(3) AROON VS-31

We include the Aroon Oscillator in our indicators for two reasons; 1. because of its value as a screening tool outside of the Tradingview environment, and 2. because of its value in detecting trends, trend strength and ultimately the end of a trend. The Aroon Oscillator was developed by Tushar Chande to highlight the start of a new trend and to measure trend strength. Chande first described the indicator in the September 1995 issue of Stocks & Commodities magazine. Our version of the indicator also includes the volume alert flags that all Genie indicators include. Aroon determines if the most recent highs or lows were the highest or the lowest for the period of time the indicator is set to. Higher Aroon values indicate more recent highs and lows, while lower values indicate less recent highs and lows. Aroon values oscillate between 0 and 100, with a higher number indicating a stronger trend and a low number the lack of a trend.
Aroon and MoTrend provide cross conformation and validation of a new trend trading opportunity.
Alerts to signal High / Low crossover events are included within the indicators code.

Access this Genie indicator for your Tradingview account, through our web site. (Links Below) This will provide you with additional educational information and reference articles, videos, input and setting options and trading strategies this indicator excels in.
Aroonaroon_oscillatorBreadth IndicatorsOscillatorsTrend Analysis

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