I have been tracking the impulses of GBPJPY.

In the past 10 days, the average impulse in around 367pips. of course, that is b/c a couple really big plays without it the average comes to around 260-300. I've noticed that GBPJPY impulses at the end of a consolidation periods. Capturing such a move would be a nice add to the trading account. I can see why GBPJPY can help you build up account, as well as Blow your account quickly, if you do not have your S/Ls set. GBPJPY has a tendency to sweep the S/L's and reclaim its position, very quickly.

Also, Using RSI on this chart hasn't worked recently. seems to go the opposite way.
I will continue to track impulses while watching if volume reveals anything to help encourage the impulses.

Hope you enjoy!
breakoutFundamental AnalysisGBPJPYimpulsevolumeanalysis

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