MB Darvas Box

The algorithm is related to darvas theory.
Creates resistance and support levels by creating boxes on the chart layout.
It creates flag icons in the form of Down (A) or Up (Y) according to these box breaks about the trend.
Considering the Darvas strategy, it also provides convenience in trailing stop.
-Alarm adding feature is available.
-Box color change can be edited from the settings section.
-Box fill color can be changed.
-Show/unhide history boxes is available in settings.
-Box calculation can be changed in time intervals.
-You must change the Box Limit entry to see fewer boxes.
It will be more meaningful if used together with the volume indicator.
It is not recommended for use in real transactions.
Does not include investment advice.
Algorithms are useful tools for making predictions.
Bands and ChannelsdarvasdarvasboxdarvasboxesdarvasboxstrategyforecastingstoplossTrend Analysis

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Yazarla İletişime geçiniz. contact the author

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