Science has come a long way since we were at school – there's now a whole industry combining biology and tech to come up with better medical treatments, faster. As an example, just look at how quickly coronavirus vaccines were designed, prototyped and then distributed in 2020 and 2021. There's no doubt biotech is one of the most exciting, high-risk, high-reward, industries out there – but will it give your portfolio a much needed shot in the arm?
We've curated this Spark to include the biggest biotech companies currently developing and supplying medical devices, therapeutics and diagnostics, as well as biofuels and biomaterials. It's worth nothing these are not standard pharmaceutical companies - at the very least, these are 'biopharmaceutical' organizations, making their money in the clinical stage. To make the list, these companies have to be listed in the US and have a minimum market cap of $5bn. This list isn't trading advice, though - we recommend you do your own research into any investment before placing a trade. Don't take any medicine you're not supposed to.
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Die Krebsforschung hat einen weiten Weg zurückgelegt, und nun suchen auch kleinere Einrichtungen nach innovativen Methoden, um die Krankheit zu bekämpfen.
Diese Giganten der Arzneimittelwelt standen während der weltweiten Pandemie im Mittelpunkt, aber hinter dieser Multimilliarden-Dollar-Industrie steckt viel mehr als nur Impfstoffe.