Trader Set - Choppiness Index

Finally made this work as desired, time to publish another super useful script in the tool set for my methodology. This indicator easily shows when the market is moving as a CHOPPY market so that traders either don't take position or be very cautious with their positions.
Changed the color code of the top section to red. This is a better indicating color for the most choppy times of the market. There are some situations that you can trade when market is in this section but only short lived sculpt trades.
This is the final version of this tool, finally !
Code cleanup, Final Version.
There is a big change in every oscillator related to my methodology, Added all sort of averaging types : HMA, RMA, EMA, WMA, SMA, KAMA, FAMA, MAMA. Also, where ever we are calculating momentum in any sort or shape, now user has the ability to switch the type between TSI and MACD, and not only that, but the selected momentum type will also use the selected averaging type !!!!
Finally Got this to the point I can tell it's final version.
Centered OscillatorsChoppiness Index (CHOP)choppyindexOscillatorsrenkoTrend Analysisuniformity

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