A Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) tool that manages investments based on customizable risk levels. Features include:
Risk-based investment sizing Vault system for deposit management Daily/Weekly/Monthly investment options Configurable profit-taking rules Visual buy/sell indicators
The strategy uses buy multipliers to control position sizing. At lower risk levels (e.g., 0.1), higher multipliers (4x) enable larger purchases. As risk increases (e.g., 0.7), reduced multipliers (1x) limit market exposure, creating a dynamic DCA strategy that adapts to market conditions. The sell mechanism activates at higher risk levels with configurable percentage-based exits. For example, you can set 30% sell at risk level 0.8 and 70% at 0.9, creating a graduated exit strategy.
Profits automatically flow back into the vault system for reinvestment. If the vault is already topped up, profits are being taken out of the system.
Setup: Connect your chosen risk model via the risk indicator field and configure the minimum/maximum risk values. For example, when using Bitcoin Top Indicator by Da_Prof, set the Max. Risk Value to 12.
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