Scalping opportunities so good they're scary!

Von MrRenev
Hi history teacher making 20k a year and day trading with £1 million positions.
Very Very Very Very Very strong support. The price keeps bouncing.
Why? I have no clue, and this is the beauty of Technical Analysis ™. Everything is reflected in the price.
We do not need to spend countless hours doing research. Technical analysis & the price reflects everything and allows us to predict future price movements.

With .8 point spreads I am able to scalp this for 1 point over and over. As you can see on the 1 hour chart the price keeps bouncing but what is interesting is on the 5 minutes it also bounces several time within a candle.

They told me I'd be stuck teaching to teens for the rest of my life. Little did they know I have something special about me.
I am a legend, a master of charts, the new captain of the boat.

1 point may not seem much but keep in mind we are able to do it over and over and over, and add leverage now it gets interesting!
With 100 leverage you can be making 1% every couple of minutes! This is free money! It's so good it is scary.
All thanks to random technical analysis that helps me buy when the price is oversold on the 5 minute chart in the lower area (He means the floor where the SNB is buying and for the price to reach that area from above the random indicators he uses OBVIOUSLY HAVE to go down since they follow the price).

I put my lifesavings in and I am making crazy gains! Don't listen to the haters saying this is stupid or you are going to get eaten alive, I just ordered a pool where are the madlads now?
Hahaha enjoy your pathetic 20% a year this is half of what I am making in a day, umad? 😉

I am a clueless day trader, I don't even know what the SNB is I am just so oblivious it is scary. I have the predictive & risk management abilities of a potato. What my idiotic indicators make sure of is that when the floor is lost (because the SNB is not buying as they announce they're dropping it) I will buy the ultimate loser 100% guarentee, simple logic.
I will be all in and leveraged to the neck when the floor is lost and I won't even know why until days later. "Duh my technical analysis didn't warn". Until then I will close my eyes and ignore those that say you need to use your brain that seems like alot of efforts my broker financed day trading educator told me I could be lazy and not think about several complex outcomes with plenty of variables this is too much for my brain, I'd rather use magical indicators that smart money is not using for whatever reason because they are mad I guess.

With some luck I'll think this is an error and buy even more, and with lots of luck liquidity will dry up and I'll be stuck with 100 leverage. With some luck there is a George Soros around the corner waiting for the floor to be withdrawn to give it another kick down with his billions.
I am about to go from euphoria to absolute despair and a physically painful heart in a few minutes and I have no clue I still have a big smile on my face and I am cockier than ever.
Someone once again told me I was crazy and would regret it and I am just shaking my head, what is wrong with them? What is this? Why is every one screaming get out? Aha they want to buy cheap from me this is why.

daytradersdumbmoneyEURCHFTechnical Indicatorsobliviousrektscalpers
