AI-Based Indicator V.1

This is an indicator based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms which can be used (alone or along with other indicators) as a decision support system.

How to use:

1- The default values of Input 1, Input 2, R, and T for BTCUSD are “Close”, “Close”, 4320, and 0.15 respectively. They can be changed to achieve the best performance for BTCUSD or other tickers.
2- Use one of the time frames 4H to 15m.
3. When the background is green buy, and when the background is red sell.
This indicator is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms which can be used (alone or along with other indicators) as a decision support system. In this indicator, you are able to add more than one of that in one chart and use each of them for different symbols with different configuration.

How to use:

1- Select arbitrary "Symbol". The default value is "BTCUSD".

2- The default values of "Input 1", "Input 2", "R", and "T" are “Close”, “Close”, "4320", and "0.15" respectively. They can be changed to achieve the best performance for selected symbol.

3. When the background is green buy, and when the background is red sell.

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