Hello my dear friends, I am closing this trade idea. Not the trade, but the "trade idea"... Why, you may ask?
I am closing some of the old trades were we made 100s of percentage in profit. But you can still trade this coin. I am closing the trade idea to be able to give better support and be able to follow up better on new trades, also to be able to open more trades.
Now, I will be revisiting this coin in the future, definitely and also sharing new entry points, targets and more. This is good, because if you hold long term, then you will profit from these new trades. So it is a win-win-win.
A win for new comers as they have new entry point.
A win for long term holders as they benefit from more action.
A win for me as I can better organize my portfolio with the new tools that I have, and will be having, at my disposal.
I hope you understand, this is necessary for me to continue my growth. As I grow, you will be able to grow as well, as I will be giving you more professional, profitable and secure trades.