I did not pay attention too much to the Decentralized finance trend in crypto because until few months ago, just classic lending platforms were on the field. Now things changed. It has reached the front page on the crypto world because of the launch of the COMP token (will talk about it in a seprate idea) and the DeFi future on the exchange you see in the graph.

This one in the chart is a new index that comprises main defi platforms/tokens (you can see a decrsiption if them). This index is really new (started running just few days ago), but already makes us understand that the trend in defi is huge.

DeFi in general is composed by
- DEX (decentralized exchanges),
- Lending platforms and money market platforms (where it is possible to lend or borrow usd or tokens and gain interests on them)
- Derivatives markets (where you can create a synth asset like a token or a commo that replicates the real one)

What do they have in common? They ALL RUN ON ETHEREUM. Considering that an underlying can never be bigger that its "box", an increase in defi will coincide with an increase of the platform it runs on.

Is the trend sustainable? Probably this is now a little hyped, but the trend is for sure upward. If you do not have many clues on each of the companies (always DYOR by the way) or do not want to jeopardize you money in different projects, this index is the answer for you. It is available just on that exchange.

I will monitor a little bit in the folloiwng days DeFi Index and will consider also increasing my positions on ETH.

Let me know what do you think of DeFi
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