The probability of reversl increased in August!

Von Moshkelgosha
So far, NASDAQ is down more than 4% in August 2023.
This is important because we did not have any correction of more than 9% in 2023.
I have a watchlist (100 Tickers) that tracks the top 100 most traded assets out of +12000 tradable tickers!
These 100 tickers usually have +51% of the dollar value of all trades, while they are less than 1% of all tradable tickers!

Top 100 Tickers:

I developed my scoring system which divides these tickers into Long, Short, and No Action based on the probability.
As you can see, these numbers were 60 Long, 16 Short, and 24 No action on July 31, but it gradually changed to 12 Long, 68 Short, and 20 No action.

Based on my forecast system I expect more decline in the following weeks.
Minimum cae: decline to 14700
Maximum case: decline to 13200 (by the end of 2023)


Trend Analysis
