. Basic knowledge of candlestick pattern may help to predict the direction of next candlestick base on gap up or down of current price.
Alert can be setup using this gap detector accordingly to the time frame of chart.
Multiple time frame is recommended
Previous Close To Current High Percentage Per CandleGet the percentage of previous candle price to current high candle price.
This script will make your life easier to get percentage without you calculating it.
Hope you enjoy the tool and let me know if there is any feedback or improvement request.
Thank you very much. :D
Previous To High Percentage Per Candle = (high - previous / previous) * 100%
London Gold Fix TimesThis script highlights the London Gold Fix times ( in your charts.
Pricing in Alternative CurrenciesSometimes securities make new highs/lows in one currency but not in other currencies. This can lead traders to believe that a security's price move is much stronger than it is in reality, and especially to international traders and investors. To avoid trading errors, it can be useful to be able to look at a security's price in alternative currencies which is what this indicator is designed to do.
1. Select the primary alternative currency (Default USD)
2. Select the secondary alternative currency (Default EUR)
3. Select "Candles" to view OHLC chart or Close/High/Low to view the pricing as a line chart
Note 1
The secondary alternative currency will apply ONLY when a security is priced in the selected primary alternative currency.
For example, assuming the primary alternative currency is USD and the secondary is EUR:
Scenario 1: Security priced in GBP would be repriced under this indicator using the primary alternative currency being USD
Scenario 2: Security priced in USD would be repriced rather using the secondary alternative currency being EUR
Wick Stop ZonesCount how many wicks bottom out in each price zone. Specify the following inputs.
Lookback: How far back from the latest candle to look for wick intersects.
Zone Size: The price range size for zone. Wicks tips that fall into each zone will be counted.
Minimum Intersects: Specifies how many wick tips must intersect with the zone before the zone is allowed to plot.
(주식/Stocks) 삼성전자 Samsung Electronics
(선물/Futures) 나스닥 NASDAQ
(코인/Cryptocurrency) 비트코인 BTCKRW
Hello my dear traders.
My team has recently developed a technical indicator that surprises ourselves every time we observe a price action caused by this very indicator.
Relative Strength Index has been developed by a scholar named Welles Wilder. Just like me, he turned himself into a technical analyst from a mechanical engineer after realizing how powerful and beautiful technical analysis is. As most of you know, RSI is a technical indicator that measures and visualizes the strength of bulls or bears objectively, in a percentage unit. This index, which oscillates between 0~100, is useful when identifying the general trend of the market
Here is the equation that computes RSI.
RSI(%) = (Average of Upward Price Change within N /( Average of Upward Price Change within N + Average of Downward Price Change within N))*100
* N = Time period/length or the number of candlesticks that are being considered
RSI is one of the most popular indicators used by daily traders these days. However, since default setting of the RSI only considers the closed price of candles, many limitations and weak points have been spotted recently. Since current financial market (such as crypto, stocks, futures, and forex) is heavily volatile and unstable, candle’s tails are not being considered properly on RSI (and also any other indicators that are computed using closed price).
To handle this problem, our team has worked very hard to achieve applying candle’s tails on our indicators.
After numerous tries and updates, we have finally come up with a very decent one that plots RSI that reflects both the candle's wick and body. This indicator can be interpreted as a cloud of RSI just like Ichimoku.
Traders can consider this indicator as overbought/oversold only if all of the RSI lines, (or the whold cloud) enters to the zones. Moreover, plotting channels and trendline on this cloud works very well.
We have also made it to show divergence signals so that traders can refer when the relative strength of bulls/bears starts to resolve.
If you wish to obtain access to this indicator, please comment or DM to this account.
We will give you guys an update soon for a newer version!
안녕하세요 트레이더 여러분. 토미 트레이딩 팀입니다.
오늘은 요즘 많은 트레이더들이 유용하게 사용하는 RSI와 해당 지표의 한계점에 대해서 알려드리겠습니다. 또한 본 한계점을 극복하기 위해 저희 개발팀이 최근에 개발한 RSI 클라우드 지표에 대해서 소개해드리겠습니다.
RSI , Relative Strength Index (상대강도지수)는 1978년에 웰레스 월더라는, 저처럼 원래 공학자였지만 기술적분석이라는 학문에 푹 빠져 이쪽 분야로 발을 돌린 한 학자에 의해 개발됐습니다. 해당 지수는 주가의 상승/하락 압력 간의 상대적인 강도를 보여주는 보조지표로 추세의 강도세를 백분율로 표기해줍니다.
RSI를 산출하는 공식은 다음과 같습니다.
RSI (%) = (N의 상승폭 합계/(N의 상승폭 합계 + N의 하락폭 합계))*100
* N = Time period/length, 시간(캔들봉) 단위
본 공식에서 N은 RSI의 민감도를 조절하는 Parameter(설정값)로 보편적으로 Default(기본)값인 14, 조금 덜 민감한 값으로는 25가 사용됩니다. RSI의 단위는 %로 과매수 구간은 70~80%, 과매도 구간은 20~30%으로 사용됩니다. 즉 RSI가 70~80% 이상일 때 강세 혹은 과매수, 20~30%일 때 약세 혹은 과매도라고 판단할 수 있습니다.
정말로 직관적이면서도 참으로 쉽고 유용한 지표이죠.
하지만 아쉽게도 이 RSI도 크나 큰 한계점이 존재합니다. 해당 지수가 산정될 때 사용하는 소스값은 Closed, 즉 캔들의 종가로, 고가와 저가가 지수에 반영되지 않습니다. 즉 캔들의 꼬리는 해당 지수에 고려되지 않는다는 점입니다. 요즘에 누가 캔들 종가만 보고, 혹은 라인차트로만 매매하나요? 허구한날 미친 스캠무빙이 툭하면 나오는 현대 장에 종가만 가지고 매매하면 골로간다는건 다들 아실 거라 생각합니다. 요즘처럼 고변동성의, 툭하면 길고 뾰족한 꼬리들이 난무하는 현대 금융 시장에 적용시키기엔 문제가 너무 많습니다.
게다가 요즘에 너무나도 많은 개인투자자들이 RSI 지표를 사용합니다. 모두가 같은 자리, 같은 기법, 혹은 같은 지표를 쓰면 어떻게 된다고 했죠? 제가 매번 강조 드렸듯이 3~5% 개미 생종률은 불변의 법칙입니다. 모두가 롱을 외치면 숏자리를, 모두가 숏을 외치면 롱자리를 찾아야하는 금융시장. 높은 통찰력과 안목을 지닌 소수의 현명한 투자자들만 살아남는다고 제가 누누이 강조 드렸습니다.
이 문제를 해결하고자 최근 저희 팀은 캔들의 모든 가격들을 RSI지표에 반영시키기 위해, 그리고 종가를 기준이 아닌 다른 기준으로 다이버전스를 모색하는 매우 다양한 시도들을 해왔습니다.
수많은 연구, 실험 및 고찰 끝에 마침내 캔들의 모든 가격을 반영하는 RSI 지표를 만들고 말았습니다. 이름하여 RSI 클라우드! RSI를 하나의 라인이 아닌 범위로 표기를 함으로써 조금 더 보수적이고 정확하게 강도지수를 파악할 수 있게 되었습니다. 본 지표는 일목구름과 마찬가지로 RSI를 하나의 선이 아닌 구름대로 해석하시면 됩니다.
다수의 라인(라인들의 범주를 구름으로 표기함)으로 구성된 이 지표는 고려하는 모든 선들이 과매수/과매도 구역에 진입해야 과열로 간주함으로써 더 보수적으로 확실한 과열 상황들을 포착할 수 있습니다. 그리고 해당 지표에 평행 채널 및 추세선들이 기가 막히게 잘 들어맞습니다. 주가에 추세선/채널 작도하는 것처럼 활용하시면 됩니다. 이탈 방향 나올 때, 그리고 심지어 이탈 이후 리테스트도 나옵니다.
또한 다이버전스 역시 종가가 아닌 캔들의 평균값을 사용하여 시그널이 나오게끔 했습니다. 때문에 중간중간에 긴 꼬리들 혹은 말도 안되는 무빙이나 노이즈들로 발생되는 주가 <-> 지표 다이버전스의 괴리감을 최소화시켰습니다. 이 또한 자동으로 다이버전스를 잡도록 로직을 짰으니 상승/하락세의 과열이 점차 해소되기 시작할 때, 즉 변곡 잡으실 때 매우 유용하게 사용하실 수 있습니다.
물론 당연한 말이지만 이 지표 하나만 가지고 매매를 하면 안되겠죠? 본인만의 여러 기법 및 지표들의 튼튼한 조합을 구성할 때 하나의 기준으로써 참고를 해야합니다.
아래는 비트코인이 아닌 선물과 주식 차트입니다. 해당 차트들은 예전 차트도 아닌 최근 차트입니다. 이와 같이 종목/상품과 타임프레임을 불문하고 다 잘 맞습니다.
그러면 이상, 급변하는 21세기 현대 금융시장에 최적화된 기법, 지표 및 전략들을 꾸준히 연구하고 개발하는 토미 트레이딩 팀이었습니다.
Centered Candles [racer8]Brief 💜
This indicator allows users to more easily compare candlesticks by centering them along a zero line.
Also, I've added some moving average lines for the highs, lows, and closes for these centered candles.
Enjoy 😉
{INDYAN} Perfect Buy SellA simple indicator based on candle stick strength, with cpr,vwap and support resistance...
search for buy sell signal on 15 min timeframe and wait for second candle to close above/below of signal candle. Cpr pivots would act as support and resistance. Entry should only be based on 15 mins or higher timeframe. 3 and 5 mins timeframe for profit booking.
No supertrend or atr used in this indicator.
This show how a single candle can give u good trade...
Love Indyan
* tested on Banknifty and nifty , kindly share ur experiences on other scrips. Thanks
Tabajara Ogro 2021 - RSJTabajara was created by André Machado , a Brazilian trader known as "O OGRO de Wall Street" .
The main idea is to indicate to the trader the current price trend and what type of operation to look for in the chart.
It does this through the relation of the closing price position and the SMA of 20 periods, by painting the candles in 4 possible colors:
Green -> Price rising in Bullish Trend (search for LONG entry points)
Black -> Price correction in Bullish Trend (search for LONG entry points)
Red -> Price falling in Bearish Trend (Search for SHORT entry points)
White -> Price correction in Bearish Trend (Search for SHORT entry points)
In addition, I also put the following indicators in the script:
EMA of 8 periods: To identify short-term price movements
SMA of 50 periods: To identify medium-term price movements
EMA of 80 periods: To identify medium-term price movements
SMA of 200 periods: To identify long-term price movements
Bollinger bands in the standard configuration: To identify the volatility of price movements
O Setup Tabajara foi criado por André Machado , trader brasileiro conhecido como "O OGRO de Wall Street" .
A ideia deste setup é indicar ao trader a tendência atual dos preços e qual o tipo de operação deve-se buscar no gráfico.
Ele faz isto através da relação de posicionamento do fechamento dos candles e o sentido da média aritmética de 20 períodos pintando os candles de 4 possíveis cores:
Verde -> Preço subindo em Tendência de alta (Buscar pontos de entrada de COMPRA)
Preto -> Preço corrigindo em Tendência de alta (Buscar pontos de entrada de compra)
Vermelho -> Preço caindo em Tendência de baixa (Buscar pontos de entrada de Venda)
Branco -> Preço corrigindo em Tendência de baixa (Buscar pontos de entrada de Venda)
Além disso, também coloquei no script os seguintes indicadores:
Média Exponencial de 8 períodos: Para identificar os movimentos curtos prazo do preço
Média Aritmética de 50 períodos: Para identificar os movimentos de médio prazo do preço
Média Exponencial de 80 períodos: Para identificar os movimentos de médio prazo do preço
Média Aritmética de 200 períodos: Para identificar os movimentos de longo prazo do preço
Bandas de Bollinger na configuração padrão: Para identificar a volatilidade dos movimentos do preço
Composite Any Currency Strength IndexThis is a flexible currency strength indicator and you can adjust it to any currency you wish 'to measure'. By default, it is set to measure USD major pairs. Indicator calculates every pair you list, and plots one composite chart in the form of Heikin Ashi candles. Basically, you will get USD index in this case. Similarly, you can get AUD, EUR, CAD, JPY, CHF, etc indexes by specifying corresponding symbols. Remember about base and quote currencies and location of each for correct calculations. Simple adjustments in the script needed if you want to value USD by using USD in both base and quote (counter) currencies.
For example, when calculating USD strength by looking into USDJPY (not into JPYUSD) symbols, you will need to add minus "-" before corresponding security in the script itself, not in the Settings Inputs.
Default study script (with JPYUSD):
// Inputs
string sec3 = input(defval="JPYUSD", type=input.symbol, title="Symbol")
h_sec3 = security(heikinashi(sec3), timeframe.period, high)
l_sec3 = security(heikinashi(sec3), timeframe.period, low)
o_sec3 = security(heikinashi(sec3), timeframe.period, open)
c_sec3 = security(heikinashi(sec3), timeframe.period, close)
Adjusted study script with USDJPY:
// Inputs
string sec3 = input(defval="USDJPY", type=input.symbol, title="Symbol")
h_sec3 = -security(heikinashi(sec3), timeframe.period, high)
l_sec3 = -security(heikinashi(sec3), timeframe.period, low)
o_sec3 = -security(heikinashi(sec3), timeframe.period, open)
c_sec3 = -security(heikinashi(sec3), timeframe.period, close)
Unfortunately, I am not a coder specialist and perhaps someone here could improve this indicator for easier and more friendly adjustments. But thanks to variety of symbols on TradingView , you can ignore any changes in the script, and just use symbols with corresponding counter currency offered by this great platform.
Bollinger Bands, 2 x RMA, 4 x SMA/EMA were added for deeper analysing of the index. Other indicators with ability to select data sources (like CCI, StochRSI, Momentum etc) can be separately added to a current chart, but use Composite Any Currency Strength Index data as the source for analysing displayed pair, i.e. by selecting source - Composite Any Currency Strength Index: SMA Close or EMA HLC.
Thank you and good luck everyone!
All Candlestick Patterns - ExportThis is a copy of the built-in All Candlestick Patterns indicator, but with an additional plot for each indicator to support exporting. When exporting, each candlestick pattern will have its own column, with a 1 indicating the candlestick pattern was detected, and 0 indicating it wasn't. The plots are all overlaid, so are they are not useful for viewing, they are only used to generate values to export. This indicator also does not include alerts, so the built-in indicator should be used for everything except exporting.
Point and Figure Chart - LiveHello Traders,
This is "Point and Figure Chart (PnF)" script that run in separated window in real time. The separated PnF chart window is timeless, so no relation with the time on the chart. PnF chart consist of "X" and "O" columns. While "X" columns represents rising prices, "O" column represents a falling price. If you have no idea about what PnF charting is then you should search for "Point and Figure Charting" on the net and get some info before using this script.
Now lets talk about details. PnF Chart requires at least two variables to be set => Box size and Reversal. Box size represents the size of each X/O in PnF chart and the reversal is used to calculate new X/O or reversal. for example if currrent column is X column then for new "X", "box size * 1" move is needed and for new "O" column or reversal, "box size * revelsal" move is needed. in the script I use lines as X/O columns.
In the options you can set "Box Size Assingment Method". you have 3 options Traditional, ATR, Percentage . what are they?
Traditional: user-defined box size, means you can set the box size as you wish, using the option . if you use this option then you should set it accordingly.
ATR : that's dynamic box size scaling and on each columns it's calculated once, you can set length for ATR
Percentage: that's also dynamic box size scaling according to closing price when new column appeared. if you use this option then you should set it accordingly.
Reversal: The reversal is typically 3 but you can change it as you wish
"Change Bar Color by PnF Trend": if you enable this option then bar color changes by PnF columns, by default it's not enabled
"Change Column Color When Breakout Occurs": PnF color changes if Double Top/Bottom breakout accours. enabled by default and you can set the colors as you wish using the options
"Change Bar Color When Breakout Occurs": bar colors changed if Double Top/Bottom breakout accours. enabled by default and you can set the colors as you wish using the options
the script checks only Double Top/Bottom breakouts at the moment. there are many other breakouts such Triple/Quadruple, Ascending/Descending Triple Top/Bottom breakouts, Catapult etc.
Also the script shows new X/O level and reversal Levels in PnF window. An example:
If you enable "Change Bar Color by PnF Trend" option:
An example if you disable the option "Change Column Color When Breakout Occurs
You may want to see my another/older "Point and Point Chart" script as well. you can find it in my profile/published scripts and in the Public Library. I use same PnF calculation algorithm in both scripts.
D Closes [Intromoto]It's kind of annoying no having a reference of higher time frames when trading intraday.
This script is one level from the "closes" script, but as an individual script, this allows more historical closes to be observed at once.
Shows daily closes from the exact candle, regardless of time frame.
Number of lines plotted is limited by tradingview/pinescript, show will only show a certain number i.e recent daily levels.
Lines can be styled by user: Thickness, solid vs dotted vs dashed, range of colors, label size and X location.
The "" function requires that you 'show' the indicator where the close occured, in order to have the line show. The labels are there regardless and will remind you of the level, with or without the line. This is also true if you change chart resolution. You may have to 'search' for the close to have the line show up.
DM for access.
Marubozu Forex Price actionHi, today I bring you a price action strategy/indicator for Forex, made out for Marubozu candle type.
For the entries of it check if we have a long or a short marubozu.
For exit we have for long when the actual candle is green and the last previous two were red.
For exit we have for short, when the actual candle is red and the last previous two were green.
If you have any questions private message me !
Tweezers and Kangaroo TailHello Traders,
Here Tweezers and Kangaroo Tail script is in your service. The script searches for Tweezer / Kangaroo Tail candlestick patterns and shows them as T (Tweezer) and K (Kangaroo Tail). Thanks to RorschachT who game me the idea and some details while working on this script.
What are these candlestick patterns?
Tweezers :
- A tweezers pattern occurs when the highs/Lows of two candlesticks occur at almost exactly the same level
- Both candles must have wicks
- Bigger Wick / Smaller Wick rate should not be greater than 150% ( 150% by default and you have option to change it)
- First Candle must be highest/lowest for last 5 candles (5 by default and you have option to change it)
- The level of High for Top, Low for Bottom must be almost lower than 20% of the bigger wick of tweezer candles (20% by default and you have option to change it)
- The Candles can be right next to each other or apart but not more than 12 candles apart (12 by default and you have option to change it)
- You will see that Tweezers pattern occurs frequently
Kangaroo Tail:
- Looks almost like a Hammer or Inverted Hammer candle
- They have both its open and close in the top or bottom third of the candle
- There must be some space/room on the left of the kangaroo tail
- The open and close of the Kangaroo Tail candle must be inside the range of the previous candlestick
- The next candle should create a new high or new low
- You have several options to set details about the "Room" that should be on the left and also options for Wick/Body rates
- You can see example below
You have option to enable/disable any of these patterns.
as far as I have tested they are strong reversal patterns but none of the indicators or patterns may not be enough alone. so you should confirm the signals using other indicators or tools
If you need more information you can find a lot of info on the net ;)
Example: Tweezers - Aparted
Example: Kangaroo Tail - Bullish
High timeframe Highs, Lows, Opens, Closes. HTF Candles displayPosting previously requested indicator.
Overlays higher timeframe high and low over the current bars - pictured is daily high and low overlayed on lower timeframe chart.
Can be set to fill between the open and close to show higher timeframe candles by color, with bullish or bearish fills
Very versatile and can be used to display weekly or monthly opens, or used to display previous weekly highs and lows for charting out possible liquidity points, etc.
Originally converted from Chris Moody's HLOC pine version 2 indicator.
[TS] S/R TweezersThe Tweezers pattern is a minor trend reversal pattern that consists of two candlesticks with more or less the same high or the same low or some variation thereof. The user can adjust this variation by changing the 'Tweezer Wick Percentage' input.
The Tweezers Bottom pattern generally appears in a downtrend with the first candlestick being a bearish candlestick, followed by a bullish candlestick.
The Tweezers Top pattern generally appears in an uptrend. The first candlestick in this pattern is a bullish candlestick followed by a bearish candlestick.
To further confirm the trend reversal, we've added an Engulfing filter. If this option is enabled, the indicator will only show Tweezer signals that also engulf the previous 1 or 2 candles.
We've also included a S/R Lookback Filter that will search for previous Support/Resistance Zones and only display those Tweezers that are within those zones. The candle lookback period is fully adjustable.
The Support/Resistance zones are based on Swing Points, which length can be adjusted by the user.
The user can also change the width of the S/R zones, by adjusting the input 'S/R Zone ATR Multiplier'
Kangaroo Tail Pro Indicator
Kangaroo Tail Indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos.
The Kangaroo Tail is a multi-bar pattern.
The Kangaroo Tail is both simple and very effective pattern to trade.
The strategy that comes with the Kangaroo Tail is based on price action.
The indicator does what it was designed for: displaying Kangaroo Tail patterns. Don't expect to follow the up and down arrows and make money. Trading is not that simple. The Kangaroo Tail pattern is a starting point. The arrow is not a confirmed BUY and SELL signal in itself. The Kangaroo Tail indicator alerts you that the market might be at a turning point now. Then you must use other elements of your strategy (trend, momentum, support/resistance, volatility, daily bias, and other indicators) to confirm the signal and place a trade.
The Kangaroo Pro version lets users adjust the pattern definition. This version is meant for expert traders who want to use their own optimized settings for the pattern.
Inputs of the indicator are:
MaxBars: number of bars back used to calculate the indicator
Automatic(true/false): you can either use the defaults conservative settings (automatic=true) or use your own settings (automatic=false).
BuySignals (true/false): you can filter signals and decide to show BUY signals or not. Default settings is true (no filter).
SellSignals (true/false): you can filter signals and decide to show SELL signals or not. Default settings is true (no filter).
CandleSize: filter signals depending on the size of candle (0.5 to 1.5 recommended range of values)
BodyPercent: position of body compared to the complete candle range (0.2 to 0.4 recommended range of values)
RoomLeftBars: room on the left you want to have for valid pattern (counted as a number of bars, recommended values of 5 to 30).
The alerts are managed by TradingView trading platform features and not by the indicator itself. You must use Kangaroo Sell less than zero and Kangaroo Buy greater than zero as settings for the alerts.
Beware that TradingView limits the number of alerts you can receive according to the plan you subscribed with the platform.
Beware that alerts are managed by TradingView trading platform features and not by the indicator itself. We provide settings for alerts as a courtesy. If you have problems with alerts or need special settings then please contact TradingView support since alerting is not a feature managed by the indicator.
Trading rules:
For BUY: wait for a bullish Kangaroo Tail to print on a support zone after a down trend. Wait for price to break high of the Kangaroo Tail candle (5 pips above the high for H1 and higher time frames). Immediately enter in the trade once high is broken. You also can use a BUY STOP order placed 5 pips above the high of the candle (plus spread). Stop Loss should be placed below the low of the Kangaroo Tail candle. If order is not triggered in the next candle then trade is invalidated and should be canceled.
For SELL: wait for a bearish Kangaroo Tail to print on resistance zone after an up trend. Wait for price to break the low of the Kangaroo Tail candle (5 pips below the low for H1 and higher time frames). Immediately enter in the trade once low is broken. You also can use a SELL STOP order place 5 pips below the low of the candle. Stop Loss should be placed above the high of the Kangaroo Tail candle. If order is not triggered in the next candle then trade is invalidated and should be canceled.
The Kangaroo Tail indicator can be used with any time frame.
The Kangaroo Tail indicator can be used with any class of assets: Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos.
Beware that in accordance with TradingView rules, we cannot update this description over time. At the time you are reading this description it might be outdated. We recommend you to visit our website for up to date information.
Dear Traders,
This script will get a smile on most of the pivot and price action traders.
My trading skills have drastically improved after learning the concepts of central pivot point, supply and demand and more importantly understanding of the simple candle stick patterns.
This is my experiment of decoding the above mentioned concepts to simple trading setups which can be used across any instruments and across any timeframes.
The most essential and must skills required in order to achieve profits in trading is to identify the right trend, exact entry and exits, risk management and importantly understanding the market structure along with the traders emotion.
Let’s just decipher each of the essential skills along the tools we will be using for analyzing each of the section
Central pivot range ( CPR ) : is used to identify the market structure and the major trend of the instrument you are going to trade. This will help in identifying the mean reversions & trending trade setups in the market.
Developing Dynamic Pivots & Future Targets
This setup will help us in decoding the closing and opening market sentiment and will help us in planning our trade upfront. This home work in post & pre-market session will increase the odds of the trade in our favor to a great extent.
Trend Identification & Dynamic Support & Resistance
I have also included the Pivot based exponential moving average (PEMA) to visually identify the current trend and it also shows the current trend by dynamically changing the colors for bull & bear market in the PEMA zone.
We know that the market works on supply and demand and when the price arrives at these zones the market reacts very faithfully. Hence it’s very important for a trader to know in advance where these levels exist before entering the market.
This Indicator bridges this gap by showing in advance the future value areas where the price reaction can be expected and trades can be planned accordingly. Hence it can anticipate the market move with a strong logic behind us rather than leaving the trader in surprise.
This value area zone will be highlighted in different colors on the chart will be grab your attention and help in planning your trade accordingly.
Market Sentiment
Each market session is a story in itself which is been scripted by the movements of each candle sticks, hence if we understand the relationship between each candles as it is getting formed we can predicate the future candle stick formation to a great extent.
i have coded the indicator triggers which reads the relationship between each candles and shows signals of reversals and also give traders alerts when the price rejection occurs.
Various shapes of rejection signs are plotted for bullish and bearish reversals which help in prediction the strength of the price rejection which will help the trader in planning his trade.
The various shapes in the order of strength are diamond, square, arrows, and triangle respectively.
Entry & Exits
The volatility is the key in predicting the market movement. If we identify the trend correctly then all we have to do is set our expectations accordingly for the targets based on the volatility of the instrument.
The indicator basically captures the recent volatility for the specified look back period and plots across the possible price movements for the current session.
Based on your entry setups you can get a reference of the maximum targets we can expect with the help of the levels the indicator plots.
Please do feel free to use the indicator and give your valuable feed backs which will help me in optimizing it to a great extent.
I am in the process of optimizing the price triggers to a greater extent and also dynamically plot the possible demand and supply zones in coming future.
I would love to thank each of the traders in this TradingView community in helping me improve on my trading skills.
Happy Trading !
False BreakoutA false breakout is when the price temporarily moves above or below a key support or resistance level, but then later retreats back to the same side as it started.
The “False Breakout” indicator reveals false breakouts in comparison to the previous candle.
In case we're looking to trade the stock for long this would mean that the price of the stock broke the previous low (support) and then got back above that low.
In case we're looking to trade the stock for short then a false breakout would mean the stock broke the previous high (resistance) and then got back below that high.
How to use the indicator?
First choose the direction you're looking to trade, meaning either long or short.
Then choose how strict you want to be about the Falls brakes.
There are three options:
The first option named “All“ means that it's enough that the stock broke the previous level and then get back to the original side.
The second option is “Supporting Change” meaning not only that the stock broke the previous key level (support or resistance), but also the change at the end of the candle is supporting the main direction - meaning the change is positive for long or negative for short.
The third option is “Engulfing”. This is a well-known candle, but to make it clear, in our case “Engulfing” means that not only the stock broke the previous level but it also ended the day on the other side of the candle - higher than the previous high, in case of long, and lower than the previous low, in case of short.
When you choose the level of strictness you determine how many indications you're going to get on the chart.
If you choose the highest level of strictness, meaning “Engulfing”, you would only see the red flags indicating engulfing candles.
If you choose the lowest level of strictness, meaning “All”, you will get more indications on your chart, including every false breakout.
When the direction you're looking for is long, all indications would appear below the candles.
When the direction you're looking for is short, then all indications would appear above the candles.
The Engulfing candles are represented by Red flags, and the Simple breakouts candles are represented by yellow. All colors may be adjusted to your preference.
Explaining the example above:
In the chart above we can see two consolidations. At the end of each consolidation, we can see a candle with an indication from the indicator that points out that this could be the end of the consolidation and the stock might continue its move.
In “consolidation 1” we can see that there is an orange flag below the candle right before the stock began to move up again.
In “consolidation 2” we can see that there is a red flag below the candle, right before the stock began another move.
Wishing you all the best :)
ImbalanceOf the three consecutive candles, the state where the space between the first and third wicks not filled is called imbalance.
This indicator visualizes those imbalances.
How to use: Used to recognize sudden supply and demand fluctuations that have occurred in the market.
Hammer & Shooting Star Candle DetectorHi guys
This script will help you to find Hammer candles and also Shooting star candles.
These candle patterns indicate price reversal probability and should evaluate in bigger price context before using as a signal.
I hope you find it helpful and enjoy it.
Please leave your comments for improving this script.