IOCBTC 10/5/2017 | Fundamental Review & Key Levels

Von CryptoMW
IOC has taken a beating over the past week following them not winning the European Fintech awards as a lot of "dumb" money funneled in based on the hype. However, they have DIONS launch coming in the next 35-40 days which looks incredible (check out their twitter) and the true value of the European Fintech awards are connections they established which they can build on going forward.. Win or lose! Quick story on this.. A friend of mine pitched a business at an IBM Accelerator. He did not place in the top 3 because he did not have what the judges were looking for but after the event he had the most investors, prospective clients, and people just trying to find a way to help him build what he was building because the story / application really connected with them.

Technical Analysis
Having said all that..! I've bought my seat at the table already a few months ago but I did and would be accumulating more from 75k SATs down to 58k SATs if it made it down to that point (I'd be throwing the house at it if it got close to the 58k level unless some key fundamental failure was driving it. To the upside we are likely to see some resistance at ~83k SATs which we saw earlier and then further up around 100k when the sell-off originally began.

If you haven't bought a seat at the table this is definitely one to look further into both fundamentally and technically. Small cap play with significant upside, if they execute.
1) DIONS block call in ~25 days with it up and running ~2 weeks after that
2) Post DIONS launch team plans to announce progress they've made on adoption / connections with businesses. They will also be launching a marketing marketing campaign through local community leaders that'll help lead the charge
3) Significant pipeline of additional upgrades down the line one of which is Chameleon that will allow cross blockchain functionality

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