Startring to short natural gas

Natural gas was off my radar for obvious reasons. I am starting to think it is getting ridiculously over priced and perhaps some noob hedgefunds have been already short squeezed or in the process of being squeezed.

My plan is to short now (3% at my portfolio) and if we go the the next resistance, around 8.5$ I will commit another 3%.

Target take profit around 5$.

I mean the war can go on for a long time. But then we have the summer and I have some hopes by the May 9th, where the Russians have their parade they will say we have won the war and end it :)

Trade ist aktiv
short in progress :))
Trade geschlossen: Stop wurde erreicht
covered. might bounce now .... I short later again :)
GASnatgasthermalTrend Analysis
I am the defender of the retail against the wolves of the wall street
