Put/Call RatioPut/Call Ratio Indicator
This indicator visualizes the Put/Call Ratio for various market symbols, helping traders assess market sentiment and potential reversals. It offers a dropdown menu to select from a range of Put/Call Ratios, including broad equities (CBOE), major indices (SPX, QQQ, IWM, VIX), and individual stocks (TSLA, GOOG, META, AMZN, MSFT, INTC).
The indicator plots the Put/Call Ratio with adjustable moving averages and standard deviation bands to highlight overbought or oversold conditions. A short-term moving average (default: 10 periods) is displayed with trend-based coloring, while longer-term moving averages (defaults: 30 and 200 periods) are calculated but hidden by default. Bands at 1, 1.5, and 2 standard deviations provide context for extreme readings.
Key Overbought/Oversold Signals:
Short-Term Extremes: The 10-day moving average moves beyond 1 standard deviation from the 200-day moving average, signaling potential overbought (above) or oversold (below) conditions. This will be highlighted by red or green background color.
Ratio Extremes: The Put/Call Ratio line itself crosses outside 2 standard deviations from the 200-day moving average, indicating stronger overbought or oversold zones.
Conditional coloring of the ratio line reflects its position relative to the bands, and background shading highlights when the short-term moving average crosses key levels.
Key Features:
Selectable Put/Call Ratio symbols.
Trend-colored moving averages.
Standard deviation bands for volatility analysis.
Dynamic line and background coloring for quick insights.
Use this indicator to gauge market sentiment—high ratios may suggest bearish sentiment or oversold conditions, while low ratios may indicate bullish sentiment or overbought conditions. Combine with price action or other tools for confirmation.
NSE Option Chain
This Indicator show Options Data on signal dashboard , that help trader to analyse the market.
Options data consist of two things , Call and Put.
Every Strike has its Call and Put price.
So if user Opens any chart which is traded in options , dashboard will show total 16 Call and 16 Put strikes
8 Above from ATM and 8 Below from ATM.
On left hand side of dashboard there is Call data and on right side there is Put data.
Call side datas are , Call LTP which is latest price of that call strike , Call Chg which is change in points from previous day close and third is Call % which is % change from previous day close.
Same is on put side.
Color code is done based on positive or negative of data. If change or % is negative then color is red else green.
ATM strike data is plotted in bold
Inputs :
Spot Symbol Input for Option dashboard
Expiry date of that option contract
Strike interval between 2 strikes
Reference ATM strike ( user should keep this input as current ATM strike )
How to Use :
If dashboard shows call side is negative and put side is positive then that means market Bearish , because falling market leads to falling price of call and increase in price of Put.
Similarly if put is negative and call is positive then market is bullish.
This dashboard give trend conformation , trader should take other conformation also before taking trade.
[BCT] Option Pricing via Markov Chain Monte Carlo SimulationOverview:
This script offers a toolkit for quantitative options trading, using Monte Carlo simulations based on actual historical returns to model potential future price paths for underlying assets. A range of metrics related to options trading are also provided.
Monte Carlo Simulations:
The script employs Monte Carlo simulations to model future price paths based on the historical returns of the underlying asset. These simulated paths are represented as parabolas at the 2-sigma, 25th percentile, and median levels for quick reference.
For calculating options prices at At-the-Money (or any user-selected strike), two methodologies are used:
Simple Averaging: Takes the mean of the simulated asset price paths.
Kernel Density Estimation (KDE): Applied to the simulated asset price paths to produce a smoothed estimate of its probability density function, thereby aiding in a more nuanced option price calculation.
Bootstrap Resampling:
Bootstrap resampling is specifically applied to the simulated asset price paths to generate an estimate of the standard deviation of the options prices. Note that while bootstrap methods are employed, they serve as statistical tools and do not guarantee statistical reliability.
Metrics Displayed:
Model-Estimated At-the-Money (or selected strike) Straddle Price
Model-Estimated At-the-Money (or selected strike) Call Price
Model-Estimated At-the-Money (or selected strike) Put Price
Model-Estimated Standard deviation for Option Prices from simulated price paths
Underlying Monte Carlo Simulation Results (represented as parabolas at the 2 sigma, 25 percentile and median)
This is not financial advice. Use at your own risk.
Disclaimer: Options trading carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. This script is intended to serve as an educational tool and should not be considered financial advice. While designed to aid in decision-making, the script's indicators are not guarantees of performance or outcomes. Always conduct your own due diligence before making trading decisions.
Call ElecCall Elec Automate trading using Tradingview. Build trading bots for bitcoin, altcoins, forex, stocks and more...
Put to Call Ratio CorrelationHello!
Excited to share this with the community!
This is actually a very simple indicator but actually usurpingly helpful, especially for those who trade indices such as SPX, IWM, QQQ, etc.
Before I get into the indicator itself, let me explain to you its development.
I have been interested in the use of option data to detect sentiment and potential reversals in the market. However, I found option data on its own is full of noise. Its very difficult if not impossible for a trader to make their own subjective assessment about how option data is reflecting market sentiment.
Generally speaking, put to call ratios generally range between 0.8 to 1.1 on average. Unless there is a dramatic pump in calls or puts causing an aggressive spike up to over this range, or fall below this range, its really difficult to make the subjective assessment about what is happening.
So what I thought about trying to do was, instead of looking directly at put to call ratio, why not see what happens when you perform a correlation analysis of the PTC ratio to the underlying stock.
So I tried this in pinescript, pulling for Tradingview's ticker PCC (Total Equity Put to Call Ratio) and using the ta.correlation function against whichever ticker I was looking at.
I played around with this idea a bit, pulled the data into excel and from this I found something interesting. When there is a very significant negative or positive correlation between PTC ratio and price movement, we see a reversal impending. In fact, a significant negative or positive correlation (defined as a R value of 0.8 or higher or -0.8 or lower) corresponded to a stock reversal about 92% of the time when data was pulled on a 5 minute timeframe on SPY.
But wait, what is a correlation?
If you are not already familiar, a correlation is simply a statistical relationship. It is defined with a Pearson R correlation value which ranges from 0 (no correlation) to 1 (significant positive correlation) and 0 to -1 (significant negative correlation).
So what does positive vs negative mean?
A significant positive correlation means the correlation is moving the same as the underlying. In the case of this indicator, if there is a significant positive correlation could mean the stock price is climbing at the same time as the PTC ratio.
Inversely, it could mean the stock price is falling as well as the PTC ratio.
A significant negative correlation means the correlation is moving in the opposite direction. So in this case, if the stock price is climbing and the PTC ratio is falling proportionately, we would see a significant negative correlation.
So how does this work in real life?
To answer this, let's get into the actual indicator!
In the image above, you will see the arrow pointing to an area of significant POSITIVE correlation.
The indicator will paint the bars on the actual chart purple (customizable of course) to signify this is an area of significant correlation.
So, in the above example this means that the PTC ratio is increase proportionately to the increase in the stock price in the SAME direction (Puts are going up proportionately to the stock price). Thus, we can make the assumption that the underlying sentiment is overwhelmingly BEARISH. Why? Because option trading activity is significantly proportionate to stock movement, meaning that there is consensus among the options being traded and the movement of the market itself.
And in the above example we will see, the stock does indeed end up selling:
In this case, IWM fell roughly 1 point from where there was bearish consensus in the market.
Let's use this same trading day and same example to show the inverse:
You will see a little bit later, a significant NEGATIVE correlation developed.
In this case identified, the stock wise RISING and the PTC ratio was FALLING.
This means that Puts were not being bought up as much as calls and the sentiment had shifted to bullish .
And from that point, IWM ended up going up an additional 0.75 points from where there was a significant INVERSE correlation.
So you can see that it is helpful for identifying reversals. But what is also can be used for is identifying areas of LOW conviction. Meaning, areas where there really is no relationship between option activity and stock movement. Let's take spy on the 1 hour timeframe for this example:
You can see in the above example there really is no consensus in the option trading activity with the overarching sentiment. The price action is choppy and so too is option trading activity. Option traders are not pushing too far in one direction or the other. We can also see the lack of conviction in the option trading activity by looking at the correlation SMA (the white line).
When a ticker is experiencing volatile and good movement up and down, the SMA will generally trade to the top of the correlation range (roughly + 1.0) and then make a move down to the bottom (roughly - 1.0), see the example below:
When the SMA is not moving much and accumulating around the centerline, it generally means a lot of indecision.
Additional Indicator Information:
As I have said, the indicator is very simple. It pulls the data from the ticker PCC and runs a correlation assessment against whichever ticker you are on.
PCC pulls averaged data from all equities within the market and is not limited to a single equity. As such, its helpful to use this with indices such as SPY, IWM and QQQ, but I have had success with using it on individual tickers such as NVDA and AMD.
The correlation length is defaulted to 14. You can modify it if you wish, but I do recommend leaving it at this as the default and the testing I have done with this have all been on the 14 correlation length.
You can chose to smooth the SMA over whichever length of period you wish as well.
When the indicator is approaching a significant negative or positive relationship, you will see the indicator flash red in the upper or lower band to signify the relationship. As well, the chart will change the bar colour to purple:
Everything else is pretty straight forward.
Let me know your questions/comments or suggestions around the indicator and its applications.
As always, no indicator is meant to provide a single, reliable strategy to your trading regimen and no indicator or group of indicators should be relied on solely. Be sure to do your own analysis and assessments of the stock prior to taking any trades.
Safe trades everyone!
Accumulated Put/Call Ratio V2This is an updated version of the Accumulated P/C Ratio. Some changes include:
- Pinescript privacy changed from protected to open.
- Utilizes the "request.security_lower_tf" function for weekly and monthly charts.
- Now acquires and sums raw put volume (ticker: PVOL) and call volume (ticker: CVOL) separately, then divides the aggregate put to aggregate call to get the P/C ratio, as opposed to the original version which directly sums the put call ratio (ticker: PCC). Mathematically this calculation makes more sense, but the major drawback of this change seems to be that PVOL and CVOL don't have as much historical data as PCC.
The way to interpret the indicator is the same as the original version - higher values are bullish while lower values are bearish. A solid (0 transparency) bar means that the value is beyond 3 standard deviations within a particular period.
Implied Volatility Estimator using Black Scholes [Loxx]Implied Volatility Estimator using Black Scholes derives a estimation of implied volatility using the Black Scholes options pricing model. The Bisection algorithm is used for our purposes here. This includes the ability to adjust for dividends.
Implied Volatility
The implied volatility (IV) of an option contract is that value of the volatility of the underlying instrument which, when input in an option pricing model (such as Black–Scholes), will return a theoretical value equal to the current market price of that option. The VIX , in contrast, is a model-free estimate of Implied Volatility. The latter is viewed as being important because it represents a measure of risk for the underlying asset. Elevated Implied Volatility suggests that risks to underlying are also elevated. Ordinarily, to estimate implied volatility we rely upon Black-Scholes (1973). This implies that we are prepared to accept the assumptions of Black Scholes (1973).
Spot price: select from 33 different types of price inputs
Strike Price: the strike price of the option you're wishing to model
Market Price: this is the market price of the option; choose, last, bid, or ask to see different results
Historical Volatility Period: the input period for historical volatility ; historical volatility isn't used in the Bisection algo, this is to serve as a comparison, even though historical volatility is from price movement of the underlying asset where as implied volatility is the volatility of the option
Historical Volatility Type: choose from various types of implied volatility , search my indicators for details on each of these
Option Base Currency: this is to calculate the risk-free rate, this is used if you wish to automatically calculate the risk-free rate instead of using the manual input. this uses the 10 year bold yield of the corresponding country
% Manual Risk-free Rate: here you can manually enter the risk-free rate
Use manual input for Risk-free Rate? : choose manual or automatic for risk-free rate
% Manual Yearly Dividend Yield: here you can manually enter the yearly dividend yield
Adjust for Dividends?: choose if you even want to use use dividends
Automatically Calculate Yearly Dividend Yield? choose if you want to use automatic vs manual dividend yield calculation
Time Now Type: choose how you want to calculate time right now, see the tool tip
Days in Year: choose how many days in the year, 365 for all days, 252 for trading days, etc
Hours Per Day: how many hours per day? 24, 8 working hours, or 6.5 trading hours
Expiry date settings: here you can specify the exact time the option expires
*** the algorithm inputs for low and high aren't to be changed unless you're working through the mathematics of how Bisection works.
Option pricing panel
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
Related Indicators
Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Binomial Tree Options Pricing Model
Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Binomial Tree Options Pricing Model [Loxx]Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Binomial Tree Options Pricing Model is an options pricing panel calculated using an N-iteration (limited to 300 in Pine Script due to matrices size limits) "discrete-time" (lattice based) method to approximate the closed-form Black–Scholes formula. Joshi (2008) outlined varying binomial options pricing model furnishes a numerical approach for the valuation of options. Significantly, the American analogue can be estimated using the binomial tree. This indicator is the complex calculation for Binomial option pricing. Most folks take a shortcut and only calculate 2 iterations. I've coded this to allow for up to 300 iterations. This can be used to price American Puts/Calls and European Puts/Calls. I'll be updating this indicator will be updated with additional features over time. If you would like to learn more about options, I suggest you check out the book textbook Options, Futures and other Derivative by John C Hull.
***This indicator only works on the daily timeframe!***
A quick graphic of what this all means:
In the graphic, "n" are the steps, in this case we can do up to 300, in production we'd need to do 5-15K. That's a lot of steps! You can see here how the binomial tree fans out. As I said previously, most folks only calculate 2 steps, here we are calculating up to 300.
Want to learn more about Simple Introduction to Cox, Ross Rubinstein (1979) ?
Watch this short series "Introduction to Basic Cox, Ross and Rubinstein (1979) model."
Limitations of Black Scholes options pricing model
This is a widely used and well-known options pricing model, factors in current stock price, options strike price, time until expiration (denoted as a percent of a year), and risk-free interest rates. The Black-Scholes Model is quick in calculating any number of option prices. But the model cannot accurately calculate American options, since it only considers the price at an option's expiration date. American options are those that the owner may exercise at any time up to and including the expiration day.
What are Binomial Trees in options pricing?
A useful and very popular technique for pricing an option involves constructing a binomial tree. This is a diagram representing different possible paths that might be followed by the stock price over the life of an option. The underlying assumption is that the stock price follows a random walk. In each time step, it has a certain probability of moving up by a certain percentage amount and a certain probability of moving down by a certain percentage amount. In the limit, as the time step becomes smaller, this model is the same as the Black–Scholes–Merton model.
What is the Binomial options pricing model ?
This model uses a tree diagram with volatility factored in at each level to show all possible paths an option's price can take, then works backward to determine one price. The benefit of the Binomial Model is that you can revisit it at any point for the possibility of early exercise. Early exercise is executing the contract's actions at its strike price before the contract's expiration. Early exercise only happens in American-style options. However, the calculations involved in this model take a long time to determine, so this model isn't the best in rushed situations.
What is the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Model?
The Cox-Ross-Rubinstein binomial model can be used to price European and American options on stocks without dividends, stocks and stock indexes paying a continuous dividend yield, futures, and currency options. Option pricing is done by working backwards, starting at the terminal date. Here we know all the possible values of the underlying price. For each of these, we calculate the payoffs from the derivative, and find what the set of possible derivative prices is one period before. Given these, we can find the option one period before this again, and so on. Working ones way down to the root of the tree, the option price is found as the derivative price in the first node.
Spot price: select from 33 different types of price inputs
Calculation Steps: how many iterations to be used in the Binomial model. In practice, this number would be anywhere from 5000 to 15000, for our purposes here, this is limited to 300
Strike Price: the strike price of the option you're wishing to model
% Implied Volatility: here you can manually enter implied volatility
Historical Volatility Period: the input period for historical volatility; historical volatility isn't used in the CRRBT process, this is to serve as a sort of benchmark for the implied volatility,
Historical Volatility Type: choose from various types of implied volatility, search my indicators for details on each of these
Option Base Currency: this is to calculate the risk-free rate, this is used if you wish to automatically calculate the risk-free rate instead of using the manual input. this uses the 10 year bold yield of the corresponding country
% Manual Risk-free Rate: here you can manually enter the risk-free rate
Use manual input for Risk-free Rate? : choose manual or automatic for risk-free rate
% Manual Yearly Dividend Yield: here you can manually enter the yearly dividend yield
Adjust for Dividends?: choose if you even want to use use dividends
Automatically Calculate Yearly Dividend Yield? choose if you want to use automatic vs manual dividend yield calculation
Time Now Type: choose how you want to calculate time right now, see the tool tip
Days in Year: choose how many days in the year, 365 for all days, 252 for trading days, etc
Hours Per Day: how many hours per day? 24, 8 working hours, or 6.5 trading hours
Expiry date settings: here you can specify the exact time the option expires
Take notes:
Futures don't risk free yields. If you are pricing options of futures, then the risk-free rate is zero.
Dividend yields are calculated using TradingView's internal dividend values
This indicator only works on the daily timeframe
Option pricing panel
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
SPY Option returns calculations This script allows you to calculate returns on double butterfly options, specifically for 0 DTE and 1 DTE(days to expiration) for options that have expiration on Monday, Tuesday and Friday(Mostly SPY). The script is bi-directional, meaning it will calculate the returns on a put and call butterfly simultaneously, not just a put or just a call butterfly. The script was developed to calculate how much return could be made on opening a double butterfly option by opening a position right at the open of the day on a 0 DTE option. The script rounds the price up or down to the nearest strike price at open. From there you would need to chose how far to select your options from the opening strike price. You would also need to select how many contracts you would like to open, negative - is selling an option positive + is buying an option. As an example the script is defaulted to a 0,2,4 strike position with buying 1 contract at the 0, selling 3 contracts at the +/- 2 strike and selling 2 contracts at the +/- strike. The default is set to an unbalanced double butterfly as it allows a better credit collection than a standard butterfly. To change to a standard butterfly change the # of contracts to 1 -2 and 1 respectively.
The script defaults a return of 0 on Tuesdays and Thursdays as there are no 0 DTE options available on those days.
If you have questions about script ask ... if you have questions about options ... the answers will likely take too much time to answer.
Options Theoritcal PriceThis script is useful as a quick glance for checking the theoritcal price of the Call and Put option strike.
Spot price is automatically derived from live market.
Enter the strike price and IV value.
For NSE stocks, use 6% as risk free rate if not sure.
Options Flow Intraday SentimentScript useful for Intraday Trading - which based on Options data loaded in background - is showing sentiment of Investors. Very often Options are forecasting and precedes moves that will happen later on derivatives like Futures Contracts. Due to its' nature, data is useful during Regular Trading Hours sessions ( RTH ).
We take into account Options Volume flow & Put/Call Ratio from Options. Data is based from dataset on Quandl and loaded to TradingView. Therefore data is normalized as per different factors we have different scale of received data. Then I apply calculations comparing PUT and CALL Volume, giving the biggest weight ratio to those Options which have nearest Expiration Date. Another condition taken into account is Type of Option: either In the Money, Out of Money or At the money. Last but not least for Options there is calculated risk, where those orderflow entries with lowest risk are having the biggest weight in calculation while those with highest risk - are having lower ratio. Risk is calculated based on delta factor (coming out of Options standard definitions).
Background of indicator is coloured in direction of sentiment when we have alignment of sentiment factors calculated in background in one direction. Script is displaying additionally PUT Volume, CALL Volume from Options and PUT/CALL Ratio. Those are only additional information that can be useful for traders, but the whole logic is hidden under the hood (as described earlier) and is showing coloured background when sentiment is aligned. Therefore be prepared to take potentially a trade in direction of the background - but not blindly
Currently it's supporting SPX ( S&P500 ) and support for more instruments will come with next updates.
1. Set the put and call strike inputs to values of your choosing.
2. Select "days to expiration".
3. Set the put and call standard deviations using the output table.
The indicator is meant help price a strangle using historical data and a volatility model. By default, the model is an ewma-method historical volatility. After selecting strikes and standard their corresponding standard deviation, theoretical values and probabilities will be shown in the table. The script is initialized with -1 for several inputs, and won't show any data until these are adjusted.
The theoretical values shown assume a strangle was bought or sold on every historical bar, and averaging their value at expiration.
For example, if you choose the $50 call and $40 put when the underlying is at $45 and there are 30 days until expiration, suppose the volatility is N and
these strikes correspond to M standard deviations. Input those and the resulting theoretial values shown will be based on opening a 30 dte call and put at M standard deviations with respect to the volatility at each bar.
- Past volatility forecasts are plotted in blue, and hidden by default.
- The current volatility forecast is drawn as a blue line.
- The put and call strikes are drawn as red lines.
This indicator is only meant for the daily chart!
Since I won't be able to edit this description later, also check the release notes and script comments for important changes.
PC-Indicator - Spar_maDeutsche Version Unterhalb.
English version:
This indicator is supposed to be another tool to recognize when a panic movement has begun and also ended. Of course, there are other indicators that work very well, but this can also help to identify the timeframe.
Description of for using the indicator with the example of the panic sell-off in March:
Before the selloff started, two areas can be identified in which the market is being tested. This is when at the same time, the price intersects with the 21 moving average and the put / call indicator. This indicates that something could be wrong (no guarantee, just an indicator). This happened first (marked with 1) when the virus was discovered: Few who had been informed had any idea what might happen. The second "drop" (marked 2) happened when it was publicly announced that such a virus existed. The third time the panic broke out (marked 3) long after the virus was known. The portfolios should have been hedged here at the latest. Shortly before the yellow marking the virus was reported daily and maximum panic were spread. This was the point at which the hedge could theoretically be ended (if you have the courage to do so). However, I myself waited until the 21st and the indicator were clearly broken.
This indicator could have helped to save a loss in value of the portfolio by at least 17%. I hope this indicator can continue to perform as well.
Please leave a like and subscribe if you are interested in further trading ideas from me.
Name of the indicator: “PC-Indicator - Spar_ma”
That’s my opinion and should be treated like it.
No trade advice!
Deutsche Version:
Dieser Indikator soll ein weiteres Tool sein um erkennen zu können, wann eine panische Bewegung beendet ist. Natürlich gibt es weitere Indikatoren die sehr gut funktionieren, dieser kann jedoch zusätzlich dabei helfen zu erkennen wann es soweit ist.
Beschreibung des Indikators an Beispiel des Panischen sell-offs im März:
Bereits vor beginn sind zwei Bereiche zu erkennen, an denen der Markt getestet wird. Dabei kreuzen sich gleichzeitig der Kurs mit dem 21-gleitendem Durchschnitt und dem Put-/Call- Indikator. Das lässt darauf zurückführen, dass etwas kommen könnte. Dies geschah zuerst (mit 1 gekennzeichnet) bei der Entdeckung des Virus: Wenige die Informiert wahren, jedoch ahnten was passieren könnte. Der zweite „Drop“ (mit 2 gekennzeichnet) geschah als öffentlich bekannt gegeben wurde, dass ein solches Virus existiert. Beim dritten Mal brach die Panic aus (mit 3 gekennzeichnet), lange nachdem dieser Virus bekannt gewesen war. Spätestens hier sollte das Konto gehedged worden sein. Erst kurz vor der gelben Markierung wurde täglich vom Virus berichtet und maximale Panic verbreitet. Dies war der Zeitpunkt an dem theoretisch der Hedge beendet werden konnte (wenn man den Mut dazu hat). Ich selbst habe allerdings noch gewartet bis der 21ger und auch der Indikator klar durchbrochen wurde.
Dieser Indikator hätte dabei helfen können einen Wertverlust des Kontos um mindestens 17% ersparen zu können. Ich hoffe dieser Indikator kann weiterhin so gut performen.
Bitte lasst ein like da und abonniert mich, falls Ihr Interesse an weiteren trading-ideen von mir habt.
Name des Indikators: “PC-Indicator – Spar_ma”
Dies ist nur meine persönliche Meinung und sollte auch so betrachtet werden.
Dies ist keine Handelsempfehlung.
Future call ratio spread debit indicatorFuture Call ratio spread debit indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
This spread is a DEBIT SPREAD.
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for stocks since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from futures . Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
-Debit paid: The debit paid for one unit of options strategy. Minimum value: 0.00001.
-Instrument price when entered spread: the stock price when you enter the options strategy.
-Upper strike price: the upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price: the lower strike price of the options strategy.
- Upper Strike numbers of calls . This number has to be greater than the number of calls that were bought.
- Lower Strike number of calls . This number has to be less than the number of calls that were sold.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
Future Call ratio spread credit indicatorFuture Call ratio spread credit indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
This spread is a CREDIT SPREAD.
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for futures since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from stocks. Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
-Credit received: The credit received for one unit of options strategy. Minimum value: 0.00001.
-Instrument price when entered spread: the stock price when you enter the options strategy.
-Upper strike price: the upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price: the lower strike price of the options strategy.
- Upper Strike numbers of calls . This number has to be greater than the number of calls that were bought.
- Lower Strike number of calls . This number has to be less than the number of calls that were sold.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
Future Call Bear Spread indicatorFuture Call bear spread indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
This spread is a CREDIT SPREAD.
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for futures since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from stocks. Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
- Call spread price (Credit): The credit received for one unit of options strategy.
-Instrument price when entered spread: the stock price when you enter the options strategy.
-Upper strike price: the upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price: the lower strike price of the options strategy.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
-% of Max Profit/Loss: Profit/loss line defined by the user. Minimum input (-0.95) ; maximum input (0.95).
Example: In this spread, -0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum loss is reached and, 0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum profit is reached.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
Future Call bull spread indicatorFuture Call bull spread indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
This spread is a DEBIT SPREAD.
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for futures since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from stocks. Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
- Call spread price (Debit): The debit paid for one unit of options strategy.
-Instrument price when entered spread: the stock price when you enter the options strategy.
-Upper strike price: the upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price: the lower strike price of the options strategy.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
-% of Max Profit/Loss: Profit/loss line defined by the user. Minimum input (-0.95) ; maximum input (0.95).
Example: In this spread, -0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum loss is reached and, 0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum profit is reached.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
Future Call option buy or sell indicatorFuture Call option indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for futures since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from stocks. Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
-Buy or sell (the strategy)
-The option price bought: at what price did you bought/sold one option.
-Instrument price when bought: the stock price when you bought/sold the option.
-Strike price: the strike price of the option.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
-Risk to reward: Profit/loss line defined by the user. Minimum input (-0.95) ; maximum input (3).
Example: If an option was bought, -0.95 means, 95% of the option value is lost (unrealized). If an option was bought, 3 means, the risk to reward is 3.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
Call ratio spread debit indicatorCall ratio spread debit indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
This spread is a DEBIT SPREAD.
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for stocks since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from stocks. Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
-Debit paid: The debit paid for one unit of options strategy. Minimum value: 0. 01 .
-Instrument price when entered spread: the stock price when you enter the options strategy.
-Upper strike price: the upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price: the lower strike price of the options strategy.
- Upper Strike numbers of calls . This number has to be greater than the number of calls that were bought.
- Lower Strike number of calls . This number has to be less than the number of calls that were sold.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
Call ratio spread Credit indicatorCall ratio spread credit indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
This spread is a CREDIT SPREAD.
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for stocks since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from stocks. Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
-Credit received: The credit received for one unit of options strategy. Minimum value: 0. 01 .
-Instrument price when entered spread: the stock price when you enter the options strategy.
-Upper strike price: the upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price: the lower strike price of the options strategy.
- Upper Strike numbers of calls . This number has to be greater than the number of calls that were bought.
- Lower Strike number of calls . This number has to be less than the number of calls that were sold.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
Call Bear Spread indicatorCall bear spread indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
This spread is a CREDIT SPREAD.
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for stocks since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from stocks. Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
- Call spread price (Credit): The credit received for one unit of options strategy.
-Instrument price when entered spread: the stock price when you enter the options strategy.
-Upper strike price: the upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price: the lower strike price of the options strategy.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
-% of Max Profit/Loss: Profit/loss line defined by the user. Minimum input (-0.95) ; maximum input (0.95).
Example: In this spread, -0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum loss is reached and, 0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum profit is reached.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
Call bull spread indicatorCall bull spread indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
This spread is a DEBIT SPREAD.
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for stocks since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from stocks. Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
- Call spread price (Debit): The debit paid for one unit of options strategy.
-Instrument price when entered spread: the stock price when you enter the options strategy.
-Upper strike price: the upper strike price of the options strategy.
-Lower strike price: the lower strike price of the options strategy.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
-% of Max Profit/Loss: Profit/loss line defined by the user. Minimum input (-0.95) ; maximum input (0.95).
Example: In this spread, -0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum loss is reached and, 0.95 means, 95% of the options strategy maximum profit is reached.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
Call option buy or sell indicatorCall option indicator developed by Chobotaru Brothers.
You need to have basic knowledge in option trading to use this indicator!
The indicator shows P&L lines of the options strategy. Use only for stocks since the mathematical model of options for Future instruments is different from stocks. Plus, the days' representation in futures is also different from stocks (stocks have fewer days than futures ).
***Each strategy in options is based on different mathematical equations, use this indicator only for the strategy in the headline.***
What does the indicator do?
The indicator is based on the Black-Scholes model, which uses partial differential equations to determine the option pricing. Due to options non-linear behavior, it is hard to visualize the option price. The indicator calculates the solutions of the Black-Scholes equation and plots them on the chart so traders can view how the option pricing will behave.
How the indicator does it?
The indicator uses five values (four dominants and one less dominant) to solve the Black-Scholes equation. The values are stock price, the strike price of the option, time to expiration, risk-free interest rate, and implied volatility .
How the indicator help the users?
-View the risks and rewards so you can know the profit targets in advance which means you can compare different options in different strikes.
-View the volatility change impact so you can know the risk and the P&L changes in case of a change in the volatility over the life of the option before you enter the trade.
-View the passage of time impact so you can know where and when you could realize a profit.
-Multi-timeframes so you can stay on the same chart (Daily and below).
All these features are to help the user improve his analysis while trading options.
How to use it?
The user needs to obtain from the “option chain” the following inputs:
-Buy or sell (the strategy)
-The option price bought: at what price did you bought/sold one option.
-Instrument price when bought: the stock price when you bought/sold the option.
-Strike price: the strike price of the option.
-Interest rate: find the risk-free interest rate from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Example: for 2% interest rate, input: 0.02.
-Days to expire: how many days until the option expires.
-Volatility: the implied volatility of the option bought/sold. Example: for 45% implied volatility , input: 0.45.
-Day of entry: A calendar day of the month that the option bought/sold.
-Month of entry: Calendar month the option bought/sold.
-Year of entry: Calendar year the option bought/sold.
-Risk to reward: Profit/loss line defined by the user. Minimum input (-0.95) ; maximum input (3).
Example: If an option was bought, -0.95 means, 95% of the option value is lost (unrealized). If an option was bought, 3 means, the risk to reward is 3.
After entering all the inputs, press Ok and you should see “Calculation Complete” on the chart.
The user should not change the entry date and days to expire inputs as time passes after he entered the trade.
How to access the indicator?
Use the link below to obtain access to the indicator
Put Call RatioPlots the CBOE Put Call Ratio and marks up locations of extremities.
Useful as a factor of confluence in identifying extremities in the market.