HighLowLines By Heylab

Available in all markets, all times.
An indicator that displays two points each of the latest high and low prices.

・Logic explanation
"High" and "Low" when the highest and lowest prices in the past bar set in the parameter "Confirmed number in the past" and the highest and lowest prices in the future bar set in "Number of confirmed future" ” is determined.
The price and the line to the current bar are displayed for two "high" points and two "low" points that are close to the present.

If you enable the parameter "judging high and low alternately", the "high" and "low" will be displayed in order, and if they are consecutive like "high" and "high", they will update to the higher one.

・Example of usage scene
When doing "buying and selling", you can think of a strategy that uses highs and lows as a guideline for loss cuts or profit taking.
You can think of an entry strategy with a limit price at a good position for risk reward by cutting high and low losses.


パラメーター「Confirmed number in the past」で設定した過去足での最高値と最安値かつ、「Number of confirmed future」で設定した未来足での最高値と最安値である場合に「高値」と「安値」と判定します。

パラメーター「judging high and low alternately」を有効にすると、「高値」と「安値」が順番に表示されるようになり、「高値」「高値」のように連続している場合はより高い方に更新されます。

High-Low Index

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