A_Taders_Edge_LIBRARYLibrary "A_Taders_Edge_LIBRARY"
RCI(_rciLength, _close, _interval, _outerMostRangeOfOscillator)
- You will see me using this a lot. DEFINITELY my favorite oscillator to utilize for SO many different things from timing entries/exits to determining trends.
_rciLength (int)
_close (float)
_interval (int)
_outerMostRangeOfOscillator (int)
Returns: - Outputs a single RCI value that will between (-)_outerMostRangeOfOscillator to (+)_outerMostRangeOfOscillator
InvalidTID(_close, _showInvalidAssets, _securityTickerid, _invalidArray)
- This is to add a table on the right of your chart that prints all the TickerID's that were either not formulated correctly in the scripts input or that is not a valid symbol and should be changed.
_close (float)
_showInvalidAssets (simple bool)
_securityTickerid (string)
_invalidArray (string )
Returns: - Does NOT return a value but rather the table with the invalid TickerID's from the scripts input that need to be changed.
- This is ONLY for when you are wanting to print ALERT LABELS with the assets name for when an alert trigger occurs for that asset. There are a total of 40 assets that can be used in each copy of the script. You don't want labels from different assets printing on top of each other because you will not be able to read the asset name that the label is for. Ex. If you put your _firstLocation in the input settings as 1 and have 40 assets on this copy of the scanner then the first asset in the list is assigned to the location value 1 on the scale, and the 2nd in the list is assigned to location value 2...and so on. If your first location is set to 81 then the 1st asset is 81 and 2nd is 82 and so on.
_firstLocation (simple int)
Returns: - regardless of if you have the maximum amount of assets being screened (40 max), this export function will output 40 locations… So there needs to be 40 variables assigned to the tuple in this export function. What I mean by that is there needs to be 40 variables between the ' '. If you only have 20 assets in your scripts input settings, then only the first 20 variables within the ' ' Will be assigned to a value location and the other 20 will be assigned 'NA'.
- You must form this single tickerID input string exactly as laid out in the water (a little gray circle at the end of the setting, that you hover your cursor over to read the details of). IF the string is formed correctly then it will break up. All of the tip rate is within the string into a total of 40 separate strings which will be all of the tickerIDs that the script is using in your MO scanner.
_string (simple string)
Returns: - this will output, 40 different security assets within the tuple output (ie. 40 variable within the ' ') regardless of if you were including 40 assets, to be screened in the MO Screener or not. if you have less than 40 assets, then once the variables are assigned to all of the tickerIDs, the rest of the variables will be assigned "NA".
TickeridForLabelsAndSecurity(_includeExchange, _ticker)
- this export function is used to output 2 tickerID strings. One is formulated to properly work in the request.security() function while the other is how it will appear on the asset name labels depending on how you form your assets string in the MO scanners input settings. Review the tooltip next to the setting, to learn how to form the string so that the asset name labels will appear how you want in the labels at the end of the line plots & the alert labels that would be triggered if the MO Scanner is set up to include Alert Trigger Labels.
_includeExchange (simple bool)
_ticker (simple string)
Returns: - this export function is used to output 2 tickerID strings. One is formulated to properly work in the request.security() function while the other is how it will appear on the asset name labels depending on how you form your assets string in the MO scanners input settings. Review the tooltip next to the setting, to learn how to form the string so that the asset name labels will appear how you want in the labels at the end of the line plots & the alert labels that would be triggered if the MO Scanner is set up to include Alert Trigger Labels.
PercentChange(_startingValue, _endingValue)
- this is a quick export function to calculate how much % change has occurred between the _startingValue and the _endingValue that you input into the export function.
_startingValue (float)
_endingValue (float)
Returns: - it will output a single percentage value between 0-100 with trailing numbers behind a decimal. If you want, only a certain amount of numbers behind the decimal, this export function needs to be put within a formatting function to do so. Explained in the MO Scanner INTRO VIDEO.
PrintedBarCount(_time, _barCntLength, _bcPmin)
- This export function will outfit the percentage of printed bars (that occurred within _barCntLength amount of time) out of the MAX amount of bars that potentially COULD HAVE been printed. Iexplanation in the MO Scanner INTRO VIDEO.
_time (int)
_barCntLength (int)
_bcPmin (int)
Returns: - Gives 2 outputs. The first is the total % of Printed Bars within the user set time period and second is true/false according to if the Printed BarCount % is above the _bcPmin threshold that you input into this export function.
Indikatoren und Strategien
CandlestickPatternsLibrary "CandlestickPatterns"
This library provides a wide range of candlestick patterns, and available for user to call each pattern individually. It's a comprehensive and common tool designed for traders seeking to raise their technical analysis, and it may help users identify key turning of price action in financial instruments. Credit to public technical “*All Candlestick Patterns*” indicator.
abandonedBaby(order, d1)
The "Abandoned Baby" candlestick pattern is a bullish/bearish pattern consists of three candles.
order (simple string) : (simple string) Pattern order type "bull" or "bear".
d1 (simple float) : (simple float) Previous candle's body percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 5.
darkCloudCover(c1, n)
The "Dark Cloud Cover" is a bearish pattern consists of two candles.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
The "Doji" is neither bullish or bearish consists of one candles.
d0 (simple float) : (simple float) Current candle's body percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 5.
dojiStar(order, c1, n, d0)
The "Doji Star" is a bullish/bearish pattern consists of two candles.
order (simple string) : (simple string) Pattern order type "bull" or "bear" .
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
d0 (simple float) : (simple float) Current candle's body percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 5.
downsideTasukiGap(c2, c1, n)
The "Downside Tasuki Gap" is a bearish pattern consists of three candles.
c2 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Before previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
The "Dragon Fly Doji" is a bullish pattern consists of one candle.
d0 (simple float) : (simple float) Current candle's body percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 5.
engulfing(order, c1, c0, n)
The "Engulfing" is a bullish/bearish pattern consists of two candles.
order (simple string) : (simple string) Pattern order type "bull" or "bear".
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
eveningDojiStar(c2, c0, d1, n)
The "Evening Doji Star" is a bearish pattern consists of three candles.
c2 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Before previous candle's body must be higher than average, default is true.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
d1 (simple float) : (simple float) Previous candle's body percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 5.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
eveningStar(c2, c1, c0, n)
The "Evening Star" is a bearish pattern consists of three candles.
c2 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Before previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
fallingThreeMethods(c4, c3, c2, c1, c0, n)
The "Falling Three Methods" is a bearish pattern consists of five candles.
c4 (simple bool) : (simple bool) 5th candle ago body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c3 (simple bool) : (simple bool) 4th candle ago body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c2 (simple bool) : (simple bool) 3rd candle ago body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) 2nd candle ago body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
Returns: (bool)
The "Falling Window" is a bearish pattern consists of two candles.
The "Gravestone Doji" is a bearish pattern consists of one candle.
d0 (simple float) : (simple float) Current candle's body percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 5.
hammer(c0, n)
The "Hammer" is a bullish pattern consists of one candle.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
hangingMan(c0, n)
The "Hanging Man" is a bearish pattern consists of one candle.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
haramiCross(order, c1, n)
The "Harami Cross" candlestick pattern is a bullish/bearish pattern consists of two candles.
order (string) : (simple string) Pattern order type "bull" or "bear".
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
harami(order, c1, c0, n)
The "Harami" candlestick pattern is a bullish/bearish pattern consists of two candles.
order (string) : (simple string) Pattern order type "bull" or "bear"
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
invertedHammer(c0, n)
The "Inverted Hammer" is a bullish pattern consists of one candle.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
kicking(order, c1, c0, n)
The "Kicking" candlestick pattern is a bullish/bearish pattern consists of two candles.
order (string) : (simple string) Pattern order type "bull" or "bear"
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
The "Long Lower Shadow" candlestick pattern is a bullish pattern consists of one candles.
l0 (simple float) : (simple float) Current candle's lower wick min percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 75.
The "Long Upper Shadow" candlestick pattern is a bearish pattern consists of one candles.
u0 (simple float) : (simple float) Current candle's upper wick min percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 75.
marubozuBlack(c0, n)
The "Marubozu Black" candlestick pattern is a bearish pattern consists of one candles.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
marubozuWhite(c0, n)
The "Marubozu White" candlestick pattern is a bullish pattern consists of one candles.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
morningDojiStar(c2, d1, c0, n)
The "Morning Doji Star" candlestick pattern is a bullish pattern consists of three candles.
c2 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Before previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
d1 (simple float) : (simple float) Previous candle's body percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 5.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
morningStar(c2, c1, c0, n)
The "Morning Star" candlestick pattern is a bullish pattern consists of three candles.
c2 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Before previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Cuurent candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
onNeck(c1, c0, n)
The "On Neck" candlestick pattern is a bearish pattern consists of two candles.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Cuurent candle's body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
piercing(c1, n)
The "Piercing" candlestick pattern is a bullish pattern consists of two candles.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
risingThreeMethods(c4, c3, c2, c1, c0, n)
The "Rising Three Methods" candlestick pattern is a bullish pattern consists of five candles.
c4 (simple bool) : (simple bool) 5th candle ago body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c3 (simple bool) : (simple bool) 4th candle ago body must be Lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c2 (simple bool) : (simple bool) 3rd candle ago body must be Lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) 2nd candle ago body must be Lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
The "Rising Window" candlestick pattern is a bullish pattern consists of two candle.
shootingStar(c0, n)
The "Shooting Star" candlestick pattern is a bearish pattern consists of one candle.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Current candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
spinningTopBlack(l0, u0)
The "Spinning Top Black" is neither bullish or bearish.
l0 (simple float) : (simple float) Current candle's lower wick min percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 34.
u0 (simple float) : (simple float) Current candle's upper wick min percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 34.
spinningTopWhite(l0, u0)
The "Spinning Top White" is neither bullish or bearish.
l0 (simple float) : (simple float) Current candle's lower wick min percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 34.
u0 (simple float) : (simple float) Current candle's upper wick min percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 34.
threeBlackCrows(c2, c1, c0, n)
The "Three Black Crows" candlestick pattern is a bearish pattern consists of three candles.
c2 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Before previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Cuurent candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
threeWhiteSoldiers(c2, c1, c0, n)
The "Three White Soldiers" candlestick pattern is a bullish pattern consists of three candles.
c2 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Before previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c0 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Cuurent candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
triStar(order, d2, d1, d0)
The "Tri Star" candlestick pattern is a bullish/bearish pattern consists of three candles.
order (simple string) : (simple string) Pattern order type "bull" or "bear".
d2 (simple float) : (simple float) Before previous candle's body percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 5.
d1 (simple float) : (simple float) Previous candle's body percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 5.
d0 (simple float) : (simple float) Current candle's body percentage out of candle range. Optional argument, default is 5.
tweezerBottom(c1, n)
The "Tweezer Bottom" candlestick pattern is a bullish pattern consists of two candles.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
tweezerTop(c1, n)
The "Tweezer Top" candlestick pattern is a bearish pattern consists of two candles.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
upsideTasukiGap(c2, c1, n)
The "Tri Star" candlestick pattern is a bullish pattern consists of three candles.
c2 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Before Previous candle's body must be higher than average. Optional argument, default is true.
c1 (simple bool) : (simple bool) Previous candle's body must be lower than average. Optional argument, default is true.
n (simple int) : (simple int) Length of average candle's body. Optional argument, default is 14.
LibrarySupertrendLibrary "LibrarySupertrend"
selective_ma(condition, source, length)
condition (bool)
source (float)
length (int)
source (float)
smoothrng(source, sampling_period, range_mult)
source (float)
sampling_period (simple int)
range_mult (float)
rngfilt(source, smoothrng)
source (float)
smoothrng (float)
fusion(overallLength, rsiLength, mfiLength, macdLength, cciLength, tsiLength, rviLength, atrLength, adxLength)
overallLength (simple int)
rsiLength (simple int)
mfiLength (simple int)
macdLength (simple int)
cciLength (simple int)
tsiLength (simple int)
rviLength (simple int)
atrLength (simple int)
adxLength (simple int)
zonestrength(amplitude, wavelength)
amplitude (int)
wavelength (simple int)
atr_anysource(source, atr_length)
source (float)
atr_length (simple int)
supertrend_anysource(source, factor, atr_length)
source (float)
factor (float)
atr_length (simple int)
NewsEventsJpyLibrary "NewsEventsJpy"
This library provides date and time data of the high imact news events on JPY. Data source is csv exported from www.fxstreet.com and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
JPY high imact news date and time from 2015 to 2023
TradingToolsLibraryLibrary "TradingToolsLibrary"
Easily create advanced entries, exits, filters and qualifiers to simulate strategies. Supports DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) Lines, Stop Losses, Take Profits (with trailing or without) & ATR.
method deepCopy(this)
This creates a deep copy instead of a shallow copy of an entry_position. This does NOT deep copy the self_pyramiding_positions array reference, since only the master entry_position needs this to track the rest of its copies for efficiency reasons. This is to prevent a feedback loop.
Namespace types: entry_position
this (entry_position)
Returns: entry_position
method precision_fix(this, precision)
Convert a floating point number to a precise floating point number with digit precision to avoid floating point errors in quantity calculations.
Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
this (float)
precision (int)
Returns: float
xSellBuyMidInterpolation(_x, _high, _low, _sellRange, _buyRange)
Creates an interpolation for a sell range and buy range but with an emphasis on reaching the _low the closer to the middle of the _sell and _buy range you go.
_x (float) : is the value you want to use to control interpolation bewteen the _high and _low value. This will return the lowest percentage at the mid between high and low and highest percentage at the _high and _low.
_high (float)
_low (float)
_sellRange (float)
_buyRange (float)
Returns: an interpolated float between the _high and _low supplied.
xSellBuyInterpolation(_x, _high, _low, _sellRange, _buyRange)
Creates an interpolation a sell range and buy range
_x (float) : is the value you want to use to control interpolation bewteen the _high and _low value.
_high (float)
_low (float)
_sellRange (float)
_buyRange (float)
Returns: an interpolated float between the _high and _low supplied.
activate_entries_and_exits(_entries, _exits, _filters, _qualifiers, _equity)
Determines activation for entries or exits. Does not place the actual orders.
_entries (entry_position )
_exits (exit_position )
_filters (filter )
_qualifiers (qualifier )
_equity (equity_management)
Returns: void
create_entries_and_exits(_entries, _exits, _equity)
Creates actual entry and exit orders if activated
_entries (entry_position )
_exits (exit_position )
_equity (equity_management)
Returns: void
disabled (series__bool)
filter_for_entries_or_exits (series__string)
filter_for_groups (series__string)
condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_override_default_condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_operator (series__string)
dynamic_condition_source (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source (series__float)
dynamic_condition_source_prior (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_dynamic_compare_source (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_activate_value (series__string)
expire_condition_activate_value (series__string)
expire_condition_source (series__float)
expire_condition_source_prior (series__float)
expire_compare_source (series__float)
expire_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_expire_compare_source (series__bool)
expire_condition_operator (series__string)
disabled (series__bool)
qualify_for_entries_or_exits (series__string)
qualify_for_groups (series__string)
disqualify (series__bool)
condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_override_default_condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_operator (series__string)
dynamic_condition_source (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source (series__float)
dynamic_condition_source_prior (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_dynamic_compare_source (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_activate_value (series__string)
expire_after_x_bars (series__integer)
use_expire_after_x_bars (series__bool)
use_expire_condition (series__bool)
use_override_expire_condition (series__bool)
expire_condition_operator (series__string)
expire_condition_source (series__float)
expire_compare_source (series__float)
expire_condition_source_prior (series__float)
expire_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_expire_compare_source (series__bool)
expire_condition_activate_value (series__string)
active (series__bool)
expire_after_bars_bar_index (series__integer)
expire_after_bars_bar_index_prior (series__integer)
expire_bar_count (series__integer)
expire_bar_changed (series__bool)
disabled (series__bool)
activate (series__bool)
active (series__bool)
override_occured (series__bool)
passDebug (array__bool)
initial_activation_price (series__float)
dca_done (series__bool)
condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_override_default_condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_operator (series__string)
dynamic_condition_source (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source (series__float)
dynamic_condition_source_prior (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_dynamic_compare_source (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_activate_value (series__string)
use_cash (series__bool)
use_percent_equity (series__bool)
percent_equity_amount (series__float)
cash_amount (series__float)
position_size (series__float)
total_position_size (series__float)
prior_total_position_size (series__float)
equity_remaining (series__float)
prior_equity_remaining (series__float)
initial_equity (series__float)
use_martingale (series__bool)
martingale_win_ratio (series__float)
martingale_lose_ratio (series__float)
martingale_win_limit (series__integer)
martingale_lose_limit (series__integer)
martingale_limit_reset_mode (series__string)
use_dynamic_percent_equity (series__bool)
dynamic_percent_equity_amount (series__float)
initial_dynamic_percent_equity_amount (series__float)
dynamic_percent_equity_source (series__float)
dynamic_percent_equity_min (series__float)
dynamic_percent_equity_max (series__float)
dynamic_percent_equity_source_sell_range (series__float)
dynamic_percent_equity_source_buy_range (series__float)
dynamic_equity_interpolation_method (series__string)
total_bars (series__integer)
bar_index_at_activate (series__integer)
bars_since_active (series__integer)
time_at_activate (series__integer)
time_since_active (series__integer)
bar_index_at_activated (series__integer)
bar_index_at_pyramid_change (series__integer)
name (series__string)
id (series__string)
group (series__string)
pyramiding_limit (series__integer)
self_pyramiding_limit (series__integer)
self_pyramiding_positions (array__|entry_position|#OBJ)
new_pyramid_cancels_dca (series__bool)
num_active_long_positions (series__integer)
num_active_short_positions (series__integer)
num_active_positions (series__integer)
position_remaining (series__float)
prior_position_remaining (series__float)
direction (series__string)
allow_flip_position (series__bool)
flip_occurred (series__bool)
ignore_flip (series__bool)
use_dca (series__bool)
dca_use_limit (series__bool)
dca_num_positions (series__integer)
dca_positions (array__float)
dca_deviation_percentage (series__float)
dca_scale (series__float)
dca_percentages (series__string)
dca_close_cancels (series__bool)
dca_active_positions (series__integer)
use_atr_deviation (series__bool)
dca_atr_length (series__integer)
dca_atr_mult (series__float)
dca_atr_updates_dca_positions (series__bool)
close_price_at_order (series__float)
dca_use_deviation_atr_min (series__bool)
dca_position_quantities (array__float)
use_dca_dynamic_percent_equity (series__bool)
dca_in_use (array__bool)
dca_activated (array__bool)
dca_money_used (array__float)
dca_lines (array__line)
dca_color (series__color)
show_dca_lines (series__bool)
atr_value (series__float)
atr_value_at_activation (series__float)
use_cooldown_bars (series__bool)
cooldown_bars (series__integer)
cooldown_bar_changed (series__bool)
cooldown_bar_index (series__integer)
cooldown_bar_index_prior (series__integer)
cooldown_bar_change_count (series__integer)
expire_condition_activate_value (series__string)
expire_condition_source (series__float)
expire_condition_source_prior (series__float)
expire_compare_source (series__float)
expire_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_expire_compare_source (series__bool)
expire_condition_operator (series__string)
disabled (series__bool)
id (series__string)
group (series__string)
exit_for_entries (series__string)
exit_for_groups (series__string)
total_bars (series__integer)
name (series__string)
condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_override_default_condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_operator (series__string)
dynamic_condition_source (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source (series__float)
dynamic_condition_source_prior (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_dynamic_compare_source (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_activate_value (series__string)
activate (series__bool)
active (series__bool)
reset_equity (series__bool)
use_limit (series__bool)
use_alerts (series__bool)
reset_entry_cooldowns (series__bool)
prevent_new_entries_on_partial_close (series__bool)
show_activation_zone (series__bool)
use_average_position (series__bool)
source_value (series__float)
trigger_x_times (series__integer)
amount_of_times_triggered (series__integer)
quantity_percent (series__float)
trade_qty (series__float)
exit_amount (series__float)
entries_exiting_for (array__|entry_position|#OBJ)
atr_value (series__float)
update_atr (series__bool)
use_activate_after_bars (series__bool)
show_activate_after_bars (series__bool)
activate_after_bars (series__integer)
activate_after_bars_bar_changed (series__bool)
activate_after_bars_bar_index (series__integer)
activate_after_bars_bar_index_prior (series__integer)
activate_after_bars_bar_change_count (series__integer)
all_conditions_pass (series__bool)
use_close_if_profit_only (series__bool)
profit_value (series__float)
exit_type (series__string)
exit_modifier (series__string)
update_atr_with_new_pyramid (series__bool)
percentage (series__float)
activation_percentage (series__float)
atr_multiplier (series__float)
use_cancel_if_percent (series__bool)
cancel_if_percent (series__float)
activation_value (series__float)
activation_value_crossed (series__bool)
exit_value (series__float)
hypo_long_exit_value (series__float)
hypo_short_exit_value (series__float)
close_exit_value (series__float)
debug (series__float)
expire_condition_activate_value (series__string)
expire_condition_source (series__float)
expire_condition_source_prior (series__float)
expire_compare_source (series__float)
expire_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_expire_compare_source (series__bool)
expire_condition_operator (series__string)
equity (series__float)
prior_equity (series__float)
position_used (series__float)
prior_position_used (series__float)
prevent_future_entries (series__bool)
minimum_order_size (series__float)
decimal_rounding_precision (series__integer)
direction (series__string)
show_order_info_in_comments (series__bool)
show_order_info_in_labels (series__bool)
allow_longs (series__bool)
allow_shorts (series__bool)
override_occured (series__bool)
flip_occured (series__bool)
num_concurrent_wins (series__integer)
num_concurrent_losses (series__integer)
first_entry (|entry_position|#OBJ)
num_win_trades (series__integer)
num_losing_trades (series__integer)
JapaneseCandlestickPatternsLibrary "JapaneseCandlestickPatterns"
Japanese Candlestick Patterns is a library of functions that enables the detection of popular Japanese candlestick patterns such as Doji, Hammer, and Engulfing, among others. The library provides a simple yet powerful way to analyze financial markets and make informed trading decisions. Japanese Candlestick Patterns library can help you identify potential trading opportunities.
isUpTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isUpTrend (bool)
isUpTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isUpTrend (bool)
isUpTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isUpTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isUpTrend (bool)
isUpTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isUpTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isUpTrend (bool)
isUpTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
isUpTrend (bool)
isDownTrend (bool)
gFancyMALibrary "gFancyMA"
printLbl(y, x, c, m, b, s)
y (float)
x (int)
c (color)
m (string)
b (bool)
s (string)
debugLibrary "debug"
Show Array or Matrix Elements In Table
Use anytime you want to see the elements in an array or a matrix displayed.
Effective debugger, particularly for strategies and complex logic structures.
Look in code to find instructions. Reach out if you need assistance.
Functionality includes:
Viewing the contents of an array or matrix on screen.
Track variables and variable updates using debug()
Track if and when local scopes fire using debugs()
Types Allowed:
debug(_col, _row, _name, _value, _msg, _ip)
Debug Variables in Matrix
_col (int) : (int) Assign Column
_row (int) : (int) Assign Row
_name (matrix) : (simple matrix) Matrix Name
_value (string) : (string) Assign variable as a string (str.tostring())
_msg (string)
_ip (int) : (int) (default 1) 1 for continuous updates. 2 for barstate.isnew updates. 3 for barstate.isconfirmed updates. -1 to only add once
Returns: Returns Variable _value output and _msg formatted as '_msg: variableOutput' in designated column and row
debug(_col, _row, _name, _value, _msg, _ip)
_col (int)
_row (int)
_name (matrix)
_value (float)
_msg (string)
_ip (int)
debug(_col, _row, _name, _value, _msg, _ip)
_col (int)
_row (int)
_name (matrix)
_value (int)
_msg (string)
_ip (int)
debug(_col, _row, _name, _value, _msg, _ip)
_col (int)
_row (int)
_name (matrix)
_value (bool)
_msg (string)
_ip (int)
debugs(_col, _row, _name, _msg)
Debug Scope in Matrix - Identify When Scope Is Accessed
_col (int) : (int) Column Number
_row (int) : (int) Row Number
_name (matrix) : (simple matrix) Matrix Name
_msg (string) : (string) Message
Returns: Message appears in debug panel using _col/_row as the identifier
viewArray(_arrayName, _pos, _txtSize, _tRows, s_index, s_border, _rowCol, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
Array Element Display (Supports float , int , string , and bool )
_arrayName (float ) : ID of Array to be Displayed
_pos (string) : Position for Table
_txtSize (string) : Size of Table Cell Text
_tRows (int) : Number of Rows to Display Data In (columns will be calculated accordingly)
s_index (bool) : (Optional. Default True.) Show/Hide Index Numbers
s_border (bool) : (Optional. Default False.) Show/Hide Border
_rowCol (string)
bCol (color) : = (Optional. Default Black.) Frame/Border Color.
_fillCond (bool) : (Optional) Conditional statement. Function displays array only when true. For instances where size is not immediately known or indices are na. Default = true, indicating array size is set at bar_index 0.
_offset (int) : (Optional) Use to view historical array states. Default = 0, displaying realtime bar.
Returns: A Display of Array Values in a Table
viewArray(_arrayName, _pos, _txtSize, _tRows, s_index, s_border, _rowCol, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_arrayName (int )
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
_tRows (int)
s_index (bool)
s_border (bool)
_rowCol (string)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
viewArray(_arrayName, _pos, _txtSize, _tRows, s_index, s_border, _rowCol, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_arrayName (string )
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
_tRows (int)
s_index (bool)
s_border (bool)
_rowCol (string)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
viewArray(_arrayName, _pos, _txtSize, _tRows, s_index, s_border, _rowCol, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_arrayName (bool )
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
_tRows (int)
s_index (bool)
s_border (bool)
_rowCol (string)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
viewMatrix(_matrixName, _pos, _txtSize, s_index, _resetIdx, s_border, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
Matrix Element Display (Supports , , , and )
_matrixName (matrix) : ID of Matrix to be Displayed
_pos (string) : Position for Table
_txtSize (string) : Size of Table Cell Text
s_index (bool) : (Optional. Default True.) Show/Hide Index Numbers
_resetIdx (bool)
s_border (bool) : (Optional. Default False.) Show/Hide Border
bCol (color) : = (Optional. Default Black.) Frame/Border Color.
_fillCond (bool) : (Optional) Conditional statement. Function displays matrix only when true. For instances where size is not immediately known or indices are na. Default = true, indicating matrix size is set at bar_index 0.
_offset (int) : (Optional) Use to view historical matrix states. Default = 0, displaying realtime bar.
Returns: A Display of Matrix Values in a Table
viewMatrix(_matrixName, _pos, _txtSize, s_index, _resetIdx, s_border, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_matrixName (matrix)
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
s_index (bool)
_resetIdx (bool)
s_border (bool)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
viewMatrix(_matrixName, _pos, _txtSize, s_index, _resetIdx, s_border, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_matrixName (matrix)
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
s_index (bool)
_resetIdx (bool)
s_border (bool)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
viewMatrix(_matrixName, _pos, _txtSize, s_index, _resetIdx, s_border, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_matrixName (matrix)
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
s_index (bool)
_resetIdx (bool)
s_border (bool)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
ATR_InfoWhat Is the Average True Range (ATR)?
The average true range (ATR) is a technical analysis indicator, introduced by market technician J. Welles Wilder Jr. in his book New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems, that measures market volatility by decomposing the entire range of an asset price for that period.
Each instrument per unit of time passes its average value of the true range, but there are moments when the volatility explodes or abruptly decays, these phenomena introduce large distortions into the average value of the true range.
The ATR_WPB function calculates the average value of the true range for the specified number of bars, while excluding paranormally large and paranormally small bars from the calculation of the average.
For example, if the instrument has passed a small ATR value, then it has many chances to continue moving, but if the instrument has passed its ATR value, then the chances of continuing to move are extremely low.
Library "ATR_Info"
ATR_Info: Calculates ATR without paranormal bars
ATR_WPB(source, period, psmall, pbig)
ATR_WPB: Calculates ATR without paranormal bars
source (float) : ATR_WPB: (series float) The sequence of data on the basis of which the ATP calculation will be made
period (int) : ATR_WPB: (int) Sequence size for ATR calculation
psmall (float) : ATR_WPB: (float) Coefficient for paranormally small bar
pbig (float) : ATR_WPB: (float) Coefficient for paranormally big bar
Returns: ATR_WPB: (float) ATR without paranormal bars
CandlesGroup_TypesLibrary "CandlesGroup_Types"
CandlesGroup Type allows you to efficiently store and access properties of all the candles in your chart.
You can easily manipulate large datasets, work with multiple timeframes, or analyze multiple symbols simultaneously. By encapsulating the properties of each candle within a CandlesGroup object, you gain a convenient and organized way to handle complex candlestick patterns and data.
For usage instructions and detailed examples, please refer to the comments and examples provided in the source code.
method init(_self)
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup)
method init(_self, propertyNames)
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup)
propertyNames (string )
method get(_self, key)
get values array from a given property name
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
key (string) : : key name of selected property. Default is "index"
Returns: values array
method size(_self)
get size of values array. By default it equals to current bar_index
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
Returns: size of values array
method push(_self, key, value)
push single value to specific property
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
key (string) : : key name of selected property
value (float) : : property value
Returns: CandlesGroup object
method push(_self, arr)
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup)
arr (float )
method populate(_self, ohlc)
populate ohlc to CandlesGroup
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
ohlc (float ) : : array of ohlc
Returns: CandlesGroup object
method populate(_self, values, propertiesNames)
populate values base on given properties Names
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
values (float ) : : array of property values
propertiesNames (string ) : : an array stores property names. Use as keys to get values
Returns: CandlesGroup object
method populate(_self)
populate values (default setup)
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
Returns: CandlesGroup object
method lookback(arr, bars_lookback)
get property value on previous candles. For current candle, use *.lookback()
Namespace types: float
arr (float ) : : array of selected property values
bars_lookback (int) : : number of candles lookback. 0 = current candle. Default is 0
Returns: single property value
method highest_within_bars(_self, hiSource, start, end, useIndex)
get the highest property value between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
hiSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
Returns: the highest value within candles
method highest_within_bars(_self, returnWithIndex, hiSource, start, end, useIndex)
get the highest property value and bar index between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
returnWithIndex (bool) : : the function only applicable when it is true
hiSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
method highest_point_within_bars(_self, hiSource, start, end, useIndex)
get a Point object which contains highest property value between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
hiSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
Returns: Point object contains highest property value
method lowest_within_bars(_self, loSource, start, end, useIndex)
get the lowest property value between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
loSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
Returns: the lowest value within candles
method lowest_within_bars(_self, returnWithIndex, loSource, start, end, useIndex)
get the lowest property value and bar index between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
returnWithIndex (bool) : : the function only applicable when it is true
loSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
method lowest_point_within_bars(_self, loSource, start, end, useIndex)
get a Point object which contains lowest property value between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
loSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
Returns: Point object contains lowest property value
method time2bar(_self, t)
Convert UNIX time to bar index of active chart
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
t (int) : : UNIX time
Returns: bar index
method time2bar(_self, timezone, YYYY, MMM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
Convert timestamp to bar index of active chart. User defined timezone required
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
timezone (string) : : User defined timezone
YYYY (int) : : Year
MMM (int) : : Month
DD (int) : : Day
hh (int) : : Hour. Default is 0
mm (int) : : Minute. Default is 0
ss (int) : : Second. Default is 0
Returns: bar index
method time2bar(_self, YYYY, MMM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
Convert timestamp to bar index of active chart
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
YYYY (int) : : Year
MMM (int) : : Month
DD (int) : : Day
hh (int) : : Hour. Default is 0
mm (int) : : Minute. Default is 0
ss (int) : : Second. Default is 0
Returns: bar index
method get_prop_from_time(_self, key, t)
get single property value from UNIX time
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
key (string) : : key name of selected property
t (int) : : UNIX time
Returns: single property value
method get_prop_from_time(_self, key, timezone, YYYY, MMM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
get single property value from timestamp. User defined timezone required
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
key (string) : : key name of selected property
timezone (string) : : User defined timezone
YYYY (int) : : Year
MMM (int) : : Month
DD (int) : : Day
hh (int) : : Hour. Default is 0
mm (int) : : Minute. Default is 0
ss (int) : : Second. Default is 0
Returns: single property value
method get_prop_from_time(_self, key, YYYY, MMM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
get single property value from timestamp
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
key (string) : : key name of selected property
YYYY (int) : : Year
MMM (int) : : Month
DD (int) : : Day
hh (int) : : Hour. Default is 0
mm (int) : : Minute. Default is 0
ss (int) : : Second. Default is 0
Returns: single property value
method bar2time(_self, index)
Convert bar index of active chart to UNIX time
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
index (int) : : bar index
Returns: UNIX time
A point on chart
price (series float) : : price value
bar (series int) : : bar index
bartime (series int) : : time in UNIX format of bar
Property object which contains values of all candles
name (series string) : : name of property
values (float ) : : an array stores values of all candles. Size of array = bar_index
Candles Group object which contains properties of all candles
propertyNames (string ) : : an array stores property names. Use as keys to get values
properties (Property ) : : array of Property objects
gFancyMALibrary "GalacticS2021"
printLbl(y, x, c, m, b)
y (float)
x (int)
c (color)
m (string)
b (bool)
lib_zigLibrary "lib_zig"
Object oriented implementation of ZigZag
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
date_format (simple string)
method update(this)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
method draw(this, colors)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
colors (PivotColors type from robbatt/lib_pivot/19)
max_pivots (series__integer)
hldata (|robbatt/lib_pivot/19;HLData|#OBJ)
pivots (array__|robbatt/lib_pivot/19;Pivot|#OBJ)
lib_pivotLibrary "lib_pivot"
Object oriented implementation of Pivot methods.
method tostring(this)
Converts HLData to a json string representation
Namespace types: HLData
this (HLData) : HLData
Returns: string representation of Pivot
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
date_format (simple string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
date_format (simple string)
method get_color(this, mode)
Namespace types: PivotColors
this (PivotColors)
mode (int)
method get_label_text(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method direction(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method same_direction_as(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method exceeds(this, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
price (float)
method exceeds(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method exceeded_by(this, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
price (float)
method exceeded_by(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method retracement_ratio(this, lastPivot, sec_lastPivot)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
lastPivot (Pivot)
sec_lastPivot (Pivot)
ratio_target(sec_lastPivot, lastPivot, target_ratio)
sec_lastPivot (Pivot)
lastPivot (Pivot)
target_ratio (float)
method update(this, ref_highest, ref_lowest)
Namespace types: HLData
this (HLData)
ref_highest (float)
ref_lowest (float)
method update(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price, prev)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
prev (Pivot)
method create_next(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
HLData wraps the data received from ta.highest, ta.highestbars, ta.lowest, ta.lowestbars, as well as the reference sources
length (series int) : lookback length for pivot points
highest_offset (series int) : offset to highest value bar
lowest_offset (series int) : offset to lowest value bar
highest (series float) : highest value within lookback bars
lowest (series float) : lowest value within lookback bars
new_highest (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new highest high at the last (current) bar of set period (length)
new_lowest (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new lowest low at the last (current) bar of set period (length)
new_highest_fractal (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new fractal high at the center of set period (length)
new_lowest_fractal (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new fractal low at the center of set period (length)
Pivot colors for different modes
hh (series color) : Color for Pivot mode 2 (HH)
lh (series color) : Color for Pivot mode 1 (LH)
hl (series color) : Color for Pivot mode -1 (HL)
ll (series color) : Color for Pivot mode -2 (LL)
Pivot additional pivot data around basic Point
point (Point type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/5)
mode (series int) : can be -2/-1/1/2 for LL/HL/LH/HH
price_movement (series float) : The price difference between this and the previous pivot point in the opposite direction
retracement_ratio (series float) : The ratio between this price_movement and the previous
prev (Pivot)
Global_Public_Holidays_23_24Library "Global_Public_Holidays_23_24"
lib_plot_objectsLibrary "lib_plot_objects"
library wrapping basic builtin object constructors, to be able to do calculations with points/lines/boxes/triangles/polygons via libraries and on securities. inspired by Trendoscope's ( and ) with added update mechanism to not have to recreate objects on every iteration for continously drawn items, automated xloc selection for coordinates, compatibility check for Points, added Triangle and Polygon types, object reflection via tostring to valid json (logging via webhook)
method assert_same_xloc(a, b, test)
checks two points for compatibility, i.e. having the same xloc
Namespace types: Point
a (Point)
b (Point)
test (Test type from robbatt/lib_unit/6)
method assert_same_xloc(a, b, test)
checks two lines for compatibility, i.e. having the same xloc
Namespace types: Line
a (Line)
b (Line)
test (Test type from robbatt/lib_unit/6)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: LineArgs
args (LineArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: LabelArgs
args (LabelArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: BoxArgs
args (BoxArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: BoxTextArgs
args (BoxTextArgs)
method x(point, xloc)
automatically returns the correct x coordinate, based on the point's set xloc
Namespace types: Point
point (Point)
xloc (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Point
this (Point )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: LineArgs
this (LineArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: LabelArgs
this (LabelArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: BoxArgs
this (BoxArgs)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: BoxTextArgs
this (BoxTextArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill )
date_format (string)
method create_center(points)
Namespace types: Point
points (Point )
method create_center(this, other)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
method create_center(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method create_line(this, other, args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
args (LineArgs)
method create_triangle(this, b, c, args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
b (Point)
c (Point)
args (LineArgs)
method create_triangle(this, c)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
c (Point)
method create_box(this, other, txt, args, text_args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
txt (string)
args (BoxArgs)
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
method create_box(this, txt, args, text_args)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
txt (string)
args (BoxArgs)
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
method create_polygon(points, args)
Namespace types: Point
points (Point )
args (LineArgs)
method create_polygon(start, others, args)
Namespace types: Point
start (Point)
others (Point )
args (LineArgs)
method create_fill(this, other, fill_color)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
other (Line)
fill_color (color)
method create_fill(this, fill_color)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
fill_color (color)
method create_fill(this, fill_color)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
fill_color (color)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method update(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
method update(this, update)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
update (Point)
method update(this, point)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
point (Point)
method update(this, start, end)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
start (Point)
end (Point)
method update(this, left_top, right_bottom)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
left_top (Point)
right_bottom (Point)
method update(this, a, b, c)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
a (Point)
b (Point)
c (Point)
method update(this, points)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
points (Point )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill )
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
bar_time (series int) : time based x coordinate
bar_idx (series int) : bar index based x coordinate
price (series float) : price based y coordinate
xloc (series string) : To select if x coordinate is represented by bar_idx or bar_time. Possible values: xloc.bar_index and xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index.
text_color (series color) : Text color.
bg_color (series color) : Color of the label border and arrow.
text_font_family (series string) : The font family of the text. Optional. The default value is font.family_default. Possible values: font.family_default, font.family_monospace.
yloc (series string) : Possible values are yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar. If yloc=yloc.price, y argument specifies the price of the label position. If yloc=yloc.abovebar, label is located above bar. If yloc=yloc.belowbar, label is located below bar. Default is yloc.price.
style (series string) : Label style. Possible values: label.style_none, label.style_xcross, label.style_cross, label.style_triangleup, label.style_triangledown, label.style_flag, label.style_circle, label.style_arrowup, label.style_arrowdown, label.style_label_up, label.style_label_down, label.style_label_left, label.style_label_right, label.style_label_lower_left, label.style_label_lower_right, label.style_label_upper_left, label.style_label_upper_right, label.style_label_center, label.style_square, label.style_diamond, label.style_text_outline. Default is label.style_label_down.
size (series string) : Label size. Possible values: size.auto, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge. Default value is size.normal.
text_align (series string) : Label text alignment. Possible values: text.align_left, text.align_center, text.align_right. Default value is text.align_center.
point (Point) : The Label coordinates
txt (series string) : Label text. Default is empty string.
args (LabelArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for label.new()
tooltip (series string) : Hover to see tooltip label.
plot (series label) : The label object to be added and plotted via draw()
line_color (series color) : Line color.
style (series string) : Line style. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both.
width (series int) : Line width in pixels.
extend (series string) : f extend=extend.none, draws segment starting at point (x1, y1) and ending at point (x2, y2). If extend is equal to extend.right or extend.left, draws a ray starting at point (x1, y1) or (x2, y2), respectively. If extend=extend.both, draws a straight line that goes through these points. Default value is extend.none.
start (Point) : starting point of the line
end (Point)
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for line.new()
plot (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
a (Line) : The first Line object
b (Line) : The second Line object
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot (series linefill) : The linefill object to be added and plotted via draw()
border_color (series color) : Color of the four borders. Optional. The default is color.blue.
border_width (series int) : Width of the four borders, in pixels. Optional. The default is 1 pixel.
border_style (series string) : Style of the four borders. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed. Optional. The default value is line.style_solid.
bg_color (series color) : Background color of the box. Optional. The default is color.blue.
extend (series string) : When extend.none is used, the horizontal borders start at the left border and end at the right border. With extend.left or extend.right, the horizontal borders are extended indefinitely to the left or right of the box, respectively. With extend.both, the horizontal borders are extended on both sides. Optional. The default value is extend.none.
text_color (series color) : The color of the text. Optional. The default is color.black.
text_size (series string) : The size of the text. An optional parameter, the default value is size.auto. Possible values: size.auto, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge.
text_halign (series string) : The horizontal alignment of the box's text. Optional. The default value is text.align_center. Possible values: text.align_left, text.align_center, text.align_right.
text_valign (series string) : The vertical alignment of the box's text. Optional. The default value is text.align_center. Possible values: text.align_top, text.align_center, text.align_bottom.
text_wrap (series string) : Defines whether the text is presented in a single line, extending past the width of the box if necessary, or wrapped so every line is no wider than the box itself (and clipped by the bottom border of the box if the height of the resulting wrapped text is higher than the height of the box). Optional. The default value is text.wrap_none. Possible values: text.wrap_none, text.wrap_auto.
text_font_family (series string) : The font family of the text. Optional. The default value is font.family_default. Possible values: font.family_default, font.family_monospace.
left_top (Point) : top-left corner of the box
right_bottom (Point) : bottom-right corner of the box
txt (series string) : The text to be displayed inside the box. Optional. The default is empty string.
args (BoxArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for box.new()
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
plot (series box) : The box object to be added and plotted via draw()
a (Point) : first Corner
b (Point) : second Corner
c (Point) : third Corner
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for line.new()
plot_ab (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
plot_ac (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
plot_bc (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
triangle (Triangle) : The Triangle object
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot (series linefill) : The linefill object to be added and plotted via draw()
points (Point ) : array of points that make up the Polygon
center (Point) : Center point of the Polygon, can be used for a label and will be center for PolygonFill
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for line.new()
plot (line ) : An array of Lines that form Polygon Border
poly (Polygon) : the Polygon
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot_segments (line ) : An array of helper lines to create linefills
plot_fills (linefill ) : An array of linefills that cover the Polygon surface
lib_drawing_compositesLibrary "lib_drawing_composites"
methods to draw and manage composite obejects. Based on Trendoscope's added Triangle and Polygon composite objects, fixed tostring method output to be actual json
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/LineProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/LineProperties object
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/LineProperties
method tostring(this, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/LabelProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.LineProperties
this (LineProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/LabelProperties object
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/LabelProperties
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/BoxProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.Line
this (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/BoxProperties object
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/BoxProperties
method tostring(this, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/BoxText object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.LabelProperties
this (LabelProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/BoxText object
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/BoxText
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/TriangleProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.Label
this (Label type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/TriangleProperties object
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/TriangleProperties
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: D.Linefill
this (Linefill type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, pretty)
Namespace types: D.BoxProperties
this (BoxProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, pretty)
Namespace types: D.BoxText
this (BoxText type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: D.Box
this (Box type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.TriangleProperties
this (TriangleProperties type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this, is_polygon_section)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
is_polygon_section (bool)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this, is_polygon)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
is_polygon (bool)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method createCenter(this, other)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
other (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createCenter(this)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createCenter(this, other1, other2)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
other1 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
other2 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createLabel(this, labeltext, tooltip, properties)
Namespace types: D.Line
this (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
labeltext (string)
tooltip (string)
properties (LabelProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createLabel(this, labeltext, tooltip, properties)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
labeltext (string)
tooltip (string)
properties (LabelProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createTriangle(this, p2, p3, properties)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
p2 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
p3 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
properties (TriangleProperties type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method createTrianglefill(this, fill_color, transparency)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
fill_color (color)
transparency (int)
method createPolygonfill(this, fill_color, transparency)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
fill_color (color)
transparency (int)
method createPolygon(points, properties)
Namespace types: D.Point
points (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
properties (TriangleProperties type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
lib_drawing_composite_typesLibrary "lib_drawing_composite_types"
User Defined Types for basic drawing structure. Other types and methods will be built on these. (added type Triangle and Polygon to )
TriangleProperties object
border_color (series color) : Box border color. Default is color.blue
fill_color (series color) : Fill color
fill_transparency (series int)
border_width (series int) : Box border width. Default is 1
border_style (series string) : Box border style. Default is line.style_solid
xloc (series string) : defines if drawing needs to be done based on bar index or time. default is xloc.bar_index
Triangle object
p1 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : point one
p2 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : point two
p3 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : point three
properties (TriangleProperties) : Triangle properties
l12 (series line) : line object created
l23 (series line) : line object created
l31 (series line) : line object created
Trianglefill object
triangle (Triangle) : to create a linefill for
fill_color (series color) : Fill color
transparency (series int) : Fill transparency range from 0 to 100
object (series linefill) : linefill object created
Polygon object
center (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : Point that triangles are using as common center
triangles (Triangle ) : an array of triangles that form the Polygon
Polygonfill object
_polygon (Polygon) : to create a fill for
_fills (Trianglefill ) : an array of Trianglefill objects that match the array of triangles in _polygon
CalendarCadLibrary "CalendarCad"
This library provides date and time data of the important events on CAD. Data source is csv exported from www.fxstreet.com and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
CAD high impact news date and time from 2015 to 2023
CalendarEurLibrary "CalendarEur"
This library provides date and time data of the important events on EUR. Data source is csv exported from www.fxstreet.com and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
EUR high impact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
EUR high impact news date and time from 2020 to 2023
CalendarGbpLibrary "CalendarGbp"
This library provides date and time data of the important events on GBP. Data source is csv exported from www.fxstreet.com and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
GBP high impact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
GBP high impact news date and time from 2020 to 2023
CalendarJpyLibrary "CalendarJpy"
This library provides date and time data of the important events on JPY. Data source is csv exported from www.fxstreet.com and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
JPY high impact news date and time from 2015 to 2023
CalendarUsdLibrary "CalendarUsd"
This library provides date and time data of the important events on USD. Data source is csv exported from www.fxstreet.com and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
USD high impact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
USD high impact news date and time from 2020 to 2023
NewsEventsGbpLibrary "NewsEventsGbp"
This library provides date and time data of the high imact news events on GBP. Data source is csv exported from www.fxstreet.com and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
GBP high imact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
GBP high imact news date and time from 2020 to 2023
NewsEventsEurLibrary "NewsEventsEur"
This library provides date and time data of the high imact news events on EUR. Data source is csv exported from www.fxstreet.com and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
EUR high imact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
EUR high imact news date and time from 2020 to 2023