Jsa Moving Average [CC]

The Jsa Moving Average was created by George R. Arrington, Ph .D. (Stocks & Commodities V. 11:10 (427-431)) and it is an extremely simple formula but has very many great uses. For one thing it acts as support and resistance levels and it also acts like a trailing stop. It gives a wide enough berth during extended up or down trends to let you ride the wave up or down and when it gets close to the price it means that it is a choppy market. Buy when the indicator line is green and sell when it turns red.

Let me know if you would like to see me publish other indicators or if you want something custom done!

Note: I'm republishing this because the original script couldn't be found in searches so this will fix that.
fixed issue with default resolution
JMAMoving AveragesSupport and ResistancetrailingstoptrendTrend AnalysistrendcontinuationtrendfollowingTrend Line Breaktrendtrading

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