Lost Bar Locator v1 [Yaphott]Lost Bar Locator v1 helps you locate missing data on your chart.
It does this by looking for consecutive bars that have a delta time greater than the current interval.
Two lines are drawn for each group of one or more missing bars:
Bar before the missing bar(s).
Bar after the missing bar(s).
Chained Inside BarsThis script identifies consecutive inside bars by referencing only the most recent non-inside bar, so it avoids excessive lookback. An “inside” bar means its high is lower than the reference bar’s high, and its low is higher than the reference bar’s low. If the current bar is inside, it’s colored white; once price breaks outside, the script updates that new bar as the next reference.
Key Points
• Bars are compared against the last non-inside bar, chaining consecutive inside bars off that same reference bar.
• Inside bars are highlighted in white (non-inside bars retain default chart colors).
• Includes an alert condition for when a new inside bar forms.
• Prevents large dynamic indexing, making it more stable and efficient.
Use this indicator to quickly spot consecutive inside-bar formations without needing to track every single bar-to-bar relationship.
First 5 Minutes Open/Close LinesThis very simple indicator paints lines at the high and low of the first 5m candle of the session. It is primarily intended for big cap NYSE traded stocks with high volume. I wrote this indicator to save me the trouble of manually drawing the lines each day.
The lines drawn at the 5m high/low will remain constant regardless of which timeframe you switch to. In the example screenshot, we are looking at the 1m timeframe. This helps us switch effortlessly between different timeframes to see if a given price movement meets our entry criteria.
In addition to drawing lines at the first 5m high/low, it will optionally paint two zones, one each around the high and low. The boundaries of this zone are configurable and expressed as a percentage of the total movement of the first 5m bar. By default, it is set to 25%.
This indicator is based on the concept that the first 5m bar always has massive volume which helps us infer that price may react around the extremes of that movement. The basic strategy works something like this:
- You identify the high timeframe (HTF) trend direction of the stock
- You wait for the first 5m candle of the session to close
- You wait for price to puncture through the outer boundary of the zone marked by the indicator.
- You enter when price retraces to the high, or low, which marks the midpoint of the punctured zone.
- Only enter long on stocks in a HTF uptrend, and short on stocks in an HTF downtrend.
- Use market structure to identify stop loss and take profit targets
Note: Use at your own risk. This indicator and the strategy described herein are not in any way financial advice, nor does the author of this script make any claims about the effectiveness of this strategy, which may depend highly on the discretion and skill of the trader executing it, among many other factors outside of the author's control. The author of this script accepts no liability, and is not responsible for any trading decisions that you may or may not make as a result of this indicator. You should expect to lose money if using this indicator.
Total Bars CalculatorThis indicator simply plots how much bars are available to the user in the respective chart.
For Example if plot shows 5000 , therefore you have total 5000 bars of OHLC available.
Wick %Heyo Fellas,
thanks for checking out my new indicator.
Wick % is a simple indicator to compare wick size with body size (mode 1) and to compare wick size with candle size (mode 2).
Upper wicks are bullish when close is higher than open pricen.
Lower wicks are bearish when close is lower than open price.
Wick Theory
In general, big wick and small bodie on a bar means that bull and bears are fighting heavily.
A big wick below the body means the bulls are leading in that fight,
and a big wick above the body means the bears are leading in that fight.
Calculation Formula
Mode 1 – Percentual Increase Wick/Body:
upperWickPercentage = (upperWick / body) * 100 - 100
lowerWickPercentage = (lowerWick / body) * 100 - 100
Mode 2 – Percent Wick/Candlestick:
upperWickPercentage = (upperWick / (high - low)) * 100
lowerWickPercentage = (lowerWick / (high - low)) * 100
You can use it on every symbol and every timeframe.
The indicator repaints by default, but you can disable it in the settings.
When you disable repaint, it moves the label one bar to the right.
If you want to use the indicator for signals, you must disable repainting.
Best regards,
YinYang Bar ForecastOverview:
YinYang Bar Forecast is a prediction indicator. It predicts the movement for High, Low, Open and Close for up to 13 bars into the future. We created this Indicator as we felt the TradingView community could benefit from a bar forecast as there wasn’t any currently available.
Our YinYang Bar Forecast is something we plan on continuously working on to better improve it, but at its current state it is still very useful and decently accurate. It features many calculations to derive what it thinks the future bars will hold. Let’s discuss some of the logic behind it:
Each bar has its High, Low, Open and Close calculated individually for highest accuracy. Within these calculations we first check which bar it is we are calculating and base our span back length that we are getting our data from based on the bar index we are generating. This helps us get a Moving Average for this bar index.
We take this MA and we apply our Custom Volume Filter calculation on it, which is essentially us dividing the current bars volume over the average volume in the last ‘Filtered Length’ (Setting) length. We take this decimal and multiply it on our MA and smooth it out with a VWMA.
We take the new Volume Filtered MA and apply a RSI Filter calculation on it. RSI Filter is where we take the difference between the high and low of this bar and we multiply it with an RSI calculation using our Volume Filtered MA. We take the result of that multiplication and either add or subtract it from the Volume Filtered MA based on if close > open. This makes our RSI Filtered MA.
Next, we do an EMA Strength Calculation which is where we check if close > ema(close, ‘EMA Averaged Length’) (Setting). Based on this condition we assign a multiplier that is applied to our RSI Filtered MA. We divide by how many bars we are predicting and add a bit to each predictive bar so that the further we go into the future the stronger the strength is.
Next we check RSI and RSI MA levels and apply multiplications based on its RSI levels and if it is greater than or less than the MA. Also it is affected by if the RSI is <= 30 and >= 70.
Finally we check the MFI and MFI MA levels and like RSI we apply multiplications based on its MFI levels and if it is greater than or less than the MA. It is also affected by if the MFI is <= 30 and >= 70.
Please note the way we calculate this may change in the future, this is just currently what we deemed works best for forecasting the future bars. Also note this script uses MA calculations out of scope for efficiency but there is potential for inconsistencies.
Innately it’s main use is the projection it provides. It only draws the bars for realtime bars and not historical ones, so the best way to backtest it is with TradingView’s Replay Tool.
Well, enough of the logic behind it, let's get to understanding how to use it:
So unfortunately we aren’t able to plot legit bars/candles into the future so we’ve had to do a bit of a work around using lines and fills. As you can see here we have 4 Lines and 3 Zones:
Green: Represents the High
Orange: Represents the Open
Teal: Represents the Close
Red: Represents the Low
High Zone: This zone is from either Open or Close to the High and is ALWAYS filled with Green.
Open/Close Zone: This zone is from the Open to the Close and is filled with either Green or Red based on if it's greater than the previous bar (real or forecasted).
Low Zone: This zone is from either Open or Close to the Low and is ALWAYS filled with Red.
As you can see generally the Forecasted bars are generally within strong pivot locations and are a good estimation of what will likely go on. Please note, the WHOLE structure of the prediction can change based on the current bars movements and the way it affects the calculations.
Let's look 1 bar back from the current bar just so we can see what it used to Forecast:
As you can see it has changed quite a bit from the previous bar, but if you look close, we drew horizontal lines around where its projecting the next bar to be (our current realtime bar), if we go back to the live chart:
Its projections were pretty close for the high and low. Generally, right now at least, it does a much better job at predicting the high and low than it does the open and close, however we will do our best to fine tune that in future updates.
Remember, this indicator is not meant to base your trades on, but rather give you a Forecast towards the general direction of the next few bars. Somewhat like weather, the farther the bar (or day for weather), the harder it is to predict. For this reason we recommend you focusing on the first few bars as they are more accurate, but review the further ones as they may help show the trend and the way that pair will move.
We will conclude this tutorial here, hopefully this Predictive Indicator can be of some help and use to you. If you have any questions, comments, ideas or concerns please let us know.
Forecast Length: How many bars should we predict into the Future? Max 13
Each Bar Length Multiplier: For each new Forecast bar, how many more bars are averaged? Min 2
VWMA Averaged Length: All Forecast bars are put into a VWMA, what length should we use?
EMA Averaged Length: All Forecast bars are put into a EMA, what length should we use?
Filtered Length: What length should we use for Filtered Volume and RSI?
EMA Strength Length: What length should we use for the EMA Strength
[DIP] Inverse BB/Bollinger highlight for barsThis indicator allows you to highlight the area outside of the Bollinger Bands in order to draw more attention to it. This is especially useful for those who only trade when we are outside of the bands.
Keep in mind this indicator only works on bars, not on candles.
Inside Bars (Multiple / Consecutive)Description
When an inside bar is found, the indicator remembers the high and low (= range) of the candle before the inside bar.
As long as price moves within the range, every bar is highlighted as an inside bar to the range.
The indicator can assist when identifying valid pullbacks and buy-side liquidity (BSL) / sell-side liquidity (SSL).
shadow barThis indicator shows a new formation of retrospective candlestick bars of one period (n) of time.
In this way the trader can see how the traditional bars are part of a larger formation that can show a trend or a range.
The new shadow bars are drawn with a degree of transparency that makes it possible to distinguish traditional candlesticks;
and where shadow candles can be seen as support or resistance to traditional candlesticks.
When the traditional candlesticks are the same size as the shadow candlesticks, it can be expected that we are forming a compression or range that will result in a strong move.
In addition to the shadow bars, there is a ribbon created from the new candlestick data that is formed as a line from the linear regression function and another that is the previous line smoothed by its exponential moving average. This tape allows you to see the trend more clearly and at the crossovers of the lines that form possible reversals or continuations of the trend. The indicator has the timeframe field active, which allows the indicator to be displayed in other temporalities.
*The closing price of the new bars is the same as that of the traditional bars.
* The tape is turned off by defa
RSI Candle Advanced V2RSI Advanced
As the period value is longer than 14, the RSI value sticks to the value of 50 and becomes useless.
Also, when the period value is less than 14, it moves excessively, so it is difficult for us to see the movement of the RSI .
So, using the period value and the RSI value as variables, I tried to make it easier to identify the RSI value through a new function expression.
This is how RSI Advanced was developed.
Period below 14 reduce the volatility of RSI , and period above 14 increase the volatility of RSI, allowing overbought and oversold zones to work properly and give you a better view of the trend.
By applying the custom algorithm so that the 'RSI Advanced' with period on a 5-minute timeframe has the same value as the 'original RSI' with period on a 60-minute timeframe.
As another example, an 'RSI Advanced' with a period in a 60-minute time frame has the same value as an 'original RSI' with a period in a 240-minute time frame.
Compare the difference in the RSI with a period value of 200 in the snapshot.
RSI Candlestick
RSI derives its value using only the closing price as a variable.
I solved the RSI equation in reverse and tried to include the high and low prices of candlesticks in the equation.
As a result, 'if the high or low was the closing price, the value of RSI would be like this' was implemented.
Just like when a candle comes down after setting a high price, an upper tail is formed when RSI Candle goes down after setting a high price!!
In divergence, we had to look only at the relationship between closing prices, but if we use RSI candles, we can find divergences in highs and highs, and lows and lows.
Existing indicators could not express "gap", but Version 2 made it possible to express "gap"!!!!!!
RSI can be displayed as candlesticks, bars and lines
Then enjoy my RSI!
RSI Advanced
기간값이 14보다 길어질수록 RSI값은 50값에 달라붙게 되어서 쓸모가 없어집니다.
또 기간값이 14보다 줄어들수록 과도하게 움직여서 우리는 RSI의 움직임을 보기가 힘듭니다.
그래서 기간 값과 RSI 값을 변수로 사용하여 새로운 함수 식을 통해 RSI 값을 식별하기 편하도록 해보았습니다.
이렇게 RSI Advanced가 개발되었습니다.
기간값이 14보다 낮으면 rsi의 변동폭이 줄어들고, 기간값이 14보다 크면 변동폭이 넓어져 과매수 및 과매도 영역이 제대로 작동하여 추세를 더 잘 볼 수 있습니다.
또한 저는 5분 타임프레임의 기간값이 168(=14*12)인 RSI가 주기 값이 14인 60분 타임프레임의 RSI와 동일한 값을 갖도록 적절한 함수 표현식을 적용하여 RSI를 변경했습니다.
다른 예로, 15분 시간 프레임에서 기간값이 56(=14*4)인 RSI는 60분 시간 프레임의 기간값이 14인 RSI와 동일한 값을 갖습니다.
기간값이 200인 RSI의 차이를 스냅샷에서 비교해보십시오.
RSI Candlestick
RSI는 종가만을 변수로 사용하여 값을 도출해냅니다.
저는 RSI 식을 역으로 풀어내어서 캔들스틱의 고가와 저가, 시가를 식에 포함시켜보았습니다.
결과적으로, '만약 고가나 저가가 종가였다면 RSI의 값이 이럴것이다'를 구현해내었습니다.
캔들이 고가를 찍고 내려오면 윗꼬리가 생기듯 RSI Candle에서도 고가를 찍고 내려오면 윗꼬리가 생기는겁니다!!
다이버전스 또한 원래는 종가끼리의 관계만 봐야했지만 RSI 캔들을 이용한다면 고가와 고가, 저가와 저가에서도 다이버전스를 발견할 수 있습니다.
기존의 지표는 "갭"을 표현하지 못했지만 Version 2 에서는 "갭"을 표현할 수 있게 만들었습니다!!!!!!
그럼 잘 사용해주십시오!!!
Fixed Quantum VectorSelect a zone to analyse the vectors.
This screener show the ratio of the bullish and bearish candle vector and on volume.
Slide the white bar to choose your sample size or you can enter the date.
Click label to hide start calculation and end calculation.
- Happy trading
Volume ChartVolume data can be interpreted in many different ways. This is a very basic script and novel idea to display volume as a chart. The purpose of this script is to visually help identify volume breakouts and other common chart patterns. While this indicator could be useful for finding big moves and early reversals it not reliable for determining the direction of the move.
Below is an example of a volume breakout:
Below is confirmation of the second ear in the batman pattern:
Lower highs and higher lows can give early signs of a reversal:
Below we can see retailers getting pumped and dumped on during the gaps while they sleep:
Abnormal bar % v.1This script helps you find abnormal bars on the charts.
An abnormal bar is a bar that is larger than the adjacent bar by at least 50 percent.
The script can search for bars on any time frame.
The search for an abnormal bar, is possible in two ways:
- on the absolute value, for example - all that is higher than 0.5% is considered an abnormal bar, on different timeframes it is necessary to change the percentage values;
- on the basis of the ATR, in my opinion it is a more objective result.
In the settings available:
- choice of color to display percentages on the screen;
- choice of calculation method;
- Selecting the value - what is considered an abnormal bar.
Данный скрипт помогает найти на графиках аномальные бары.
Аномальный бар - это бар который, больше рядом стоящего бара как минимум на 50 процентов.
Скрипт может искать бары на любом тайм-фрейма.
Поиск аномального бара, возможен в двух вариантах:
- по абсолютному значению, например - всё что выше 0.5%, считается аномальным баром, на разных тайм-фреймах нужно менять значения процентов;
- на основание ATR, на мой взгляд это более объективный результат.
В настройках доступно:
- выбор цвета для отображения процентов на экране;
- выбор способа поиска;
- выбор значения - что считаем аномальным баром.
[SS]Multicolor BB with Squeez Moving Average & Colored BarsHello Followers,
Hope u guyz doing well in the market.
Came with a standalone Trading System which helps u with the trend & choppiness zone.
This system is combination of multiple stretagies which makes it better than single published indicators.
We have used Variety-Filtered, Squeeze Moving Averages which is a chop zone indicator that identifies when price is below a specific volatility threshold calculated as the difference between a fast and slow moving average and filtered using ATR- or Pips-based threshold. This indicator can be use as both an entry and exit indicator. It identifies both chop zones and breakouts/breakdowns
When the candles turn white and the threshold bands appear on the chart, this is indicative of low volatility
When price exits the threshold bands, price will usually explode up or down giving a long or short signal. This acts as a sort of squeeze momentum.
Bar coloring
Alerts, 4 types of alerts: Squeeze started, Squeeze ended, long, and short
Multicolour Bollinger Bands indicator that indicates market phases.
It plots on the price chart, thanks to different color zones between the bands, a breakdown of the different phases that the price operates during a trend.
The different zones are identified as follows:
- red color zone: trend is bearish , price is below the 200 periods moving average
--> orange color zone: price operate a technical rebound below the 200 periods moving average
- yellow color zone: (phase 1 which indicate a new bearish cycle)
- light green zone: (phase 2 which indicate a new bullish cycle)
--> dark green zone: trend is bullish , price is above the 200 periods moving average
- grey color zone: calm phase of price/low volatility
- dark blue color zone: price is consolidating in either bullish or bearish trend
- light blue zones: price will revert to a new opposite trend (either long or short new trend)
By identifying clearly the different market phases with the multicolor Bollinger bands , the market entries by either a the beginning of a new trend or just after a rebound or a consolidating phase is easier to spot on.
The credit of above indicator souce goes to loxx & Deveatt. I just backtested and modified it to increase accuracy of trade and clear visual representation for trades.
Modified the trend based SMA and BB period and entry criteria.
1) Look for BB COLOR and SMA for trend either up or down.
2) Look Bar coloring, enter when price above sma and green for long else short.
Chervolinos_Rob Hoffman_Inventory Retracement Bar_and_OverlayHere is something like a combo from the well known Rob Hoffman (Overlay) Indicator and the Inventory Retracement Bar without any ballast
This really smart strategy with a low risk and a quick profit. I combine this two Indicators to save space.
The first condition is that the orange line and the lime line must be parallel and there is no other line between them because this condition is moving under 45 angle.
The second condition is that the target candles must be below the orange line in the case of the downtrend as we see.
As we see it here in the case of an uptrend should be candles above the orange line and this is logical as we see here.
Sometimes we noticed the appearance of the signal onto the candle but the conditions were not applicable because there is an orange line between the green line and the orange line and this means that the signal is fake.
This candle is also good for entry and we can place a buy order above it but is it beginner, so you must respect the conditions in order to be able to master it very well.
Enter with Confidence all conditions are present a red arrow above the candle and the candle is above the orange line and there are no lines between the lime and
orange line. Yes this is our target the entry-point will be a little above the wicked the candle, that is you will not buy now but it's a price exceeds the weight limit
even slightly, we will buy directly it is hoffman's method. Expected if the price in which resistance occurred which is the resistance represented
by the candlewick will be broken the price for rise up and strongly and if it does not happen you will not lose anything anyway to stop loss and take profit. Try the ratio by 1,5.
This part of this strategy is one of the best trading strategies with a low risk rate and can be used as an initial guide to know the market movement and to enter successful trades.
Let's start correctly. This strategy can be used on any time frame from one minute to one day or even more, but I recommend using it on a 10-minute frame one hour or 30 minutes frame. Here I use the 30-Minute frame.
This strategy is based on two things: Tramp Direction and the inventory retracement bar. Don't worry and don't think about it because all this will be automatic but let's understand some simple terms.
There many arrows in green and red. Please read the discription above.
Please read the following tipps:
To avoid the trend Reversal, try to add one one of the Divergence indicators to your chart.
To avoid entering in a pullback movement as much as possible.
--> Combine it with other indicators <--
Best Regards Chervolino
if there were any typographical errors, please forgive me
Note: Buy/Sell signals using non-standard chart types (Heikin Ashi, Renko, Kagi, Point & Figure, and Range) are not allowed, as they produce unrealistic results
TableBarValues_v4It give you the absolute value of bar changes for different period of tims (33, 100, 200) AND the max barchange ont the same period.
Can be added in v4 in all codes. Stupid but useful.
You can add it to any v4 script. The location of the table can be changed easily
Inspired from the tradingview community. Don't forget to hydrate. @Magnumm
Highlight last bar, work on all timeframe, v4 & v5 @magnummHighlight last bar only. No refresh needed.
Works on all time frame and for version 4 & 5.
Can be added in your own scripts copy/pasting just one line.
4C Inside/Outside BarThis indicator colors the candle body based on whether it closed as an Inside Bar (IB) or an Outside Bar (OB).
Inside and outside bars can be powerful triggers to enter or exit trades from, when price breaks above or below the candle.
The coloring of only the body and not the border of the candle makes it possible to still know whether the candle was bullish/bearish.
This indicator has the unique ability to add/hide labels for each IB and OB.
Small labels are printed on the chart directly below the candle. (See below)
It also has the unique ability to paint the chart background when an IB forms directly after an OB.
This is a special combination of the two, and can also be a powerful signal.
This feature can be turned on/off. (See below)
Thanks to Craig Stine, as some parts of this indicator were adapted from Custom Candle color Inside/Outside candles, Highwave, Star Patt. by Craig_Stine
Plot Real Open and Close - SamXI built this indicator as a personal request from a friend. He often trades using Heiken Ashi charts, but wanted a way to easily cross-reference real-price open and close values for the same timeframe on the same chart (as HA candles are by design lagging, they can take a few periods to catch up to a large move). This can also be used to help guide support and resistance zones using real-price data points should you so choose.
There are 2 major ways to configure this indicator to display real-price open and close:
As a Bar or Hollow Candle style chart overlay
As on-chart shapes (allowing individual control over which data to show - open, close, or both)
Zendog Bar PercentageThis script will add text to bars showing the price change of the bar as a percentage, both for open/close and high/low.
It can be used together with Rate of Change to better get an idea of how the price moved at a previous point in time.
Script uses labels for text, as there is a maximum limit of 500 labels if you want to study price movement for a specific timeframe, you can limit the timeframe from the script settings. Keep in mind that labels are applied to the last 500 candles of any timeframe.
Script also displays statistics for max changes in the selected time period, for both green and red candles both as percentage and base currency absolute value.
- Study the behavior of an asset under previous market conditions, black swan events a.s.o.
- Calculate leverage position risk versus extreme price movements
Example: ZENUSDT pumped ~35% on 15 Sep 2021 in the first seconds after the news on getting listed on Coinbase so shorts with 3x leverage would have been liquidated.
Bar StatisticsThis script calculates and displays some bar statistics.
For the bar length statistics, it takes every length of upper or lower movements and calculates their average (with SD), median, and max. That way, you can see whether there is a bias in the market or not.
Eg.: If for 10 bars, the market moved 2 up, then 1 down, then 3 up, then 2 down, and 2 up, the average up bars length would be at 2.33, while the average for the down length would be at 1.5, showing that upper movements last longer than down movements.
For the range statistics, it takes the true range of each bar and calculates where the close of the bar is in relation to the true low of it. So if the closing of the bar is at 10.0, the low is at 9.0, and the high is at 10.2, the candle closed in the upper third of the bar. This process is calculated for every bar and for both closing prices and open prices. It is very useful to locate biasses, and they can you a better view of the market, since for most of the time a bar will open on an extreme and close on another extreme.
Eg.: Here on the DJI, we can see that for most of the time, a month opens at the lower third (near the low) and closes at the upper third (near the high). We can also see that it is very difficult for a month to open or close on the middle of the candle, showing how important the first and the last day are for determining the trend of the rest of the month.
Three (3)-Bar and Four (4)-Bar PlaysThis indicator shows the three and four-bar play which is when price action has a wide igniting bar that has a full body, then one or two narrow bars which have a relatively equal high for long plays and relatively equal low for short plays, then a continuation bar. You should not take plays that will encounter resistance.
Jared Wesley is one of the more notable traders that use this setup. There will be a label placed on the chart when a play occurs. You can edit as an input the igniting bar size, the body percentage of the igniting bar, and the relative equality of the 2nd (and 3rd bar for 4 bar play) compared to the igniting bar.
candle countsmall script for count bar ...it count bar from open of day till end of day ...
in lower time its deleting candle count because of tradingview label limit 50
. bar counting it help me to teach trader bar by bar ...some of bar in all world chart are very important ..in al brook sir book and his website he marked many imortant bar no
for reference al brook sir said about bar counting method
the highest probability trade was the one that I said. When bar 62 was happening, I said, “Traders are buying,” you know, “I’m buying, it’s going up,” right? So 62 is the highest probability trade, but that does not mean it’s the easiest trade. It just means the probability that we’re going to get some kind of a measured move out of 62 is very high, probably 70 percent.
thanks to stack overflow that code is ans there
in this script many people help me thanks to @HappyBaby86 and @Kjaerbye#7503
sorry my english is not good.my native language is Hindi ..