How to Chart Futures Contracts and Crude Oil's Historic Move

Crude oil traded at -$40 per barrel and that is a historic move. It will go down in the history books.

In this video, we want to show everyone how to track and analyze futures on TradingView, specifically future contracts in crude oil CL1! and CL2!. On TradingView, it's possible to study any futures market and break that market down by each month. CL1!, for example, shows the current crude oil contract in front. CL2! shows the next contract in front. You can also dive into specific contracts that go as far as 2021 or 2022 or beyond.

This video tutorial is meant to be educational and we hope it helps anyone interested learn more about these markets. It's important to remember that most futures contracts trade based on an expiration date. Then, the contracts roll to the next month after that. As a platform, TradingView gives you the data and tools needed to analyze any of these contracts. The quickest way to getting started is to use the search bar to explore all the possible futures contracts that can be analyzed or visualized on a chart.

We hope this video tutorial helps the community get started. Please press like if you enjoyed it and, even better, please leave a comment to add to this discussion. Let's hear your opinion on futures market and the recent crash in crude oil.
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