Lebensmittel-Lieferungen auf Vorrat: Die Ernährung der Massen
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The food delivery market is predicted to be worth more than $40 billion by 2025. So even if you aren't keen on your meals turning up cold or late on occasion, there are still plenty of potential stocks that can deliver a feast-sized return for your portfolio.
This list focuses on US and European companies that heavily rely on food delivery or providing the infrastructure to facilitate it as a revenue source – and have a minimum market cap of 1bn. However, this list does not include companies such as Walmart and Target who offer delivery service for their groceries, since those organizations derive plenty of protein from other areas of their businesses. These are not stock recommendations and it's still important to do your research with the Stock screener and other tools.
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Eine fleischlose Ernährung wird nicht mehr als Nischenlebensstil angesehen. Hier sind eine Reihe von Unternehmen, die einen veganen Sturm heraufbeschwören.