Final post for a couole weeks, Monster of a trader.

Hello all just wanted to share some thoughts as I understand my styles of trading and studying are unorthodox but it suits me in this world, what works with you and what helps you understand is how to have the edge in this field...

I myself am 23 have been trading sense I was 17 ive had this account open for 7 years you can check for yourself Ive had some great days and some bad ones but my long battle of being a consistent trader and a decent analyst have gotten me here, I try to share my knowledge and what I like to call “gift” with other traders as Im young and my energys very fast paced I can never stand still in real life I feel as being in and out of positions fits with my skillset and has made me profit many times.

Trading is an art and I consider myself an artist trading is a constant rhythm that you must learn to interfere with and act as a nonchalant visitor not here to change dynamics but to follow the “waves” of motion. Ive realized I get alot of hate and people try to take me down Ive learned I must keep my studies to myself for now and I apologize for how my trades seemed so risky but I always kept a sharp eye of open positions especially understanding how normal day to day price action moves I feel as I cannot have a red trading day my self confidence is great, I use no stop losses its straight analyzing my trade midway through my strategy then execute the smartest move if my study is reversing its always worked for me matter fact it pays my bills, Some of the things ive predicted make me emotional makes me feel as I really was made for trading its not just up and down movement all the time, I got a long good life of beautiful returns and I will reap those rewards...

Thank you to all who wanted to join my personal group and motivated me as It ment alot, In the near future I will oost my plays just as a way to continue to prove my skill and point out my self passion, I take trading serious I never bring up dollar figures but percents and patterns, I have won in this field have bought things that have made me felt spoiled and I will continue to do so, Happy trading always but I would hate to be on the opposite side of my studies. Thank you all again!
Technical Indicators
