how the big are playing with the small and grabbing cash

My observations are on binance. The past couple of days everything was going down, and you know that unless you live in a cave. The moment chinesse wake up made things a lot more interesting. Despite of the falling trend, RIGHT after NEO went under 100 USDT and BTC under 10 000, a miracle has happenned on Binance, and right after every other exchange. Just for one minute someone bought about 10 000 NEO way above the market price for the moment, nevertheless such offerings WERE NOT visible. That is how the price went from about 92 USDT to 110 USDT, a couple of minutes later, somebody bought again about 10 000 NEO to make 120 USDT for 1 NEO. Immediatelly after that on equal small offerings price continued to grow in small steps, like...maybe a bot would do. The interesting thing here is that all major USDT traded chips did EXACTLY the same thing, EXACTLY the same moment. That is how BTC and especially NEO were saved. After TRON was pumped for months, Waltonchain as well, the story with the Loopring, all Chinese stories...I leave the case of NEO to your imagination. You could take a look at the 1 minute charts of BCC, BCT, NEO and ETH with USDT to see, what I am talking about, since on the 1 hours chart I post, it is not visible. My believe is that someone in China is purposly pumping NEO to keep it in the zone 120-140 until the downtrand of others vanish. The same story with BTC, and the others are just collateral, in order that people do not thing market was manipulated. Is NEO really deserve to stay alsmost were it was before the drop of others? How many projects are behind, compared to ETH, XLM, BTC projects? Not many, are they...Well, you will say there are expectations, but such expectations lay under the other great coins as well. To me it is the another Chinesse pump, that helps ruining the reputation of the market. Still, until the market is not regulated, we will see such manipulations that are ruining the how idea. I am not for the regulations, since I am comming from a too regulated world, but all what is happening will make the market collapse even worse, and put to garbage the whole idea we are all staying behind. I think that the community should start to avoid such pumps, when the "daytraders" or speculants are once out of the market. In such case even the exchanges will stop to manipulate the market, toghether with some coinmakers.
Well, NEO is going where it should be. Warning: maybe later, when the NEO creators wake up, will make another pump with binance, and other chinesse based exchanges, which will influence the others.
Trend Analysis
