Optimised Volume-weighted Moving Average


This tool measures the profitability of every volume-weighted moving average length combination for the entire history of the instrument that it is applied,
and only displays the most profitable combination in real-time which means that this indicator is fully functional for trading.

The Optimised Volume-weighted Moving Average can be tested using a Volume-weighted Moving Average Strategy and the Strategy Tester panel on any instrument or time-stamp. It will always display the lengths of the most profitable exponential moving average lengths at the current moment in time.

This can be used on its own, or paired with the Intelligent Volume-weighted Moving Average (AI) for a better understanding of the indicators movements.

The Intelligent Volume-weighted Moving Average (AI) uses this tool as a predictive method for machine learning.
Moving AveragessmartmoneyVolume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA)

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Kenzing trading indicators for TradingView perform advanced real-time analysis of stock price trends and display alerts that are easy for the average Trader to interpret.
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