Divergence Energy Pro (DE Pro) MI05

Divergence Energy Pro acts as an trend & volatility indicator calculated by combination of Moving Average data.

The Green bar indicates bullish energy, while the Red bar indicates bearish energy.
The length of the colour (red/green) bar indicates the energy's strength/momentum.

When the fisrt or second Green bar above the Zero Axis 💚 and MA line represents a strong bullish energy,
whereas the first or second Red bar below the Zero Axis ❤️ and MA line represents a strong bearish energy.

Apart from tracking the bullish/bearish trend in the market, it may be used to monitor the divergence/convergence between price and technical indicator.
Divergence occurs when the price moves in the opposite direction of a technical indicator, potentially leading a price shift.

This script indicator is solely for the purpose of education / opinion sharing only, and should not be construed as investment advice or recommendations to buy or sell any security.
Get your trade advise from a legit broker, you are responsible on your own trade.
Thank you.
bursamalaysiabursasahamconvergenceDivergencedivergencedetectionsolutionTechnical AnalysistechnicalindicatorTrend AnalysisVolatility

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