--SPYDERCRUSHER-- Momentum Peaks™

Von SPYderCrusher

There are many markets, strategies, and investment timeframes, but one thing never changes – accurate, timely information makes a huge difference to your bottom line results.

The SPYderCrusher Market Research Analysis Suite takes the guesswork out of price changes with clear, actionable data, supported by extensive quantitative testing. We help make your work easier, your results better, and your insight more precise.

The Analysis Suite was formerly a paid add-on package in direct partnership with TradingView. It was the highest-selling software on the platform for good reason – it’s effective. To expand our data, features, and user-experience, we made the move to host client resources on our own. Becoming a client is easy – just a few clicks at and you’re activated!

Aside from software access, membership includes:
- Free upgrades
- Interactive video training & documentation
- Quantitative modeling & resources

All designed specifically to improve your market timing and expertise. Our value proposition clear: the SPYderCrusher Analysis Suite finds attractive opportunities faster and more accurately than competitors. Clear understanding of price changes increases your confidence, saves you time, and lowers your costs.

About SPYderCrusher Momentum Peaks™

Uses: SPYderCrusher Momentum Peaks™ shows the strength of price trends on two different timeframes. In addition to momentum, it’s an excellent tool to find choppy market conditions. Many tools focus on trends or mean-reversion, but few can accurately measure chop (i.e. non-trending markets).

- Easily find Long-Term Momentum (positive and negative)
- Identify Short-Term Momentum ranges (the brighter green and the brighter red)
- Forecast the expected volatilities of momentum (blue horizontal dots)

Example Chart Above: The sample chart above shows the SPYderCrusher Momentum Peaks™ on BTCUSD.

- When the Long-Term momentum (positive or negative) is above (below) the Expected Percent bands (blue horizontal dots) then a trend is in place
- When neither are above or below the dots, or only slightly above, the market has no long-term trend, and mean-reversion strategies work best
- The dark green and red show when short-term momentum conditions are stretched and can mean-revert - forward returns tend to be lower short-term when these readings are high

SPYderCrusher Momentum Peaks™ helps you measure expected ranges and visualize trend size - this is a great complement to the other entry/exit/analysis tools in the Suite. PURCHASE HERE.


Thank you for your interest and your support - it's incredibly appreciated

- Daniel Jassy, CFA

Founder of SPYderCrusher Market Research

About - learn about our background and our expertise in quantitative finance
Email: support [at] scmrtrends [dot] com

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The CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of SPYderCrusher Market Research. CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® designations are registered trademarks owned by the CFA Institute.

© 2018 — SPYderCrusher Market Research™. All Rights Reserved.
Momentum Indicator (MOM)SCMRscmrtrendsspydercrusherTrend Analysis
Imagine yourself objectively analyzing markets, visualizing risk & enhancing the timing of trades.

SCMR Trends™ is TradingView's most popular add-on software for a reason.



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