MM-Burj Khalifa Indicator

This indicator uses several signals to visualize a "perfect candle" to enter a trade.
It colors the background to identify the zones of interest (multiple configurable high or low RSI zones). Underlying is a trendbar with the current MACD direction.
The indicator is using signals of:
--AD and DMI+/DMI-
When all 7 criterias are met it highlights the candle.
It also creates different colums with different height and width, so that you can see which signal is OK and which is maybe missing. When all signals are on GO you'll see a Burj-Khalifa-like figure. If not all signals are on GO you'see crippled versions.
To be clear:
it's not intended to detect trends or supertrends or reversals. It's purpose it's just to decide if this current candle is really going in the right direction.
The Burj-Khalifa indicator could help to confirm the entry point of an trade which was already planned.

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