CurrentlyPositionIndicatorLibrary "CurrentlyPositionIndicator"
Currently position indicator
run(_index, _price, _stoploss, _high, _low, _side, _is_entered, _colors, _position_left, _box_width)
Currently positions indicator
_index (int) : entry index
_price (float) : entry price
_stoploss (float) : stoploss price
_high (float) : range high
_low (float) : range low
_side (int)
_is_entered (bool) : is entered
_colors (color ) : color array
_position_left (int) : Left position
_box_width (int) : box's width
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
PositionLibrary "Position"
Allows for simulating trades within an indicator.
newTrade(size, price, timestamp)
Creates a new trade object.
size : The size of the trade (number of shares or contracts).
price : The price at which the trade took place.
timestamp : The timestamp of the trade. Defaults to the current time.
Returns: A new trade object.
start(size, price, timestamp)
Starts a new position.
size : The size of the position (number of shares or contracts).
price : The price at which the position was started.
timestamp : The timestamp of the start of the position. Defaults to the current time.
Returns: A new position object.
trade(pos, size, price, timestamp)
Modifies an existing position.
pos : The position to be modified.
size : The size of the trade (number of shares or contracts).
price : The price at which the trade took place.
timestamp : The timestamp of the trade. Defaults to the current time.
Returns: The modified position object.
exit(pos, price, timestamp)
Closes a position by trading the entire position size at a given price and timestamp.
pos : The position being closed.
price : The price at which the position is being closed.
timestamp : The timestamp of the trade, defaults to the current time.
Returns: The updated position after the trade.
unrealized(pos, price)
Calculates the unrealized gain or loss for a given position and price.
pos : The position for which to calculate unrealized gain/loss.
price : The current market price.
Returns: The calculated unrealized gain or loss.
Represents a single trade.
size : Size of the trade in units.
price : Price of the trade in currency.
value : Total value of the trade in currency units.
time : Timestamp of the trade.
Represents a single position.
size : Size of the position in units.
price : Average price of the position in currency.
value : Total value of the position in currency units.
start : Timestamp of the first trade that opened the position.
net : Realized gains and losses of the position in currency units.
history : Array of trades that make up the position.
"Swap" - Bool/Position/Value : Array / Matrix / Var AutoswapLibrary "swap"
Side / Boundary Based All Types Swapper
- three automagical types for Arrays, Matrixes, and Variables
-- no signal : Long/ Short position autoswap
-- true / false : Boolean based side choice
-- Src / Thresh : if source is above or below the threshold
- two operating modes for variables, Holding mode only for arrays/matrixes
-- with two items, will automatically change between the two caveat is it does not delete table/box/line(fill VAR items automatically)
-- with three items, a neutral is available for NA input or neutral
- one function name for all of them. One import name that's easy to type/remember
-- make life easy for your conditional items.
side(source, thresh, _a, _b, _c)
side Change outputs based on position or a crossing level
source : (float) OPTIONAL value input
thresh : (float) OPTIONAL boundary line to cross
_a : (any) if Long/True/Above
_b : (any) if Short/False/Below
_c : (any) OPTIONAL NOT FOR MTX OR ARR... Neutral Item, if var/varip on a/b it will leave behind, ie, a table or box or line will not erase , if it's a varip you're sending in.
Returns: first, second, or third items based on input conditions
Please notify if bugs found.