[MAD] L5 Riskmanagement MK6.2 Wizard Edition

First of all, this Backtest module comes WITHOUT a Strategy, only Riskmanagement

Modular L6 Backtest

For testing your own Indicators in this backtest use this script snipped below in your indicator Suite
After this you can include every L1 Indicator and test it.
todo this, select Digitalsignal @ your specific indicator as source, so the backtester can see its signals.

To have correct data at the exchange, use alarms after successful backtest on the indicator with "on candle close"

Steps of a entry, which you can see the in the screenshot:

L1 Strategy/Indicator sends "long"
buy of position setting of SL @%
after TP1 SL is set to entry
after TP2 position is closed 100%

If there a running position but in negative P/L each Signal adds up to the position + Growfactor
so a 1.0 would increase the next buy +100% 1, 2, 4, 8 .... (double up)

Shrinkfactor detecs a position is to large. If position is at average price it reduces to allowed percentage and continues


Where to buy and how often.... has to come from your own indicator

This is the codesnipped for a external indicator to plot the signal as needed


signalout = 0
signalout := (signal_buy? 1: signal_sell? -1: 0)
BM_color_signal = signal_buy? #4C9900 : signal_sell? #CC0000:
L_digital_signal = plot(signalout, title ="Digitalsignal", color=BM_color_signal, transp=0, style=plot.style_columns, display=display.none)
update again
Update to 6.1
Statistics and Cleanup
lots of bugfixing
MSL Counter Long was counting on the short side
Versionnumber in Textbox

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