GU. One more Big Push Up

Von Brenvest
GU about to break up out of this corrective pattern. Target 1.43-1.44

From there I'll be looking for a break down of the bigger corrective pattern forming since last year.GBPUSD
So far so good.

We've broken up out of the corrective pattern and now have been forming another correction/consolidation for the last few weeks.

On the smaller time frames, its obvious corrective behavior for more upside.

If we are to see the impulse I'm expecting, we should start see some violent moves up in the coming weeks.
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So the impulsive behavior is extremely obvious now.

Remember the violent moves I mentioned in my last update? Well we're seeing them!!

I posted another shorter term outlook on thursday of last week, as we got a nice correction that has now been broken. We're clear for more upside.

I do think we're in a bigger corrective pattern that will eventually lead to big downside for GU, but we havent reached those prices yet.

I will continue to update. Thanks guys!!

GU Next Impulse Up
Trend Analysis
