Kill Zones UTC [NeoButane]

Kill zones are times of day that are supposed to have higher volatility and greater risk/reward trade setups.

This has been adjusted to always plot the corresponding UTC time, including every FX broker and their tickers on TradingView. Daylight savings adjustment has been accounted for the next 3 years on London open, London close, and New York kill zone; it will not be adjusted for the Asian kill zone, as is specified in UTC.

Options to configure: the style and showing/hiding kill zones, labels, the upcoming kill zone. As these times were found for forex trading and 24 hour markets like cryptocurrency, they may appear odd on markets that require extended data or are closed during a kill zone due to how Pine Script is calculated.

The currently available timezones on TradingView that have been corrected to UTC:

- Renamed labels to proper terms


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