NEW PARADIGM Introduction

Learn how to trade in the new paradigm and save yourselfe a big Head ache.

Once mastered this way of trading allows for a much healthier psychology.

Its not about the amount of pips gained, but the pip value. Here in new Paradigm we maximise this value by keeping VERY tight stops and can therefor make up to 10x the profit of the same amount of pips caught.

I will be sharing ideas in the future so you see what i mean.

This UJ chart is a perfect example of the precision pitch forks give us. Initially this may look confusing and you might ask yourself how do I know where to enter, is it a buy or a sell etc... its a Learning process, there are Tools to confirm this and the more trades you take the more you learn.

Follow me and you will never go back to these 50pip S/L trades that have your account in drawdown for hours/days.

Any questions feel free to hit me up.
